The following UTC Faculty and Staff have attracted $560,496 in external grant and contract awards:
Dr. Feng Bao (Mathematics) has received $41,111 from the US National Science Foundation for the project entitled, “RUI: Efficient Adaptive Backward SDE Methods for Nonlinear Filtering Problems.”
Dr. Jennifer Boyd (Biology, Geology & Environmental Science) has received $1,080,000 from the US National Science Foundation in partnership with Austin Peay State University, University of Georgia Research Foundation, Inc, and Seton Hill University. As the lead PI for the project entitled, “RUI: Collaborative Research: Reasons for Rarity? Exploring Acclimatory and Adaptive Constraints to Commonness,” $519,385 is going directly to UTC.
The following UTC faculty and staff members submitted proposals for the potential to generate over $1,165,131 in external funding, if awarded:
Dr. Ignatius Fomunung (Civil & Chemical Engineering), Dr. Mbakisya Onyango (Civil & Chemical Engineering), and Dr. Joseph Owino (Civil & Chemical Engineering) have requested $199,939 from the TDOT – Tennessee Highway Safety Office for the project entitled, “Effectiveness of HOV Lanes as a Congestion Relief and Air Quality Reduction Tool.”
Dr. June Hanks (Physical Therapy) and Dr. Cathie Smith (Physical Therapy) have requested $1,000 from the Tennessee Physical Therapy Association for the project entitled, “Cross-Cultural Adaptability Study (US-DPT and Haitian PT students).”
Dr. Azad Hossain (Biology, Geology & Environmental Science) has requested $46,171 from the University of Mississippi (UM) for the project entitled, “GRACE Water Storage Study.”
Ms. Catherine Kendall (Interior Design) has requested $3,500 from the Tennessee Board of Architectural and Engineering Examiners for the project entitled, “Professional Student Exam Fees and Computer Grant F2017.”
Dr. Andrew Ledoan (Mathematics), Dr. Jin Wang (Mathematics), and Dr. Sherry Marlow Ormsby (Office of Planning, Evaluation & Institutional Research), have requested $283,831 from the US National Science Foundation for the project entitled, “REU Site: Number Theory, Dynamical Systems and Applications.”
Dr. Renee Murley (School of Education), Dr. Kim O’Kelley Wingate (School of Education), Dr. Jenny Holcombe (School of Nursing), and Dr. Sarah Sandefur (School of Education) have requested $47,214 from the Tennessee Department of Education for the project entitled, “Tennessee Innovation in Preparation Grant.”
Dr. Han Jung Park (Chemistry & Physics) and Dr. Joanne Romagni (Vice Chancellor for Research) have requested $398,853 from the US National Science Foundation for the project entitled, “UTC Spain REU.”
Dr. Joey Shaw (Biology, Geology & Environmental Science) has requested $34,725 from the US National Science Foundation for the project entitled, “Repair, digitization, and integration of the Southern Adventist University herbarium into the University of Tennessee at Chattanooga herbarium.”
Dr. Li Yang (Computer Science) and Dr. Karen Adsit (School of Education) have requested $149,898 from the Department of Defense Senior Executive Council – National Security Agency/Central Security Service for the project entitled, “Developing Web Security Modules with Visualization and Hands-on Labs.”