Check out some recent news from the UTC Department of History.
Dr. Eckelmann Berghel on A Team Approach to Open Pedagogy through High Impact Practices and Experiential Learning
On March 3, 2021, Associate Professor of History and Director of Africana Studies Susan Eckelmann Berghel participated in a panel on “A Team Approach to Open Pedagogy through High Impact Practices and Experiential Learning,” which was part of Tennessee Open Education Week Organized by the Tennessee Higher Education Commission’s Textbook Affordability for Student Success Task Force.
History Department Receives $500,000 Gift
The Russell Linnemann Memorial Endowment gives $450,000 for the study of African and African-American history along with the story of the blues. The money, given in perpetuity, is divided into $450,000 to fund ongoing programs and $50,000 to create an account to honor the career of Linnemann and his academic contributions.
Scenic Roots Interview on the History of White Rage
Associate Professor of History and Director of the Africana Studies Program Susan Eckelmann Berghel was a guest on the WUTC show “Scenic Roots,” where she discussed her course “History of White Rage.”
Button Design Contest
The History Department invites you to submit an entry for the contest. The button will be worn by you, history majors, to show pride on and off the UTC campus and to recruit more students into our program.