Greetings, faculty! Please see the list of announcements, funding opportunities, and resources below. Archives of previous updates are available on ORSP’s blog. Announcements Reminders Limited Submission Competitions The following programs have a limited submission requirement. If you are interested in the program, you must submit a notice of intent by the internal deadline to be eligible…
May 2024 Sponsored Program Activity
Congratulations! The following UTC Faculty and Staff have attracted $878,853 in external grant and contract awards: Dr. Keenan Dungey, Dr. Jared Pienkos, Dr. Luis Sanchez Diaz, and Dr. Wang Yong Yang (Chemistry and Physics) have received $9,600 from the American Chemical Society for the project entitled, “2024 ACS Project SEED at UTC.” Charles Mix and Nyssa Hunt (IGTLab)…
ORSP Updates and Grant Opportunities – June 13, 2024
Greetings, faculty! Please see the list of announcements, funding opportunities, and resources below. Archives of previous updates are available on ORSP’s blog. Announcements Reminders Funding Opportunity Interest Surveys If you are interested in applying to any of the opportunities below, please take a moment to complete the brief interest survey. Additional proposal development resources may be…