The New Student and Family Programs Office is excited to offer several Orientation sessions next summer for new students starting Fall 2023! In addition to multiple in-person Orientations, we will offer 1 evening and 2 online sessions that will be open to transfer students, adult students (23 years of age or older) and freshmen by exception. We have listed the dates for all 2023 sessions below and have attached a Fall 2023 date reminder to this email.
Registration for Fall 2023 Orientation will open on January 20 and can be found here:
If you are talking with students and/or parents and they have questions about Orientation and their upcoming enrollment, please direct them to our office by calling (423) 425-5220 or by email:
Spring 2023 New Student Orientation
- Dec 6th
- Jan 5th-online session
Fall 2023 Transfer Orientation
- April 25th
- June 8
- June 22- online session
- June 27-evening session
- July 13
- July 25- online session
- August 1
Fall 2023 Freshman Orientation
- June 5-6
- June 12-13
- June 15-16
- June 19-20
- July 10-11
- July 20-21
- July 27-28
Carrie Sherbesman
Director, New Student and Family Programs Office