The following UTC Faculty and Staff have attracted $1,432,067 in external grant and contract awards:
Dr. Amir Alakaam (Health & Human Performance) has received $332,500 from the Tennessee Department of Health for the project entitled, “Developing a Curriculum for Public Health Workforces in Tennessee.”
Dr. Christopher Cunningham (Psychology) has received $45,096 from Peak Performance, Inc. for the project entitled, “Support for the Training and Development Efforts of the Smart Factory Institute.”
Dr. Jennifer Ellis (School of Education) has received $131,307 from the National Science Foundation for the project entitled, “NSF Program Director Assignment.”
Dr. Ahmed Eltom (Electrical Engineering) has requested and received $1,200 from the Electric Power Research Institute for the project entitled, “GridEd Tech Transfer Workshop.”
Dr. Zibin Guo (Social, Cultural & Justice Studies) and Dr. Liz Hathaway (Health & Human Performance) have received $120,000 from the U.S. Department of Veteran’s Affairs for the project entitled, “Adaptive / Wheelchair Tai Chi Chuan.”
Dr. Marcus Mauldin (Political Science & Public Service) has received $19,999 from the Tennessee Higher Education Commission for the project entitled, “PSPS 1030 – Controversies in Public Policy Open Source Book.”
Charles Mix (IGTLab) has received $50,000 from Cherokee National Forest for the project entitled, “Cherokee NF Road Digitizing using Lidar.”
Charles Mix and Nyssa Hunt (IGTLab) have received $2,825 from Sudbury Valley Trustees for the project entitled, “SVT Conservation Plan – Story Map Development.”
Dr. Hong Qin (Computer Science & Engineering) has received $50,000 from the National Academy of Medicine for the project entitled, “Uncovering molecular mechanisms of aging clocks with deep learning.”
Dr. Mina Sartipi (CUIP) and Dr. Chandra Ward (Social, Cultural & Justice Studies), in collaboration with Chattanooga Area Regional Transportation Authority, have received $42,248 from the U.S. Department of Energy for the project entitled, “AI-Engine for Optimizing Integrated Service in Mixed Fleet Transit Operations.”
Dr. Benjamin Stein (Chemistry & Physics) has received $322,375 from National Institutes of Health for the project entitled, “Characterization of non-canonical regulatory pathways in the Caulobacter NtrYX signaling system.”
Dr. Kim Wingate, Dr. Allen Pratt, Dr. Jason Gordon, and Dr. Jennifer Lynberg (School of Education) have received $121,866 from the Tennessee Department of Education for the project entitled, “Grow Your Own: Teacher Occupation Apprenticeship.”
Dr. Li Yang (Computer Science & Engineering) has received $192,651 from the National Science Foundation for the project entitled, “NSF Program Director Assignment.”
Good Luck! The following UTC faculty and staff members submitted proposals for the potential to generate over $4,527,689 in external funding, if awarded:
Dr. Michael Danquah (Civil & Chemical Engineering), in collaboration with the University of Otago, New Zealand, has requested $299,909 from the National Science Foundation for the project entitled, “IRES Track I: US-NZ collaborative research exchange on food innovation for sustainable future.”
Dr. Michael Danquah (Civil & Chemical Engineering), Dr. Reetesh Ranjan (Mechanical Engineering), and Dr. Dalei Wu (Computer Science & Engineering) have submitted a preliminary proposal to the National Science Foundation for the project entitled, “ECO-CBET: Bioelectrochemical CO2 capture and utilization.”
Dr. Michael Danquah, Dr. Jejal-Reddy Bathi, Dr. Bradley Harris, Dr. Sungwoo Yang (Civil & Chemical Engineering), Dr. Reetesh Ranjan, Dr. Yunye Shi (Mechanical Engineering), Dr. Dalei Wu (Computer Science & Engineering), and Dr. Henry Spratt (Biology, Geology, & Environmental Science) have requested $400,656 from the National Science Foundation for the project entitled, “REU Site: Interdisciplinary enGineeRing for EnvironmEntal sustaiNability (iGREEN).”
Dr. Gokhan Erdemir, Dr. Erkan Kaplanoglu, and Dr. Ahad Nasab (Engineering Management & Technology) have requested $111,372 from Tennessee Valley Authority for the project entitled, “Design and implementation of a semi-autonomous mobile robot for powerline inspection and observation.”
Dr. Dawn Ford (Health & Human Performance) has requested $3,000 from the United Nations Foundation for the project entitled, “Testing Drinking Water for Lead: Child Care Center Incentives.”
Catherine Kendall (Interior Design) has requested $34,530 from the Tennessee Board of Architectural and Engineering Examiners for the project entitled, “Diversity, Inclusion, and Experiential Learning – TBAEE 2022.”
Dr. Seong Dae Kim (Engineering Management & Technology), Dr. Abdul Ofoli, and Dr. Vahid Disfani (Electrical Engineering) have requested $114,692 from Tennessee Valley Authority for the project entitled, “Power Shortage Risk Assessment with Increased Power Consumption from Electric Vehicle Boom and Other Future Risks.”
Dr. Daniel Loveless, Dr. Abdul Ofoli, Dr. Vahid Disfani, Dr. Donald Reising, Dr. Raga Ahmed, and Dr. Nurhidajat Sisworahardjo (Electrical Engineering) have requested $404,927 from the National Science Foundation for the project entitled, “REU Site: UTChattSat2-A Research Program in Resilient Microelectronics for Critical Infrastructure and Space Systems.”
Dr. Jennifer Lynberg, Dr. Jason Gordon, Dr. Barry Kamrath, Dr. Allen Pratt, and Dr. Kim Wingate, (School of Education), in collaboration with colleagues from the College of Health, Education, and Professional Studies as well as the Division of Enrollment Management and Student Affairs, have requested $1,452,740 from the Department of Education for the project entitled, “UTC Teach, Aspire, Learn, Lead (UTC-TALL) Program.”
Dr. Reinhold Mann (Deputy Vice Chancellor for Research), in collaboration with the University of Kentucky, has requested $30,089 from the National Science Foundation for the project entitled, “From a Carbon Centric to Circular Economy: Generating Advanced Manufacturing Excellence for Change (GAME Change) for the Southeastern Commerce Corridor.”
Charles Mix (IGTLab) has requested $49,999 from Cherokee National Forest for the project entitled, “UTC-USFS Student GIS Projects Mod 2.”
Dr. Joseph Owino (Civil & Chemical Engineering) has requested $35,126 from the Tennessee Department of Commerce and Insurance for the project entitled, “TBAEE – CECS – Civil & Chemical Engineering.”
Dr. Christina Policastro (Social, Cultural & Justice Studies) has requested $36,117 from the Tennessee Coalition to End Domestic and Sexual Violence for the project entitled, “Tommy Burks Victim Assistance Academy.”
Dr. Donald Reising (Electrical Engineering) has requested $99,998 from Tennessee Valley Authority for the project entitled, “A Smarter Power Grid Through Data Analytics.”
Dr. Donald Reising (Electrical Engineering), Dr. Tian Li (Chemistry & Physics), and Mohamed Fadul (Engineering & Computer Science) have requested $1,135,241 from the U.S. Department of Energy for the project entitled, “Heisenberg-limited sensing across quantum networks.”
Erin Ryan (Library) has requested $4,905 from Tennessee State Library and Archives for the project entitled, “Part Time Archivist/Student Assistant.”
Dr. Mina Sartipi (CUIP), Dr. Osama Osman (Civil & Chemical Engineering), Dr. Reinhold Mann (Deputy VC for Research), and Dr. Vahid Disfani (Electrical Engineering) have requested $49,508 from the National Science Foundation for the project entitled, “NSF Engine: Type 1: Tennessee Technology-Enabled Advanced Mobility Engine (TEAM-Engine).”
Dr. Mina Sartipi (CUIP), Dr. Osama Osman (Civil & Chemical Engineering), and Dr. Vahid Disfani (Electrical Engineering) have submitted a preliminary proposal to the U.S. Department of Energy for the project entitled, “Community-Driven Deployment of EV Charging Stations and Clean Transportation Modes Through Innovative Partnerships in Urban and Rural Southeast Tennessee.”
Dr. Mina Sartipi (CUIP), in collaboration with the Chattanooga-Hamilton County/North Georgia Transportation Planning Organization, has requested $50,000 from the U.S. Department of Transportation for the project entitled, “Safe Streets for All Safety Action Plan.”
Dr. Priscilla Simms-Roberson (School of Nursing) has requested $5,000 from CVS Health for the project entitled, “2022-2023 CVS Health Foundation FNP/PA Scholarship.”
Dr. Jin Wang (Mathematics), in collaboration with the Emerging Pathogens Institute and the University of Florida, has requested $175,369 from the National Science Foundation for the project entitled, “Multiscale modeling of viral infections: Application to COVID-19.”
Dr. Yukun Yuan (Computer Science & Engineering) has requested $34,511 from Tennessee Valley Authority for the project entitled, “Data-Driven Demand Response Technologies for Flexible Power Load with Distributed Energy Resources.”