The following UTC Faculty and Staff have attracted $37,592 in external grant and contract awards:
Laurie Allen (Arts-Based Collaborative) has received $13,428 from Hamilton County Public Schools for the project entitled, “Battle Academy – Arts 360 Project 2023.”
Dr. Kevin Doyle (Counseling) has received $4,200 from the Association for Assessment and Research in Counseling for the project entitled, “Understanding Clients’ Experiences in Counseling: The Client Meaningful Experiences Scale.”
Dr. Ignatius Fomunung (Civil & Chemical Engineering) and Dr. Trevor Elliott (Mechanical Engineering) have received $19,964 from TPT Technologies for the project entitled, “Demonstration, Testing, & Refinement of a Sustainable, Non-Stop, Autonomous, Affordable, Personalized (SNAAP) Transportation System.”
Good Luck!
The following UTC faculty and staff members submitted proposals for the potential to generate over $10,591,083 in external funding, if awarded:
Dr. Amir Alakaam, along with the postdoctoral researcher, Dr. Chia-Lin Chang (Health & Human Performance), have requested $74,995 from the National Science Foundation for the project entitled, “Examining Breastfeeding Equity among Individuals with Low Income in The United States.”
Dr. Meredith Barbee (Chemistry & Physics) has requested $55,000 from the American Chemical Society Petroleum Research Fund for the project entitled, “Expanding Covalent Mechanochemistry to Commonly Used Polymer Materials.”
Dr. Murat Barisik (Mechanical Engineering), in collaboration with North Carolina State University, has requested $425,000 from the National Science Foundation for the project entitled, “Role of ordered interfacial water layers in condensation heat transfer.”
Dr. Ignatius Fomunung, Dr. Joseph Owino, Dr. Bradley Harris, Dr. Onyango Mbakisya, Dr. Weidong Wu (Civil & Chemical Engineering), Dr. Seong Dae Kim (Engineering Management & Technology), Dr. Joseph Kizza (Computer Science & Engineering), Dr. Gary McDonald (Mechanical Engineering), and Dr. Jessica Taylor (LEAD) have requested $3,743,230 from the National Science Foundation for the project entitled, “Southern Appalachia University and Community College Engineering and Computer Science Scholarships and Supports.”
Austin Harris, Dr. Mina Sartipi (CUIP), and Charlie Mix (IGTLab) have requested $253,118 from the Tennessee Department of Transportation for the project entitled, “Local Data Integration Plan.”
Dr. Erkan Kaplanoglu and Dr. Ahad Nasab (Engineering Management & Technology) have requested $300,528 from the National Institutes of Health for the project entitled, “Design and Testing of Active and Passive Magnetic-Force-Actuated Wearable Devices for Upper Extremity Essential Tremor.”
Dr. Mbakisya Onyango (Civil & Chemical Engineering), in collaboration with Tennessee State University, has requested $25,324 from the U.S. Department of Education for the project entitled, “Traffic Safety Education and Culture: Implication for Refugees Settled in the United States.”
Dr. Tony Skjellum (SimCenter), in collaboration with Auburn University and Colorado State University, has requested $71,698 from the National Science Foundation for the project entitled, “Growing the Workforce in High Performance Computing and Scalable Systems Security.”
Jessica Taylor and Dr. John Browne (LEAD) have requested $31,460 from the American Educational Research Association for the project entitled, “Improving Measures of Student Learning and Promoting Best Practices.”
Dr. Jin Wang (Mathematics) and Dr. Reetesh Ranjan (Mechanical Engineering), in collaboration with the University of Florida, have requested $299,946 from the National Science Foundation for the project entitled, “Fluid Dynamics and Infectious Diseases: An Integrated Modeling Framework.”
Dr. Kristina Wick, Dr. Sarah Treat, Dr. Latisha Toney (School of Nursing), Dr. Shewanee Howard-Baptiste, Dr. Amir Alakaam (Health & Human Performance), Dr. Erin Melhorn (Occupational Therapy), and Dr. Cathy Scott (Social Work) have requested $3,724,524 from the Tennessee Department of Health for the project entitled, “Mobile Health Clinic.”
Dr. Mengjun Xie (National Center of Academic Excellence in Cyber Defense) and Dr. Hong Qin (Computer Science & Engineering) have requested $149,999 from the National Security Agency Central Security Service for the project entitled, “Accelerating Quantum Computing Education through Hands-on Faculty Training.”
Dr. Mengjun Xie (National Center of Academic Excellence in Cyber Defense) and Dr. Hong Qin (Computer Science & Engineering) have requested $178,677 from the National Security Agency Central Security Service for the project entitled, “CySP 2023 Scholarship Basic Recruitment.”
Dr. Sungwoo Yang, Dr. Mbakisya Onyango (Civil & Chemical Engineering), Dr. Mohammad Mahtabi, and Dr. Yunye Shi (Mechanical Engineering) have requested $999,098 from the National Science Foundation for the project entitled, “Acquisition of an Advanced Scanning Transmission Electron Microscopy for Multidisciplinary Research Activities.”