Last summer, Emma Roy—a secondary education: political science major and Brock Scholar in the UTC Honors College—spent two months in an immersive language program at National Cheng Kung University in Tainan, Taiwan, speaking only Chinese. She then spent her fall semester at the University of Brighton in England as part of a study abroad opportunity.
Calling all Mocs: Register to present or perform at the 2024 UTC Spring Research and Arts Conference
The largest academic conference held on the University of Tennessee at Chattanooga campus is only a couple of months away. The 2024 UTC Spring Research and Arts Conference will be held on Wednesday, April 10, in the University Center. Sponsored by the Office for Undergraduate Research and Creative Endeavor (URaCE), the event allows UTC students, faculty and staff to share their research or showcase their creative work with their peers.
CUWiP trip nets recognition for UTC sophomore
At a recent conference for undergraduate women physics majors, sophomore Olivia Ziemer initially found herself in awe, as “I’ve never been in a room of that many women in STEM in my life, which was awesome.” She also awed the judges, returning to UTC with first prize in the poster competition.
It’s a celebration: UTC to host commencement ceremonies Friday and Saturday
Fall commencement at the University of Tennessee at Chattanooga will be celebrated with three separate ceremonies taking place over two days starting Friday, Dec. 15.
UTC senior receives honor at her final undergraduate conference
Brock Scholar and elementary education major Rebekah Cahill, who will be graduating from UTC in December, placed second in the 2023 Sloane Prize for Undergraduate Research poster competition at the 58th annual National Collegiate Honors Council (NCHC) conference in Chicago. NCHC’s annual meeting is the second-largest all-discipline undergraduate research conference and the largest national gathering of honors educators, administrators and staff members.
New class explores the music scene(s) in Chattanooga
A new ethnomusicology class at UTC sends students to various venues around town to get an idea of what’s going on musically in Chattanooga. They then report what they’ve discovered over the course of the semester in podcasts, short films or photo essays.
Memories of the past energize ‘Unmasking: Elders Speak’
Twelve Chattanooga residents, ranging in age from their 70s to 98 years old, agreed to have their life memories—good and bad—transformed into dramatic monologues for “Unmasking: Elders Speak.” The production is helmed by Dr. Peggy Douglas, adjunct professor of economics in the Gary W. Rollins College of Business at the University of Tennessee at Chattanooga, and Dr. Anne Swedberg, associate professor of theater at UTC.
For UTC sophomore, helping improve health in underserved communities is ‘what I want to do 110% deep in my soul’
Gillian Morton, a Brock Scholar in the Honors College majoring in pre-health professional exercise and health science with minors in biology and chemistry, was one of five UTC undergraduates to attend this summer’s HBCU Wellness Project at Meharry Medical College in Nashville.
Chattanooga’s labor history added to UTC Library Digital Collections
The University of Tennessee at Chattanooga Library’s Special Collections department has announced the publishing of two digital collections of photographs and documents detailing the labor and manufacturing history of Chattanooga.
‘Tennessee Valley Across the Table’ debuts on WUTC, shows we’re not as different as we might think
“Tennessee Valley Across the Table,” a series of recorded conversations that debuts June 6 on WUTC-FM 88.1, follows the same format as “One Small Step,” setting up conversations between two people whose ideas—be they political, social, religious or otherwise—suggest the pair have diametrically opposed viewpoints. The only rule for participation was that conversation must remain civil.