Physical Therapy graduates attend the White Coat Ceremony on Jan. 17, 2018 in Patten Chapel.
For the second year in a row, new graduates from the UTC Department of Physical Therapy achieved a 100 percent pass rate the first time they took the National Physical Therapy Examination.
Passing the test is required to earn a license to practice physical therapy in Tennessee.
This year, the overall pass rate in Tennessee for graduates taking the exam for the first time was 91.4 percent. In 2018, it was 91 percent.
In 2019, 35 UTC physical therapy graduates took the exam; in 2018, it was 36.
“UTC’s DPT Program has a long tradition of excellence. The Class of 2019’s 100-percent first-attempt pass rate on the National Physical Therapy Examination is testament to the students’ outstanding academic and clinical achievement. The PT faculty are very proud,” says Nancy Fell, head of the Department of Physical Therapy.