Me Me Lee, a junor at Mount Juliet High School, has always thought about becoming a teacher. She is the third student in her family to attend UTC’s Governor’s School for Prospective Teachers.
Nursing Faculty Honored for Leadership
Dr. Kay Lindgren and Dr. Chris Smith were recognized as “Leaders in Our Midst” at the 4th Annual Leadership Address to the Community hosted by the Chattanooga Women’s Leadership Institute. Dr. Lindgren is the Director of the UTC School of Nursing, and Dr. Smith is Coordinator of the MSN Family Nurse Practitioner Concentration in the…
Plaques Honor Former Administrators
Two plaques honoring Charles “Rocky” Renneisen, former Dean of Students, and Richard MacDougall, former Dean of Men, have been placed in the UC Commons to honor their service. Dr. Renneisen, who was hired in 1970, grew the department into a division of Student Affairs. Mr. MacDougall, also hired in 1970, was responsible for Greek men,…
Grant Secured for Chemistry Equipment
Dr. Greg Grant, Irvine W. Grote professor of chemistry, Dr. Jisook Kim, assistant professor of chemistry, and Dr. Kyle Knight, professor of chemistry, have secured $151,938 from the National Science Foundation to purchase a Benchtop Single Crystal X-Ray Diffractometer. The equipment will be used for faculty and student research in the Department of Chemistry. Diverse…
University Health Services Summer Hours
Summer hours for University Health Services are Monday-Thursday 8:30 a.m.-5:00 p.m. They will close on Friday and all students, faculty and staff requiring acute visits can be seen at UTFP. After hours calls will continue to be answered by the UTFP physician on call. UHS is located at Central and Third streets, across from McDonald’s,…
UTC Department of Criminal Justice sponsors hate crime forum
The Department of Criminal Justice and the City of Chattanooga Office of Multicultural Affairs will present “A Community Education Forum on Hate Crime” on Thursday, June 24, 6-8 p.m. in the UTC Fine Arts Center, Dorothy Hackett Ward Theatre. Admission is free and the public is welcome.
Biology student stays connected while studying overseas
Arielle Lankford, a senior biology major, spent spring semester in the Sydney, Australia suburb of North Ryde, as part of the International Education Study Abroad Program. Lankford described her study abroad experience as life changing.
Tom Losh becomes new Alumni Board of Directors President
This year Alumni Board of Directors took the theme “Advocacy for the University” to their companies, their communities, and the people they came in contact with every day, according to Mike Purcell, outgoing Alumni Board of Directors President.
RAs perform community service
Campus housing relies on each Resident Assistant (RA) to build a strong community by encouraging the social, academic, and personal adjustment of students where they live and where they learn. These 62 student leaders recently spent time improving the Chattanooga community, working in three locations in the area surrounding UTC.
Information Technology Strategic Planning Project begins
When the campus community began the discussion of a new UTC Strategic Plan in 2008, there was agreement to grow enrollment, including the best academically prepared students in Tennessee. To support our growing student population, IT services will be assessed by Berry, Dunn, McNeil & Parker, certified public accountants and management consultants, who will also…