October 22-28, 2024

Updates and news for the week of October 22-28, 2024

The UTC Campus Weekly newsletter is distributed every Tuesday morning. If you have news, events or announcements you would like shared with campus, please submit your information to peyton-l-schultz@utc.edu or chuck-wasserstrom@utc.edu in the Division of Communications and Marketing by 3 p.m. on Friday for placement in the following Tuesday’s newsletter.

UTC News  UTC Events Calendar  |  Campus Updates

Click here to view this week’s newsletter in your browser


And they lived … Scrappy Ever After

With a week of “Scrappy Every After” themed events, this year’s UTC Homecoming Week activities will be nothing short of a fairytale.

Numerous campus departments have prepared activities to bring students, alumni, faculty and staff together to feel the UTC school spirit. Follow @utchomecoming and visit utc.edu/homecoming to see the full schedule of events.

For questions, email kidron-bullock@utc.edu.

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Food Fight

Show your campus pride during Homecoming and help restock Scrappy’s Cupboard Food pantry by joining our Homecoming Week food fight through Saturday, Oct. 26, with UTC student organizations and offices going head-to-head in a competition to collect donations for Scrappy’s Cupboard.

At the end of Homecoming Week, the organization and campus department that donates the most will receive recognition on our Scrappy’s Cupboard Food Fight Plaque and a small gift of appreciation from Scrappy’s Cupboard.

No group but want to give back? Individuals may donate to Scrappy’s Cupboard through the UC Foundation or Amazon Wishlist. Contact scrappyscupboard@utc.edu with questions.

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Election 2024 preparation series

As we approach a critical time in our democratic process, it is important that our University community explore ways to increase civic participation, foster productive dialogue and find common ground. Over the coming weeks, the Election Preparation Series will feature several panels related to the voting process, election administration and the current dynamics of the presidential and congressional campaigns.

  • Wednesday, Oct. 23, Polling and state of the race, noon-1 p.m., Derthick Lecture Hall 201
  • Wednesday, Nov. 6, Post-election wrap-up, noon-1 p.m., UC Auditorium
  • Wednesday, Nov. 20, Post-election wrap-up, noon-1 p.m., UC Auditorium

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Groundbreaking Event taking place Nov. 4

The campus community is invited to attend the groundbreaking for the Dorothy and Jim Kennedy Health Sciences Building––the future home of the UTC School of Nursing––at 3 p.m. on Monday, Nov. 4, at the corner of East 3rd and Palmetto streets. Register to attend here.

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October is Cybersecurity Awareness Month

A friendly reminder from the IT Security team:

Beware of cyber ghosts! Just like the classic Halloween tales, the internet has its fair share of ghoulish threats. Here are some spine-tingling tips to keep your digital life secure:

  • Don’t be haunted by weak passwords: Create strong, unique passwords for each of your accounts. Use a mix of letters, numbers and symbols to keep those cyber-spirits at bay.
  • Beware of phishing: Don’t let fake emails lure you into their traps. Always check the sender’s address and think twice before clicking on any links.
  • Keep your software from turning into a zombie: Update your devices and applications regularly to close any security gaps.
  • Two-factor authentication: Enable 2FA for an extra layer of protection. It’s like having a trusty sidekick to fend off the digital monsters.

Stay informed and don’t fall for tricks!

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DASH System Launch

Prepare for the DASH system launch in January with K@TE Training Sessions. Employees will receive their first introduction to DASH through K@TE, the University’s online training platform. These sessions offer a foundational look at key processes and outline important DASH terminology.

A Business Readiness Day on Tuesday, Oct. 29, will focus on two crucial areas.

  • Human Resources (HCM), 1:30 p.m.
  • Finance (ERP), 2:30 p.m.

Each session will provide targeted training to ensure employees are prepared for the upcoming transition.

Outstanding People of UTC

Dr. Tian Li

Dr. Tian Li

Congratulations to UTC faculty and staff who received awards or submitted proposals for sponsored programs in September. The Office of Research and Sponsored Programs announced that faculty and staff attracted $4,287,706 in external grant and contract awards during those two summer months and submitted proposals for the potential to generate over $2,857,637 in external funding if awarded.

Among those receiving awards in September was a group led by Dr. Tian Li (UTC Research Institute), Dr. Tatiana Allen (Chemistry and Physics), Dr. Christopher Cox (Mathematics), Dr. Yu Liang (Computer Science and Engineering), Dr. Reinhold Mann (Vice Chancellor for Research) and Dr. Donald Reising (Electrical Engineering), who received $3,500,000 from the National Institute of Standards and Technology for the project titled “UTC Quantum Center.”

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Collaborators on the new Erlanger Acute Care Physical Therapy Residency with UTC include Erlanger PT team lead and UTC alum Alexis Bennett, left, and Dr. Stephanie Eton, assistant professor of practice in the UTC Department of Physical Therapy and director of residency education.

Collaborators on the new Erlanger Acute Care Physical Therapy Residency with UTC include Erlanger PT team lead and UTC alum Alexis Bennett, left, and Dr. Stephanie Eton, assistant professor of practice in the UTC Department of Physical Therapy and director of residency education.

For the first time, the UTC Department of Physical Therapy includes a post-doctoral residency. The newly created Erlanger Acute Care Physical Therapy Residency involves licensed physical therapist residents serving as clinical instructors for UTC physical therapy students during clinical rotations and assisting with teaching didactic coursework in the University’s Doctor of Physical Therapy (DPT) program—with an emphasis on acute care. The residency curriculum, developed collaboratively by Erlanger clinicians and UTC faculty, includes both live patient care and didactic instruction.

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The Recidivism Reduction Initiative principal investigators from UTC include (from left) criminal justice faculty members Dr. Andrew Denney, Dr. Rick Dierenfeldt, Dr. Gale Iles and Dr. Sherah Basham.

The Recidivism Reduction Initiative principal investigators from UTC include (from left) criminal justice faculty members Dr. Andrew Denney, Dr. Rick Dierenfeldt, Dr. Gale Iles and Dr. Sherah Basham.

A UTC Criminal Justice collaboration with Hamilton County Alternative Sentencing Programs involving faculty members Dr. Rick Dierenfeldt, Dr. Andrew Denney, Dr. Gale Iles and Dr. Sherah Basham recently landed an $844,294 grant from the U.S. Department of Justice’s Bureau of Justice Assistance. The Recidivism Reduction Initiative, a three-year project, is designed to improve public safety by reducing recidivism rates among justice-involved individuals in Hamilton County’s misdemeanor supervision programs.

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The Athletics Department introduced the newest members of its Hall of Fame last Friday during the Class of 2024 induction ceremony/banquet at the Chattanooga Golf and County Club.  The inductees: Kim Bush Franklin (women’s basketball, 1985-86), Jim Foster (women’s basketball head coach, 2014-18), Brooke Loudermilk Hodge (softball, 2007-10), Greg Moore (football, 1983-86), Derek Rende (men’s golf, 2007-10) and Kathleen Turchin (cross country/track and field, 2003-07).  Also receiving recognition are Hall of Fame special award winners Eddie and Kathy O’Brien (Gordon Davenport Award), Quonta Vance (Joe Morrison Award), Neva Clark (Scrappy Moore Award) and Bud Hennebaul (Harold Wilkes Award).

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Check out these Mocs making news:

  • The UTC Interior Architecture and Design program’s implementation of the Council for Interior Design Qualification’s national examination was recognized and highlighted by CIDQ. The program now requires all graduating seniors to apply for and take the IDFX portion of the NCIDQ exam as a part of their curriculum. “This has the potential to be a game-changer for our students and a positive contribution to the profession,” Professor Dana Moody said.
  • Amy Kyriakidis, assistant director for suicide education and prevention, was interviewed by Tennessee Firefly after being recognized by the Tennessee Suicide Prevention Network for her contributions to suicide prevention.
  • Assistant Professor of Criminal Justice Andrew Denney was interviewed by NewsChannel 9 about UTC’s involvement with Hamilton County’s Recidivism Reduction Initiative.

Mark Your Calendar

Photo courtesy of Ray Soldano/GoMocs.com

Photo courtesy of Ray Soldano/GoMocs.com

This week’s Mocs home athletics calendar:

  • Thursday, Oct. 24: Volleyball vs. Wofford, Maclellan Gym, 6 p.m.
  • Saturday, Oct. 26: Football vs. VMI, Finley Stadium, 4 p.m.
  • Saturday, Oct. 26: Wrestling Blue-Gold Match, Maclellan Gym
  • Saturday, Oct. 26: Men’s Tennis Alumni Event, UTC Tennis Complex
  • Saturday, Oct. 26: Women’s Tennis Alumni Event, UTC Tennis Complex
  • Sunday, Oct. 27: Soccer vs. Western Carolina, Finley Stadium, 2 p.m.

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Unlock your potential and elevate your professional growth by attending Graduate School professional development workshops. Each workshop will be held in the UTC Library room 435. Snacks, refreshments and giveaways will be available for attendees. Registration for each workshop is required. Register here.

  • Today, Oct. 22, Interviews, 4-5 p.m. Creating a Lasting Impression: Tips and tricks on how to prepare for and respond to interview questions that help you stand out and win the job.

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The Gary W. Rollins College of Business will hold virtual information sessions about UTC’s Master of Business Administration, MS Management, MS Data Analytics, Master of Accountancy, and Business Analytics Certificate graduate programs. The Rollins College of Business graduate degree programs provide flexible course options and career advancement resources to advance your education and elevate your career!

MSDA Information Sessions

MBA Information Sessions

MSM Information Sessions

Business Analytics Certificate Information Session

MAcc Information Sessions

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Information sessions are taking place for the spring 2025 study abroad course, Doing Business in The Balkans, which is open to all UTC students. The course has no prerequisites and includes a two-week international study trip to The Balkans, visiting Albania, Greece and Turkey (tentatively scheduled for May 4-17).

The Balkans course is led by Dr. Beni Asllani, department head of Data Analytics and a native of Albania.

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Three mental health ally training workshops will take place today, Oct. 22, in the Center for Wellbeing Lounge in the University Center. The workshops to become a mental health ally are available for free to all UTC staff, faculty and students. Descriptions of the workshops are available at utc.edu/wellbeing.

  • 11 a.m.-noon: QPR (Question, Persuade, Refer)
  • Noon-1 p.m.: C-SSRS (Columbia Suicide Scale)
  • 1-2 p.m.: Psychological First Aid/SAFE-R

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From 11 a.m.-2 p.m. on Wednesday, Oct. 23, join the Center for Wellbeing for “Happy Scrappy Friendships Ever After” on Chamberlain Field. Enjoy Crumbl cookies, popcorn, yard games, music and a table for making friendship bracelets. “Happy Scrappy Friendships Ever After” is an opportunity for new and current students to introduce themselves to one another. This event involves handing out name tags to students, faculty and staff and encouraging them to say “hey” to each other.

  • The event will include an inflatable jail escape room. Escape rooms are a great way to challenge your critical thinking, teamwork and problem-solving skills while having fun with other UTC students. The idea of trying to “bust out of jail” in just 10 minutes adds an intense, adrenaline-filled atmosphere, making every second count as you decipher clues and puzzles.

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The Tennessee Criminal Appellate Court will be hearing three cases on the UTC campus (Library Fourth Floor Reading Room) on Wednesday, Oct. 23—at 10 a.m., 11 a.m. and 1 p.m.—with the presenting lawyers providing a brief Q&A session for students after each hearing. The campus is invited to attend this unique event. Click here to view the docket brochure.

Judge Tom Greenholtz, a UTC alum and adjunct professor, will be one of the three presiding judges.

For more information or details about the cases, please contact Michelle D. Deardorff, Adolph S. Ochs Professor of Government, at Michelle-Deardorff@utc.edu.

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The Meacham Writers’ Workshop will be hosting 2013 UTC alum Jared Sullivan on Wednesday, Oct. 23, for a pair of events linked to the launch of his new book, “Valley So Low.”

Sullivan will give a talk on editing and pitching—and participate in a Q&A—from 2:30-4 p.m. in the Lupton Hall first floor common area. Refreshments will be provided and books will be available for purchase.

A reading and reception for “Valley So Low” will take place from 5-7 p.m. at ArtsBuild (301 E. 11th St.).

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Mocs Field Games are now open to students, faculty and staff. Join in on the fun of homecoming on Thursday, Oct. 24; get a team together of four to six people and bring your “A” game for the chance to win the Ultimate Tailgate Package at an upcoming Mocs football game. For more information or to sign up, click here.

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Join the Gary W. Rollins College of Business from 5:30-7:30 p.m. on Thursday, Oct. 24, in the University Center Auditorium for a review of education policy and a panel discussion featuring a variety of education specialists. The panel discussion will be moderated by Dr. Claudia Williamson Kramer and will also feature an opportunity for the audience to submit questions for the group.

This event is free, but registration is requested.

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Actors From The London Stage Present Shakespeare’s “Twelfth Night” Oct. 25-26 on the Roland Hayes Concert Hall stage.

Actors From The London Stage Present Shakespeare’s “Twelfth Night” Oct. 25-26 on the Roland Hayes Concert Hall stage.

The UTC Fine Arts Center will host Actors From The London Stage Present Shakespeare’s “Twelfth Night” on Friday, Oct. 25, and Saturday, Oct. 26. Click here for ticket information.

In conjunction with their visit, Dr. Andrew McCarthy, Department Head of English and Shakespeare scholar, has agreed to give a pop-up lecture for faculty and staff on “Twelfth Night” prior to the performances. We have room for 24 faculty and staff to participate.

His lecture will take place from 2-3 p.m. today (Oct. 22), in the UTC Library Southern Writer’s Room.  Registration at this link is limited to 24. Participants will receive two complimentary tickets to one of the performances and a copy of the play.

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Lt. Adam Emery, a UTC alum who oversees the homicide division at the Chattanooga Police Department, chats with UTC Criminal Justice Professor Sherah Basham about the University’s online bachelor’s degree program at the 2023 first-responder appreciation event. Photo by Charlie Reed.

Lt. Adam Emery, a UTC alum with the Chattanooga Police Department, chats with UTC Criminal Justice Professor Sherah Basham at the 2023 first-responder appreciation event. Photo by Charlie Reed.

The UTC Criminal Justice program is a sponsor for the 6th Annual First Responders Salute hosted by the Sinclair Broadcast Group of Chattanooga, taking place from 7 a.m.-1 p.m. on Monday, Oct. 28, at First Horizon Pavilion. This is our opportunity to honor and thank our Chattanooga-area first responders.

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Join the UTC Bookstore from 11 a.m.-5:30 p.m. on Monday, Oct. 28, and from 11 a.m.-3:30 p.m. on Tuesday, Oct. 29, in a celebration of our December 2024 graduates.

Stop by to learn more about Oakhall graduation regalia pickup or last-minute purchase availability, Josten’s ring and formal invitation ordering, and complimentary photography with the ability to order photos. Numerous departments will be attending to provide insight, advice and assistance for after graduation. Snacks and drinks will be available—and you can enter to win door prizes.

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The UTC Bookstore will host a Halloween De-Stress event from noon-4 p.m. on Thursday, Oct. 31, complete with corn hole, coloring books, board games, and arts and crafts.

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Join Donuts with the Dean, a meet and greet with the Graduate School, from 8:30-9:30 a.m. on Monday, Nov. 11, in the first floor lobby of Lupton Hall. Guests will have the opportunity to:

  • Connect with the Graduate School dean and staff
  • Learn more about advanced degrees at UTC
  • Discover valuable resources for graduate students
  • Enjoy light refreshments and donuts

The event is open to all students and faculty interested in graduate studies at UTC.

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Join UTC Center for Professional Education and ChaTech from 11:30 a.m.-1 p.m. on Wednesday, Nov. 13, for “The AI Landscape,” part of the CHAIN AI Sessions.

This session, taking place in the Mapp Building, will feature a panel discussion highlighting applications of AI across industries, AI for social good, and real-world case studies and success stories. Tickets are $25 and include lunch. Register here.

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The Sweet Research Series recently featured political science student presenters.

The Sweet Research Series recently featured political science students presenting their research.

The Department of Political Science and Public Service invites the entire UTC community to our Sweet Research Series, where we will share exciting research and enjoy dessert together. These sessions offer an excellent opportunity to engage with new ideas and connect with peers. All events are from noon-12:50 p.m. on Wednesdays in 540 McCallie Building room 268 (PSPS Suite Conference Room).

Fall 2024 Sweet Research Series Schedule:

  • Wednesday, Nov. 13: Dr. Hassan Afzal, “Pocketbook and Sociotropic Economic Voting: How Does Inflation Affect Voting Decisions?”
  • Wednesday, Nov. 20: Dr. Michelle D. Deardorff, “The Art of Authoring Textbook”

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The UTC Graduate School announced that the following student will be presenting final works of research as an advanced degree candidate. Everyone is invited to attend.

Campus Updates

A message from the Office of the Registrar:

Please note the upcoming dates as we prepare for the spring 2025 semester.

Nov. 2: All registration holds applied

  • Advisement hold—students are required to meet with their academic advisor to plan for registration. The advisement hold must be cleared prior to registering for the spring semester. While you have this hold, you will not be able to register for any courses.

Students may check time ticket, registration status, and holds on their My Profile or Prepare for Registration pages.

Nov. 13-21: Spring 2025 priority registration for currently enrolled UTC students

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It is time to start budget planning for fiscal year 2026 (July 1, 2025–June 30, 2026). We will be kicking off budget season with three campus-wide budget input sessions. With a focus on transparency and communication, these budget input sessions will be structured to provide participants with meaningful information that is intended to encourage input.  Budget planning is better when we hear a variety of perspectives across a variety of topics. We want to hear from you!

Please take the opportunity to attend and participate in as many of the University Center Auditorium sessions as you would like. Once input is collected, we will report back to campus to share what we heard.

  • Monday, Nov. 11: 2-3:30 p.m.
  • Thursday, Nov. 14: 3-4:30 p.m.
  • Friday, Nov. 15: 9-10:30 a.m.

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Are you a first-generation college graduate?

Student Success Programs is updating its list of faculty and staff who are first-generation graduates. A first-generation graduate is an individual who earned a bachelor’s degree and whose parents did not earn a bachelor’s degree. If this is you, please complete this form.

Mark your calendars for First Gen Week, which takes place Nov. 4-8.

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Join the Office of Innovative Technologies for the 2025 UT IT Symposium as one of the presenters. Bring your unique perspective and expertise and share your experiences with your innovative IT solutions, collaborations, research, education and more. The call for presenters is open now through Thursday, Oct. 31. Visit this link to submit a proposal to present.

The symposium is a UT system-wide event that is taking place Jan. 28-29, 2025, at the Knoxville Convention Center. All full- or part-time staff, faculty and graduate students involved in information technology work, learning or research are able to attend.

UTC Newsroom

UTC raised $2,899,459.06 from 2,201 donors during its fifth annual Mocs Give Day on Oct. 1. The day’s original fundraising goal of $2,000,000 from 2,000 donors was exceeded by nearly 45% in dollars raised. With 688 first-time donors to UTC giving on Mocs Give Day, nearly 400 faculty and staff members, 122 students and 919 alumni gave to support UTC’s annual day of giving.

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Dr. Jordan King

Dr. Jordan King

Dr. Jordan King arrived at UTC in July as the new director of the Innovations in Honors program in the Honors College. King, who recently sat down for a Q&A interview, is working to help students make meaningful connections in the community.

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Joshua Clay

Joshua Clay

Joshua Clay didn’t choose a traditional route to college, but for him, that was part of the plan. Clay, a junior accounting major at UTC and member of the Innovations in Honors program, started his academic journey at Chattanooga State Community College, where he received two free years of education and graduated with an associate degree in accounting.

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STEAMagination’s different stations included a miniature soccer game featuring robot players. Photo by Noah Camacho.

STEAMagination’s different stations included a miniature soccer game featuring robot players, courtesy of Tennessee Valley Robotics. Photo by Noah Camacho.

The Challenger STEM Learning Center hosted its second-ever STEAMagination Festival on Saturday, Oct. 12, an event designed for students in grades K-8 and their families.


From left: Tim Piersant (photo courtesy of Chattanooga Whiskey) and George McDonald (photo courtesy of Catesa Farms)

From left: Tim Piersant (photo courtesy of Chattanooga Whiskey) and George McDonald (photo courtesy of Catesa Farms)

Tim Piersant, founder and CEO of Chattanooga Whiskey, and 2024 Tennessee Famer of the Year George McDonald, owner and operator of Catesa Farms, recently were guests on “Scenic Roots” on WUTC-FM 88.1.


© 2024 University of Tennessee at Chattanooga
615 McCallie Ave, Chattanooga, TN 37403