Please join us for lunch October 17 to continue our UTC LeadHERship journey, as we remain committed to embracing and engaging our diverse community.
Luncheon Session Topic
Building Your Personal Brand
This leadership development topic will be addressed with an engaging panelist discussion among women representing various perspectives of leadership and the journey of building a personal brand.
Monday, October 17
11:30a.m. – 1:30p.m.
UC Tennessee Room
Please register here for this event by October 12.
We hope you can join us!
Dr. Abeer Mustafa, Associate Vice Chancellor for Student Affairs
Dr. Valerie Rutledge, Dean, College of Health, Education & Professional Studies
Vicki Farnsworth, Vice Chancellor for Information Technology and Interim Vice Chancellor for Finance and Administration
Laure Pou, Assistant Vice Chancellor for Human Resources
Nicholle Harrison, Talent Management Specialist