[slickr-flickr tag=”mockstorefronts” items=”3″ type=”slideshow” captions=”off” delay=”3″ size=”small”] Using their creativity to invest in the rejuvenation of M.L. King Boulevard, UTC art students contributed their talents to “Re-Vision MLK.” Students formed a partnership with the Center for Creative Arts, and Leadership Chattanooga. “We hope to put the area in the spotlight and spark interest from entrepreneurs,”…
New classes offered in Fall 2010 semester
Two new classes -one in the Department of Philosophy and Religion and the other in the Department of Communication- will be offered in Fall semester, 2010.
Finance students attend R.I.S.E. Forum
Four finance students attended the tenth annual R.I.S.E. Forum in Dayton, Ohio, with Dr. Christi Wann. The R.I.S.E. Forum is the world’s largest student investment forum sponsored by the University of Dayton each year in March. Two undergraduate finance majors, Stephen Tilstra and DeAngelo Williams, and two MBA candidates, Martha Marrufo and Matthew Tatum, were…
UTC Music Department presents the Master Chorale
The UTC Master Chorale will present their annual concert on Friday, June 11, 7:30 p.m., at Second Presbyterian Church in Chattanooga. The choir is directed by Dr. Kevin Ford, director of the UTC choral activities. The concert will feature challenging literature by many well known choral composers. Admission is free and the concert is open…
Racing Mocs make best showing ever in SAE Baja Competition
By placing 13th in the Society of Automotive Engineers Baja design competition held in Bellingham, Washington, the Racing Mocs made UTC history. “It’s our best ever overall finish. We beat all Big Ten, all Big 12, and all SEC schools. Placing tenth in design makes me especially proud,” said Dr. Will Sutton, dean of the college…
Swansbrough enjoying Fulbright experience
Dr. Robert Swansbrough is enjoying his busy role as a Fulbright Scholar, teaching and traveling in China and presenting Fulbright guest lectures. Fulbright supports this travel and the inviting host university provides housing and often banquets. At each visit, Fulbright requests that Swansbrough give two lectures. Swansbrough, Associate Dean of The College of Arts and…
Capital campaign update
“‘If we only had the money’ are the words often used to begin a conversation about improvements needed at the University,” said Brenda Lawson, co-chair of the UT Campaign for Tennessee. She provided a campaign update for a UTC audience last week. “Time to Achieve,” UTC’s fundraising component of the UT system’s Campaign for Tennessee,…
Chemistry faculty and students provide flood relief
Chemistry department faculty and summer undergraduate research students at The University of Tennessee at Chattanooga collected clothes for flood relief in Nashville. Desiree Benefield, a graduate student at Vanderbilt and a 2009 graduate of UTC’s Chemistry Department, will take the supplies to a shelter in Nashville.
Engineering professor’s software onboard NASA shuttle
“EXPRESS Payload Simulator” software developed by UTC professor Dr. Jim Henry is onboard the NASA Space Shuttle Atlantis that launched May 14. The software will be installed on Monday, May 24, for several days of demonstration. Henry was invited to Houston to observe the progress of that demonstration. Earth-bound researchers who communicate with equipment in…
Students design fitness program for children at Boys & Girls Club
Students at the Highland Park Boys & Girls Club are discovering it is “Fun to be Fit.” As part of their work with Leadership Chattanooga, Dr. Dee Dee Anderson, associate vice chancellor of student development, and Dr. Mike Owens, assistant dean of graduate programs in the College of Business, developed the Fun to be Fit…