Gossip within workplaces is very common – By some estimates, almost 90% of employees share, hear, or are the target of workplace gossip on a daily basis (e.g., Grosser et al., 2012). Data gathered through the Total Organizational Health (TOH@UTC) initiative confirm that in many workgroups on campus, gossip is a frequent occurrence in day-to-day…
Job Crafting: Redesigning Work for Enhanced Meaning and Motivation
For most of us, the motivation to work is at least somewhat linked to the meaning and purpose we find in what we do, and to our ability to control at least a little bit of how we do that work. When our work feels really basic, routine, restrictive, or unchanging, our motivation to work…
The Role of Ombuds at UTC: Resources for navigating workplace challenges
Have you heard that UTC has a new full-time Ombuds? This means that our campus has a valuable and dedicated resource supporting and facilitating employee and group development in ways that align with multiple factors supporting our institution’s Total Organizational Health (TOH@UTC). Please read the rest of this blog post to find out more. What…
TOH@UTC Updates for Fall 2024
As we all work to transition back into the rhythm and routines of a new fall semester, here are a few quick Total Organizational Health (TOH@UTC) updates for you. This post (~ 5 minute read) should help clear things up if you are wondering, “What is happening with TOH?”, or if you are among the…
Welcome to the TOH@UTC blog!
Posts to this blog address a variety of TOH topics that are important to our campus and working in a university setting more broadly. These resources were created in response to needs identified through the ongoing TOH@UTC initiative, which you can learn more about by visiting https://www.utc.edu/total-organizational-health.