Tennessee Commissioner of Education Candice McQueen speaks to high school students in the five-week Governor’s School at UTC.
High school students participating in Governor’s School for Prospective Teachers met a special guest recently: Candice McQueen, Tennessee’s commissioner for education.
McQueen, a former elementary school teacher and dean of the College of Education at Lipscomb University in Nashville, encouraged the students to pursue teaching as their future profession.
“Teaching is a career opportunity that allows you to demonstrate leadership every day,” she said. “I can’t imagine of not thinking of yourself as a leader if you go into the teaching profession because you are leading the most critical asset we have: our children.
“Your leadership of young minds is critical in helping us have a stronger future, stronger state economy, better communities and better families,” McQueen continued.
UTC has hosted the Governor’s School for Prospective Teachers for more than 20 years. Held annually on campus, the Governor’s School is a five-week summer program for rising 11th- and 12th-grade students who are interested in teaching.
The program includes an overview of the myths and realities of the education profession, an examination of effective teaching strategies, resource availability, computer and other technological applications, observations and critiques of teaching performances, analysis of exemplary teaching and an introspective view of learning and teaching styles.
Learn more about the UTC Governor’s School here.