Maintenance Complete: Networking maintenance has been completed ahead of schedule and all services are back online. If you encounter any problems, please submit those to IT Help Desk. Thank you for your patience as during this critical maintenance.
Network Services Restored at 8:30 p.m: Network services have been restored to all of campus. IT is monitoring for any issues and will post additional updates if problems arise.
Campus Network Maintenance – Saturday, January 25th at 5:00p.m. – Sunday, January 26 at 3:00p.m
Information Technology will be performing extended maintenance on critical network infrastructure this weekend. Maintenance will begin at 5:00 p.m. on Saturday, January 25th and is expected to be complete by Sunday, January 26th at 3:00p.m.
What to expect: During the maintenance window, users may experience intermittent or complete service outages when connecting to the campus internet or to UTC systems from on-campus or off-campus. All IT systems may be impacted by this critical networking maintenance.
Your Actions: We appreciate your patience and understanding as we work through these necessary changes to our IT infrastructure this weekend. If you have any questions related to this maintenance, contact the IT Help Desk at