October 29-November 4, 2024

Updates and news for the week of October 29-November 4, 2024

The UTC Campus Weekly newsletter is distributed every Tuesday morning. If you have news, events or announcements you would like shared with campus, please submit your information to peyton-l-schultz@utc.edu or chuck-wasserstrom@utc.edu in the Division of Communications and Marketing by 3 p.m. on Friday for placement in the following Tuesday’s newsletter.

UTC News  UTC Events Calendar  |  Campus Updates

Click here to view this week’s newsletter in your browser


DASH System Launch

A DASH Business Readiness Town Hall today (Oct. 29), will focus on two crucial areas.

  • Human Resources (HCM), 1:30 p.m.
  • Finance (ERP), 2:30 p.m.

Each session will provide targeted training to ensure employees are prepared for the upcoming transition.

For an IRIS to DASH Cutover overview, dates and FAQs, visit DASH Cutover Hub.

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UTC Parent and Family Association newsletter logo

It is again time to recruit campus partners to send in information for the UTC Parent and Family Association newsletter, a monthly roundup distributed to more than 5,400 parents/family members.

To share information with the families of UTC students—upcoming events, important deadlines, helpful suggestions and departmental news—email hannah-turcotte@utc.edu by 5 p.m. on Wednesday, Oct. 30. The November newsletter will be emailed to members Wednesday, Nov. 6.

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Groundbreaking Event taking place Nov. 4

The campus community is invited to attend the groundbreaking for the Dorothy and Jim Kennedy Health Sciences Building––the future home of the UTC School of Nursing––at 3 p.m. on Monday, Nov. 4, at the corner of East 3rd and Palmetto streets. Register to attend here.

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Election 2024 preparation series

As we approach a critical time in our democratic process, it is important that our University community explore ways to increase civic participation, foster productive dialogue and find common ground. Over the coming weeks, the Election Preparation Series will feature several panels related to the voting process, election administration and the current dynamics of the presidential and congressional campaigns.

Join the Department of Philosophy and Religion from noon-1 p.m. on Wednesday, Oct. 30, in Derthick Hall Room 101 for “Philosophy, Religion, and Ethnicity: New Perspectives on the 2024 U.S. Presidential Election.” Philosophy and religion professors will host a roundtable discussion on how their research and teaching relates to the upcoming election.

  • Jaclyn Michael: “The Rise of Indian Americans in US Politics and the Invisible History of Indian-Black American Solidarities”
  • Ethan Mills:  “Democracy to Tyranny?: Lessons from Plato’s Critique of Democracy”
  • Barry Matlock: “Christian Nationalism and Current American Politics”

Upcoming events also include:

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A picture-perfect Homecoming Week

An array of photos of Homecoming Week 2024 activities captured through the lens of UTC photographer Angela Foster.

Outstanding People of UTC

After a full week of events and celebration, the Mocs’ football win against Virginia Military Institute on Saturday capped off Homecoming Week 2024 at UTC. 

During halftime, the long-awaited coronation of the Homecoming King and Queen took center stage with the crowning of seniors Braden Stillwell and Chamyra Teasley. 

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Public Service Award winners Nevaeh Morris (left) and Jordan Walker (right).

Public Service Award winners Nevaeh Morris (left) and Jordan Walker (right).

During Homecoming game halftime ceremonies, Public Service Award winners Nevaeh Morris and Jordan Walker both received a $1,000 scholarship for displaying the most distinguished service to UTC and the Chattanooga community. 

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Alicea Wilson (left) and Tennessee Association of School Psychologists President Pam Haggard pose with the William Ballard Award. Photo courtesy of Amanda Hardin.

Alicea Wilson (left) and Tennessee Association of School Psychologists President Pam Haggard pose with the William Ballard Award. Photo courtesy of Amanda Hardin.

Alicea Wilson, a Chattanooga native and third-year student in the School Psychology graduate program at UTC, was awarded the 2024 William Ballard Award for her hard work and dedication to school psychology. 

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Check out these Mocs in the news:

  • Assistant Professor of Criminal Justice Andrew Denney was interviewed by the Times Free Press about UTC’s involvement with Hamilton County’s Recidivism Reduction Initiative.
  • Vice Chancellor Stacy Lightfoot, a graduate of Chattanooga School for the Arts & Sciences, received the 2024 Hamilton County Schools Foundation “Heroes Award” at an awards luncheon last Friday. The event recognized outstanding teachers and alumni for their exceptional contributions to education and the community.

Mark Your Calendar

With Halloween festivities and basketball season on deck, the Chattanooga Mocs men’s and women’s basketball programs are set to host its annual “Boo and Gold” fan event today (Oct. 29) inside McKenzie Arena. Doors open at 5:30 p.m.

The event is free and open to the public as kids are encouraged to attend in their best Halloween costumes. Trick-or-treating around the concourse will kick off the night’s festivities and will run from 5:30-6:25 p.m. before basketball activities begin.

This week’s Mocs home athletics calendar:

  • Today, Oct. 29: Basketball Boo and Gold Halloween event, McKenzie Arena, doors open at 5:30 p.m.
  • Friday, Nov. 1: Volleyball vs. Mercer, Maclellan Gym, 6 p.m.
  • Saturday, Nov. 2: Volleyball vs. Furman, Maclellan Gym, 4 p.m.
  • Monday, Nov. 4: Women’s basketball vs. Shorter University, McKenzie Arena, 6 p.m.

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Join the UTC Bookstore from 11 a.m.-3:30 p.m. today, Oct. 29, in a celebration of our December 2024 graduates.

Stop by to learn more about Oakhall graduation regalia pickup or last-minute purchase availability, Josten’s ring and formal invitation ordering, and complimentary photography with the ability to order photos. Numerous departments will be attending to provide insight, advice and assistance for after graduation. Snacks and drinks will be available, and guests can enter to win door prizes.

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You’re invited to the annual Library Halloween Costume Contest and Open House Party!

Drop by the UTC Library first floor from 1-3 p.m. on Thursday, Oct. 31, to enjoy door prizes, candy, buttons, games (like pumpkin pong) and activities (like crafting a mini monster horn) at the Open House Party. Enter the costume contest for a chance to win prizes and to show off your creativity. Celebrate Halloween with your campus friends while enjoying free coffee and hot chocolate as well as some sweet treats.

New this year:

  • The Walker Center for Teaching and Learning, the Center for Academic Support, and Advisement are joining the fun and will host tables at the Open House Party.
  • There are even more ways to enter the Costume Contest this year, including online entries.

Click here to find more details about the Open House Party and Costume Contest.

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The UTC Bookstore will host a Halloween De-Stress event from noon-4 p.m. on Thursday, Oct. 31, complete with corn hole, coloring books, board games, and arts and crafts.

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UTC is hosting an Off-Campus Housing Fair from 11 a.m.-2 p.m. on Tuesday, Nov. 5, in the UC Tennessee Room, where Off-Campus Student Services (OCSS) will host informational sessions for UTC students wishing to live off campus.

Stop by for free food, giveaways and prizes—and meet representatives from off-campus properties, utility companies and municipal services to learn more about the options now available to students.

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The Office of Planning, Evaluation, and Institutional Research (OPEIR) will host two faculty workshops regarding the process for creating and implementing new academic programs. An overview will be provided on the required procedural steps and potential research used to support the proposal of new degree majors, degree concentrations and certificate programs.

RSVP is not required to attend but will help with the planning and communication of each session. RSVP here

  • Wednesday, Nov. 6: Process overview, 9 a.m., UTC Library Room 206. This session will provide attendees with an overview of the procedural steps required with proposing a new academic program at any level as well as the support OPEIR provides.
  • Wednesday, Nov. 20: Program feasibility studies, 9 a.m., UTC Library Room 118A. This session will dive into the analysis of program and labor market data used to determine the feasibility and support for developing a new academic program. Attendance at the previous session is not required but suggested.

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UTC’s Undergraduate Curriculum Committee will meet at 3:15 p.m. on Thursday, Nov. 7 via Zoom. For a list of the proposals that will be considered, log on to Curriculog and select the Curriculum – Nov 7, 2024 agenda.

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The campus community is invited to join bi-weekly sessions of a forum to discuss select topics in Quantum Information Science and Engineering in which important developments are underway at UTC or elsewhere. All sessions are from 4-5 p.m. in Lupton Hall Room 389. For more information, visit utc.edu/research/quantum-center.

Discussion dates and topics through 2024 are:

  • Thursday, Nov. 7: Edward Steele, “Machine Learning-Aided Scattering Mitigation in a Quantum System” … summary of work recently published at Arxiv
  • Thursday, Nov. 21: Chris Cox, “Summary of Proceedings of recent SIAM workshop on Quantum Information Sciences
  • Thursday, Dec. 5: Tam Bang, “Quantum Computing in Intelligent Transportation Systems”

The series resumes in 2025 on these dates: Jan. 9, Jan. 23, Feb. 6 and Feb. 20. Details on topics will be shared as soon as they are finalized.

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The Gary W. Rollins College of Business will hold virtual information sessions about UTC’s Master of Business Administration, MS Management, MS Data Analytics, Master of Accountancy, and Business Analytics Certificate graduate programs. The Rollins College of Business graduate degree programs provide flexible course options and career advancement resources to advance your education and elevate your career!

MSDA Information Sessions

MBA Information Sessions

MSM Information Sessions

Business Analytics Certificate Information Session

MAcc Information Sessions

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Meet-up for Researchers––taking place from 11 a.m.-noon on Friday, Nov. 8 in the Library Southern Writers Room––is an opportunity to share research interests and projects with other faculty, staff and graduate students. Attend to learn more about the research and innovation happening at UTC. Join fellow faculty and researchers to connect and share new research projects and updates.

This month, guests from the UT Research Foundation and Dr. Tom Lyons will talk about the MOC Innovate Mini-Grant Competition for 2025. Lunch will be provided.

Register to attend here. For questions, contact Jennifer Skjellum at jennifer-skjellum@utc.edu.

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Technology Managers from UTRF will be on campus from 1-3 p.m. on Friday, Nov. 8, in the Maytag Conference Room (ECS 426) to meet with innovators to discuss their technology and answer questions about the commercialization process.

Register to attend here. For questions, contact Jennifer Skjellum at jennifer-skjellum@utc.edu.

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Join Donuts with the Dean, a meet and greet with the Graduate School, from 8:30-9:30 a.m. on Monday, Nov. 11, in the first floor lobby of Lupton Hall. Guests will have the opportunity to:

  • Connect with the Graduate School dean and staff
  • Learn more about advanced degrees at UTC
  • Discover valuable resources for graduate students
  • Enjoy light refreshments and donuts

The event is open to all students and faculty interested in graduate studies at UTC.

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The Jericho Brass Band of Chattanooga will be performing a Veteran’s Day concert at 7 p.m. on Monday, Nov. 11, at the Roland Hayes Concert Hall.

The concert, “A Veteran’s Day Salute,” will honor the men and women of our military services with patriotic songs and hymns. One piece, titled “Five,” was written and composed by UTC’s Kenyon Wilson.

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Join UTC Center for Professional Education and ChaTech from 11:30 a.m.-1 p.m. on Wednesday, Nov. 13, for “The AI Landscape,” part of the CHAIN AI Sessions.

This session, taking place in the Mapp Building, will feature a panel discussion highlighting applications of AI across industries, AI for social good, and real-world case studies and success stories. Tickets are $25 and include lunch. Register here.

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The Sweet Research Series recently featured political science student presenters.

The Sweet Research Series recently featured political science students presenting their research.

The Department of Political Science and Public Service invites the entire UTC community to our Sweet Research Series, where we will share exciting research and enjoy dessert together. These sessions offer an excellent opportunity to engage with new ideas and connect with peers. All events are from noon-12:50 p.m. on Wednesdays in 540 McCallie Building room 268 (PSPS Suite Conference Room).

Fall 2024 Sweet Research Series Schedule:

  • Wednesday, Nov. 13: Dr. Hassan Afzal, “Pocketbook and Sociotropic Economic Voting: How Does Inflation Affect Voting Decisions?”
  • Wednesday, Nov. 20: Dr. Michelle D. Deardorff, “The Art of Authoring Textbook”

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Come celebrate GIS day on Wednesday, Nov. 20, with UTC’s Interdisciplinary Geospatial Technologies Lab.

To celebrate GIS Day, the IGTLab will offer a free cartography workshop from 9-11:30 a.m., followed by two guest speakers from noon-1 p.m. who are leaders in remote sensing and imagery analysis:

  • Biology, Geology and Environmental Science Associate Professor Azad Hossain will speak about his NASA-funded research using remote sensing of water quality in the Tennessee River.
  • Paul Dudley, location intelligence analyst with the State of Tennessee, will speak about the work services that his office provides.

GIS Day events are open to the campus and the public. To register, click here. For more information, click here.

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The UTC Graduate School announced that the following student will be presenting final works of research as an advanced degree candidate. Everyone is invited to attend.

Campus Updates

Getting back into the groove of school after midterms and fall break can be challenging, especially with colder weather and shorter days. It’s crucial to prioritize your physical and mental well-being during this transition. Fortunately, there are plenty of resources on campus to support you.

  • Each residence hall offers walk-in tutoring events throughout the week, and you can also find peer academic tutoring at the library and assistance at the Math Plaza.
  • The ARC hosts weekly group classes like Pilates, spin and F45 for a physical boost.
  • Don’t forget to take breaks; enjoying the beautiful fall foliage can be a wonderful way to recharge mentally.
  • Remember, prioritizing self-care is essential for your well-being and success.
  • Don’t forget to check your student email for the weekly newsletter, where you’ll find exciting events happening on campus for your study breaks.
  • Stay engaged and enjoy the fun. Take a moment each day to check in with yourself and practice mindfulness—it can make a world of difference!

Instagram: utc_cw

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It is time to start budget planning for fiscal year 2026 (July 1, 2025–June 30, 2026). We will be kicking off budget season with three campus-wide budget input sessions. With a focus on transparency and communication, these budget input sessions will be structured to provide participants with meaningful information that is intended to encourage input.  Budget planning is better when we hear a variety of perspectives across a variety of topics. We want to hear from you!

Please take the opportunity to attend and participate in as many of the University Center Auditorium sessions as you would like. Once input is collected, we will report back to campus to share what we heard.

  • Monday, Nov. 11: 2-3:30 p.m.
  • Thursday, Nov. 14: 3-4:30 p.m.
  • Friday, Nov. 15: 9-10:30 a.m.

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A message from the Office of the Registrar:

Please note the upcoming dates as we prepare for the spring 2025 semester.

  • Nov. 13-21: Spring 2025 priority registration for currently enrolled UTC students

Students may check time ticket, registration status, and holds on their My Profile or Prepare for Registration pages.

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Are you a first-generation college graduate?

Student Success Programs is updating its list of faculty and staff who are first-generation graduates. A first-generation graduate is an individual who earned a bachelor’s degree and whose parents did not earn a bachelor’s degree. If this is you, please complete this form.

Mark your calendars for First Gen Week, which takes place Nov. 4-8.

UTC Newsroom

Tian Li works in the Quantum Physics lab.

Thanks to an almost $800,000 funding award from the National Science Foundation, the Quantum Information Science and Engineering (QISE) program at UTC is off to a great start.

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From left, judges Tom Greenholtz, Jill Bartee Ayers and Kyle A. Hixson of the Tennessee Court of Criminal Appeals preside over cases in the UTC Library Roth Grand Reading Room on Oct. 23, 2024.

From left, judges Tom Greenholtz, Jill Bartee Ayers and Kyle A. Hixson of the Tennessee Court of Criminal Appeals preside over cases in the UTC Library Roth Grand Reading Room.

Last Wednesday, the Tennessee Court of Criminal Appeals took to the road and heard three cases in the UTC Library’s Roth Grand Reading Room, allowing UTC students the opportunity to witness the legal process in action.

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The Power C Tour gives local high school students, transfers, graduate students and their families a feel for UTC.

The Power C Tour gives local high school students, transfers, graduate students and their families a feel for UTC.

The third annual Power C Tour—a statewide outreach effort to prospective students on academic programs, admissions, housing, financial aid and campus life at UTC—visited the Knoxville Convention Center last Wednesday.


Singer-songwriter Richard Daigle shared songs from his latest album, “Cajun People,” on an episode of WUTC-FM 88.1’s  “Live in the Library.”


© 2024 University of Tennessee at Chattanooga
615 McCallie Ave, Chattanooga, TN 37403