School of Nursing Assistant Professor Lisa Muirhead, DNP, APRN-BC, ANP was selected to present her research on best practices for vulnerable populations at the 11th Annual National/International Evidence-Based Practice Conference to be held in Phoenix, Arizona in June.
2010 Child Engagement Conference to be held March 5-6
Dr. Robin McWilliam, a leading researcher in early intervention/early childhood special education, and Dr. Mary Tanner, Dean of the College of Health, Education and Professional Studies, will speak at the 2010 Child Engagement Conference, a ground-breaking event for the field of early child development to be held Friday-Saturday, March 5-6, at the UTC University Center.…
School Psychology Program receives full approval status
The National Association of School Psychologists Program Approval Review Board has announced the UTC School Psychology Program received full approval status. A notification letter stated the UTC program met all of the standards of the Program Approval Review Board and congratulated the University for its “efforts to develop a strong program.”
Researchers present discoveries at international conference
Dr. Robin William, Dr. Tom Buggey, Dr. Amy Casey, and Dr. Kimberly Wingate who hold joint appointments as UTC College of Health, Education and Professional Studies faculty and Siskin Children’s Institute researchers, presented their studies and findings at the world’s largest conference about early intervention and early childhood development.
Dr. Jamie F. Harvey encourages physical activity in Take It Outside! Week
Dr. Jamie Harvey, faculty member in Health and Human Performance and Head Start Body Start Physical Activity consultant, is participating in the Inaugural Take It Outside! Week, October 19-23. She will visit Avondale Head Start Center, encouraging students to increase outdoor play while celebrating the environment.
World’s largest journal for special education chooses professor as associate editor
Robin McWilliam, Ph.D., a researcher at Siskin Children’s Institute who holds a faculty appointment in the UTC Education: Graduate Studies Division, has been selected as an associate editor of Exceptional Children, the largest scholarly journal for special education in the world.
Health and Human Performance faculty assist Guatemala physicians
Drs. Gary Wilkerson and Marisa Colston have established a professional relationship with sports medicine physicians and physiotherapists in Guatemala. Last summer the UTC Health and Human Performance professor and associate professor visited the country in a trip coordinated by Athletes in Action, a sports ministry headquartered in Ohio.
CDC selects professor’s scientific paper
Dollar for dollar, what are the best ways for communities to offer physical activity programs to best benefit the public’s health?
New faculty, promotions, tenure announced
New faculty, promotions and tenure for 2009-10 have been announced by the Provost’s Office
UTC leads the way in alternative fuel research
The University of Tennessee at Chattanooga Center for Energy, Transportation and the Environment (CETE) is leading an international team of researchers who are developing a more efficient way to power electric buses. With maximum efficiency and convenience, the Inductive Power Transfer, (IPT) will revolutionize this process.