Nobel Laureate Peter A. Diamond, recent nominee for the Federal Reserve Board of Governors, will speak on Monday, October 17 at noon in the University Center Auditorium, addressing the topic “Markets and Government.” This event, part of the Burkett Miller Distinguished Lecture Series, is free and open to the public. Seating is limited to a…
Philanthropists honored for University support
One native Chattanoogan and two former UTC faculty members were honored recently for their philanthropy.
Nobel Laureate Ostrom to speak November 17
Nobel Laureate Elinor Ostrom, will speak in the Burkett Miller Distinguished Guest Lecture Series on Wednesday, November 17, at 12 noon in the UTC University Center Auditorium. Dr. Ostrom will discuss “The Challenge of Self-Governance in Complex Contemporary Environments.”
Capital campaign update
“‘If we only had the money’ are the words often used to begin a conversation about improvements needed at the University,” said Brenda Lawson, co-chair of the UT Campaign for Tennessee. She provided a campaign update for a UTC audience last week. “Time to Achieve,” UTC’s fundraising component of the UT system’s Campaign for Tennessee,…
Nobel Laureate to speak on campus
The Burkett Miller Distinguished Guest Lecturer for 2008 is Dr. Thomas Schelling, winner of the 2005 Nobel Prize in Economics. He will speak on Monday, October 6, at noon in the University Center Auditorium at The University of Tennessee at Chattanooga. Schelling will present “Managing the World’s Greenhouse Problem.”
Peter Thiel Speaks at UTC October 8
Peter Thiel, President of Clarium Capital Management and co-founder of the internet site PayPal, will speak as the Burkett Miller Distinguished Guest Lecturer on Monday, October 8, at 12 noon in the University Center Auditorium at The University of Tennessee at Chattanooga. Thiel, an American financier, entrepreneur, and prominent donor to charities focusing on economic…