Center of Excellence and Innovation in Education
Earlier this week Dean Rutledge and Provost Hale announced the appointments of Dr. Kim Wingate as director of the School of Education and Dr. Allen Pratt as director of strategic partnerships in education. Kim and Allen have served exceptionally as co-directors of the School of Education for more than a year. I sincerely appreciate their service as well as the work of the dedicated faculty and staff in the School of Education.
During the State of the University, we announced that one of our strategic priorities would be the launching of the Center of Excellence and Innovation in Education. This center will work side by side with the School of Education with a focus on literacy, teacher and leader preparation, innovative school models and rural education. Kim and Allen have been working alongside Bryan Johnson, Chief Strategy Officer, to ensure that this strategic initiative is as successful as possible.
I have asked Bryan Johnson to directly support the Center of Excellence and Innovation in Education going forward. In addition to his current work, he will directly assist with establishing the structures for success alongside the School of Education. In the coming months, we will launch a search for a center director, but adding this responsibility to Bryan’s current portfolio makes sense in this moment. Simply stated, it is a key strategic initiative. Bryan has served as a teacher, school leader and school district leader in Tennessee. He has deep awareness of education policy and practice and will allow us to capitalize on the moment. Leadership in the School of Education has also formed a deep working partnership with Bryan which will allow us to be nimble and responsive to the ever-changing K-12 landscape.
I echo the sentiments shared by Dean Rutledge as she stated, “we are central to our region’s workforce development, and we are positioned to lead.” I look forward to the continued growth and impact of the School of Education and the Center of Excellence and Innovation and Education.
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