Students with the University of Tennessee at Chattanooga SGA led a group of about 35 people on a roughly three-mile walk around campus during the first of two “Safety Walk” events on Tuesday, Nov. 22.
Members of University administration were joined by campus and city safety officials on a route developed by SGA members to highlight concerns within three primary areas: sidewalk surfaces, pedestrian safety at traffic intersections and handicapped-accessible building entrances and sidewalk ramps.
Upon returning to the University Center where the trek began, SGA and UTC leaders discussed the issues noted toward reaching consensus on priorities. The group agreed that, in addition to sidewalks, pedestrian safety and accessible buildings, outdoor campus emergency call boxes must be more visible and accessible.
UTC Associate Dean of Students Brett Fuchs kept a list throughout the walk of all items of concern, a task he repeated at the day’s second outing that started at 8 p.m. Fuchs will develop a “master list” of findings from both walks for University officials to consider.
The 8 p.m. group focused on the periphery of campus and adjacent areas, traveling via golf carts to more safely cover the route and avoid potential walking hazards after dark.
Over the more than 10-year history of SGA Safety Walk events at UTC, Tuesday’s midday outing was among the largest groups ever to participate. University administrators made up about two-thirds of the turnout.
Tuesday’s daytime and evening outings marked the second Safety Walk event of 2022, with a previous event in March.
Additional feedback or concerns about campus safety are encouraged anytime and can be communicated by clicking on the “Report Unsafe Condition” link on the UTC Safety and Risk Management website.
Students may share concerns anytime via the online Student Complaint Process.
For more information, email UTC Associate Dean of Students Brett Fuchs: