The University of Tennessee at Chattanooga (UTC) School of Nursing was awarded the Chattanooga Community Kitchen (CCK) Group Award for outstanding service in 2010-2011.
Interior design students work to preserve downtown landmark
A partnership between UTC’s interior design department and Cornerstones, Inc., created a unique opportunity for students to plan for the future at the site of an historic Chattanooga hotel.
Thompson honored with state community service award
When Dr. Roger Thompson recently arranged for UTC resident assistants to visit the Chattanooga Community Kitchen, he was fairly sure it was the first time they had ever seen the site. He wanted the student housing employees to understand how the homeless are served at the Community Kitchen so that they could find a way…
Inaugural Tommie F. Brown Award presented
Brittiney Williams, a senior pursuing the Bachelor of Social Work degree, became the first recipient of the Tommie F. Brown Award for Community Service. Representative Tommie Brown, elected in 1992 to represent the 28th District, was on hand to present the award to Williams.
UTC School of Nursing organizes conference
The University of Tennessee at Chattanooga School of Nursing presents “The Evolving Roles of Nursing in Today’s Health Care Environment” on consecutive Tuesdays beginning May 3, 10, and 17. Registration begins at 8 a.m. each day and sessions run from 8:30 a.m.-4 p.m. at the UTC University Center Auditorium.
School of Nursing to accept freshmen into major in fall 2011
Beginning next fall, UTC’s School of Nursing will begin accepting students into the nursing major as freshman. The School of Nursing has scheduled an open information on the Bachelors of Science in Nursing (BSN) program for Thursday, March 31 from 5:30 to 6:30 p.m. in the UTC Metropolitan Building, room 231. The information session will…
Interior Design students, faculty study southern architecture
The Department of Interior Design hosted the annual fall study tour focused on historical homes and preservation in Mississippi and Louisiana. Participants, including UTC students and faculty, toured architecture in Natchez, Mississippi, the Louisiana River Road and New Orleans, Louisiana on November 4-8 of last year.
Physical Therapy program hosts annual forum
Around 250 UTC and Chattanooga State students, alumni, physical therapists, and physical therapist assistants from Tennessee and North Georgia attended the 11th Annual Physical Therapy Forum on January 20.
School of Nursing introduces Doctorate of Nursing Practice
More information available: A Doctorate Nursing Program Information Session has been scheduled by the UTC School of Nursing for: Tuesday, September 28, 20105:30 – 6:30 p.m.Metro 231. UTC’s School of Nursing will begin offering the Doctorate of Nursing Practice (DNP) in January 2011. “Our program is flexible enough to accommodate nurses working in advanced practice…
Physical activity benefits community
How can communities offer physical activity programs to best benefit the public’s health? Dr. Greg Heath, professor and head of health and human performance, has examined interventions representing several strategies, including: community-wide campaigns, individually adapted health behavior change, community social-support, and the creation of enhanced access to physical activity information and opportunities. “We tend to be more inactive and less active…