UTC Community:
The Department of Facilities Planning and Management (FPM) was advised of a water main break on Douglas Street, between Mocs Alumni Drive and Vine Street. The utility company, Tennessee American Water, indicated that water service would temporarily need to be shut off to allow for emergency repairs.
As of 5:15 PM, repairs have been completed and water service is slowly being restored. Impacted facilities include Boling Apartments, Johnson-Obear Apartments, West Campus Housing, Maclellan Gymnasium, and the Brenda Lawson Student-Athlete Success Center.
Discolored (brown) water and trapped air are common occurrences after a water main repair. If you experience this in your apartment, please run the cold water taps for approximately five (5) minutes or until the water runs clear.
We apologize for the inconvenience. These repairs were emergency in nature and outside of the University’s control.
If you have any additional questions or concerns, please contact Facilities Planning and Management at (423) 425-2254.