The following UTC Faculty and Staff have attracted $435,258 in external grant and contract awards:
Dr. Yunye Shi (Mechanical Engineering) has received $70,000 from the American Chemical Society for the project entitled, “Experimental Investigation of Light-controlled Active Droplets in Confined Environment.”
Dr. Stephan Davenport and Dr. Spencer Usrey (Accounting) have received $19,999 from the Internal Revenue Service, in collaboration with the Urban League of Greater Chattanooga. for the project entitled, “UTC IRS/VITA Program for Students to Provide Tax Preparation Services for the Underserved.”
Dr. Sherah Basham (Social, Cultural & Justice Studies) has received $99,830 from Arnold Ventures for the project entitled, “A multi-site planning of a rapid video response model: Phase I – randomized control trial planning and piloting.
Dr. Rick Dierenfeldt (Social, Cultural & Justice Studies) has received $245,429 from the U.S. Department of Justice, in collaboration with the City of Chattanooga for the project entitled, “Chattanooga United to Reduce Violence.”
Good Luck!
The following UTC faculty and staff members submitted proposals for the potential to generate over $2,527,400 in external funding if awarded:
Dr. Jennifer Lynberg and Dr. Jason Gordon (School of Education) have requested $1,249,457 from the US Dept. of Education for the project entitled, “PATHWAYS: Preparing and Advancing Teachers for High-intensity needs with Well-being and Academic Yearlong Supports.”
Dr. Zihao Wang (Computer Science and Engineering) has requested $5,000 from the Oak Ridge Associated Universities for the project entitled, “Assessment and Mitigation of Bias in Medical AI Model.”
Dr. Jejal Reddy Bathi (Civil and Chemical Engineering) has requested $73,875 from Solmax for the project entitled, “Microplastics Investigation at Plastic Erosion Controls Installed Sites.”
Dr. Khalid Tantawi (Engineering Management and Technology) has requested $6,000 from REpowering Schools for the project entitled, “Engaging Mechatronics Students in Solar Energy Applied Research Projects.”
Dr. Jose Barbosa (Biology, Geology and Environmental Science), Dr. Stephanie Philipp (School of Education), Dr. Nagwan Zahry (Communications), Dr. Sandra Affare and Dr. Erkan Kaplanoglu (Engineering Management and Technology) have requested $714,175 from the National Institute of Food and Agriculture for the project entitled, “Community-Driven Approach to Food Desert Elimination with STEM-Education & Agricultural Projects.”
Dr. Lakmali Weerasena (Mathematics), Dr. Damitha Bandara (Data Analytics), and Nyssa Hunt (IGTLab) have requested $478,893 from the National Science Foundation for the project entitled, “Pareto Set Approximation and Decision-Making in Multiobjective Set Covering Problems: Neural Network Approaches and Applications.”