5 Languages of Appreciation – Nicholle Harrison, Talent Management Specialist, UTC HR

University Center Fortwood Room

Appreciation is not one-size-fits-all. In fact, appreciation looks different to different people. For some, it’s their receiving praise in front of a crowd, for others, a simple “thank you” is enough acknowledgment. This training experience, based on the book, The 5 Languages of Appreciation in the Workplace, equips you with proven, practical steps to build a positive culture of value and affirmation wherever you are!

Improving Workplace Relationships

University Center Chickamauga Room

Presented by Optum Improving workplace relationships often requires understanding — and managing —underlying difficult behaviors. This program helps identify the difficult behaviors we encounter in both our personal and work…

How to Overcome Negativity in the Workplace

University Center Chickamauga Room

Presented by Optum A must for all employees, this program shares how negativity surfaces in the workplace. The goal is to help participants recognize the relationship of workplace change to…

How to Create a Respectful Workplace

University Center Ocoee Room

Presented by Optum Integrity and respect in workplace interactions help cultivate a positive and successful environment that enhances the bottom line. This program will introduce communication skills and other behaviors…

Effective Presentations and Public Speaking Skills – Optum

University Center Fortwood Room

Having excellent presentation skills is essential for success. In this seminar participants will learn how to plan for successful presentations, build confidence, practice verbal and body language elements, and learn how to build rapport with an audience to keep them engaged.

Double Power Hour Meetup

These Power Hours are created to reinforce on-line learning.  Take these two classes on K@TE: Interpersonal Communication: Listening Essentials – 1 hour K@TE training  Communicating Across Cultures – 1 hour training…

Active Listening

University Center Chickamauga Room

ACTIVE LISTENING Faith Lewis, UT Employee & Organizational Development Effective listening is a skill that must be learned. Participants will be able to identify their listening style and barriers to…