The Hoodoo Men will perform Delta blues during their Oct. 4 performance in the Roland Hayes Concert Hall.
The University of Tennessee at Chattanooga Fine Arts Center, a premier venue for outstanding music and theatre, has announced its much-anticipated UTC LIVE! 2024-2025 Performing Arts Series.
Featuring a varied and engaging lineup, UTC LIVE! at the Fine Arts Center is set to offer a wide range of performances to appeal to music and theatre fans of all kinds. The schedule includes both professional events and student UTC Theatre Co. and music department productions.
For ticket information, visit utc.edu/arts-and-sciences/fine-arts-center.
Highlights of the UTC LIVE! 2024-2025 season include:
The Hoodoo Men
- Friday, Oct. 4, Roland Hayes Concert Hall, 7:30 p.m.
- Powerhouse and soulful blues at its best performed by Bill Steber (guitar, vocals, harmonica, saw, diddley bow) and Sammy Baker (drums, electric jug, bass, primal screams). Showcases some of the best, yet obscure, American blues music from the time of WWII into the 1960s.
- An exhibit of photographer and musician Steber’s photos and artwork will be on display in the Fine Arts Center lobby from Wednesday, Sept. 25, through Friday, Oct. 4. Click here for a preview of Steber’s work.
- Steber will give a public presentation featuring his images at 7 p.m. on Thursday, Oct. 3, at the Bessie Smith Cultural Center. This event is free and open to the public. For background on his work, click here.
Actors From The London Stage Present Shakespeare’s “Twelfth Night”
- Friday, Oct. 25, and Saturday, Oct. 26, 2024, Roland Hayes Concert Hall, 7:30 p.m.
- A delightful blend of mistaken identity, disguises and love triangles, “Twelfth Night” features some of Shakespeare’s most famed passages, with its effervescent comic energy carried swiftly by deeper, richer currents of grief, forgiveness and transformation.
- Five actors take the Roland Hayes stage with minimal props and costumes and direct themselves in a performance of the Shakespeare play, with each actor portraying multiple roles.
Bridgman | Packer Dance Presents “Ghost Factory”
- Friday, March 28, 2025, Roland Hayes Concert Hall, 7:30 p.m.
- Guggenheim Fellows in Choreography and 2017 Bessie Awardees Art Bridgman and Myrna Packer are acclaimed for their innovative integration of choreography and video technology that explodes the partnering form into a magically populated stage where image and reality collide.
- “Ghost Factory” is the latest in their body of acclaimed and genre-breaking work that features their “Video Partnering”—the integration of live performance and video technology—including pieces contributed by UTC Department of Communication students.
The UTC Theatre Co. returns to the Fine Arts Center’s Dorothy Hackett Ward Theatre with four shows during the 2024-2025 season.
Blood Wedding by Federico García Lorca
- Oct. 1-5: Cycles of violence and revenge churn in this mythic tale by Spain’s legendary poet and playwright Federico García Lorca.
Bus Stop by William Inge
- Nov. 19-23: In this quintessential American story, bus passengers are stranded by a blizzard in a diner on the outskirts of Kansas City. Romance ignites, comedy abounds, and life lessons are learned.
Bright Star by Steve Martin and Edie Brickell
- Feb. 25–March 1, 2025: A musical written and composed by Steve Martin and Edie Brickell. It is set in the Blue Ridge Mountains of North Carolina in 1945–1946 with flashbacks to 1923.
John Proctor is the Villain by Kimberly Belflower
- April 8-12, 2025: A contemporary play that reimagines The Crucible through the lens of a high school classroom—exploring themes of gender, power and the #MeToo movement—as students grapple with their own evolving perceptions of morality and justice.

Actors From The London Stage Present Shakespeare’s “Twelfth Night” Oct. 25-26 on the Roland Hayes Concert Hall stage.
Fine Arts Center UTC LIVE! 2024-2025 Events Calendar (as of Sept. 10) 2024 dates
- Sept. 25—UTC LIVE!: Bill Steber exhibit
- Sept. 26—Music: UTC Wind Ensemble Concert
- Oct. 1-5— UTC Theatre Co.: Blood Wedding
- Oct. 3—UTC LIVE!: Bill Steber Presentation
- Oct. 4—UTC LIVE!: The Hoodoo Men
- Oct. 25-26—UTC LIVE!: Actors From The London Stage Present Shakespeare’s “Twelfth Night”
- Nov. 7—Music: Singing Mocs and Jazz Ensemble Fall Concert
- Nov. 15—Music: UTC Chamber Singers Fall Concert
- Nov. 19-23—UTC Theatre Co.: Bus Stop
- Nov. 19—Music: Clarion Chorale Concert
- Nov. 21—Music: UTC Wind Ensemble Concert
- Nov. 22—Music: Chattanooga Singers Concert
2025 dates
- Feb. 2—Music: UTC Symphony Orchestra
- Feb. 18—Music: UTC Wind Ensemble Concert
- Feb. 25–March 1—UTC Theatre Co.: Bright Star
- March 25—Music: Singing Mocs and Jazz Ensemble Concert
- March 28—UTC LIVE!: Bridgman | Packer Dance Presents “Ghost Factory”
- April 1—Music: Chattanooga Singers Concert
- April 2—Music: UTC Percussion Ensemble
- April 3—Music: Men’s Chorus Concert
- April 4—Music: Chamber Singers Concert
- April 8-12—UTC Theatre Co.: John Proctor is the Villain
- April 15—Music: Clarion Chorale Concert
- April 22—Music: UTC Symphony Orchestra
Location: The UTC Fine Arts Center is at the intersection of Dr. Roland Carter Street (formerly known as Vine Street) and Palmetto Street on the UTC campus.
Ticket information: utc.edu/arts-and-sciences/fine-arts-center.
For additional information, contact Bob-Boyer@utc.edu.