The UTC Center for Innovation & Entrepreneurship in collaboration with the Vice Chancellor for Research, UT System Administration Office, and the UTC Vice Chancellor’s Office is excited to announce the Fly for Researchers 2023 Pitch Competition. UTC faculty, staff, and graduate students from all colleges are invited to apply to pitch their ideas that have the potential to be commercialized or licensed. Up to $35,000 in internal grants will be awarded – $20,000 for 1st place, $10,000 for 2nd place, and $5,000 for 3rd place.
The Fly for Researchers Pitch event will be held on Wednesday, April 19, from 3:30 – 5:00, in the Center for Innovation & Entrepreneurship. The selected finalists will give a 5-minute presentation, followed by up to 8 minutes of Q&A.
Interested in Learning More?
Register to attend on January 18 at 12:00 pm – 1:00 pm to learn more about the opportunity and the process. The 2022 awardees will also share their experiences and advice.
Register to attend: