Dr. Katharine Rehyansky continues work transcribing a 14th century poem to make it accessible on CD-ROM, a project she started in the mid 90s. “I was actually doing some preliminary work in computing in the humanities (computer-assisted syntactic analysis of medieval poetry) in the 80s that led into this work,” said Rehyansky, professor of English.…
Students support the Troops
Students expressed their appreciation for troops serving in Iraq and Afghanistan by collecting items for care packages to send overseas.
Department of Art presents 2010 senior thesis exhibitions
The Cress Gallery of Art and the UTC Department of Art present: The UTC Department of Art 2010 Senior Thesis Exhibitions. Group One’s exhibit will run through Friday, April 9. Group Two’s exhibit will run April 13 – April 23 with artists’ presentations Tuesday, April 13, 4:00 pm, Fine Arts Center room 356 followed by…
Students celebrate as truckload of supplies heads to Haiti
Students from UTC and Chattanooga State came together to “Embrace Haiti” by loading a truck with supplies to help earthquake victims. “After the earthquake struck Haiti, students wanted to help in any way they could,” said UTC SGA President Tyler Forrest. The effort culminated with a sendoff celebration at Chattanooga State. Student drivers from the…
UTC Theatre presents The Pajama Game
The Department of Theatre and Speech concludes the 2009-10 season with the classic American musical The Pajama Game. The show will run April 2, 3, 7, 8, 9, 10—all shows begin at 7:30 p.m. in the Dorothy Hackett Ward Theatre, UTC Fine Arts Center, corner of Vine and Palmetto Streets. The Pajama Game won the…
Nursing students spent spring break in Jamaica
Thirteen nursing students and two nursing faculty members spent their spring break helping residents of Montego Bay, Jamaica. They worked in teams to provide health education and screenings in one of the island’s most impoverished areas. The group set up clinics at a school, a church, two orphanages, and a school for the deaf. “The…
Students research usage of Tennessee Riverpark
Two departments teamed up to help students collect and analyze data about usage of the Tennessee Riverpark. Students conducted surveys along several points of the Tennessee Riverpark to capture demographic and usage information. The project began in 2008. Students in English 278, scientific writing, received help from Stefanie deOlloqui, adjunct faculty member in Health and…
Lady Mocs to play Oklahoma State in NCAA Tournament
The University of Tennessee at Chattanooga women’s basketball team received a Number 13 seed and will take on Number 4 seed Oklahoma State (23-10) in Tempe, Arizona. [Read more]