Crucial Learning: Crucial Conversations for Today’s Communication Challenges
Tuesday, January 17th 1-2 pm, online
Too often, people feel they can be honest or respectful in their conversations, but not both. So rather than speak their mind and risk losing a valued relationship, feeling unsafe, or simply creating unwanted drama, they resort to silence. Dialogue and progress halts.
But the truth is, we’ve always struggled to speak up – it’s just harder in today’s volatile social landscape. In this webinar, Joseph shares research-backed skills for speaking up to anyone about anything. Register Here

Wellness Opportunities
January: Walk 30 miles in 30 days Challenge!
January 23-February 21: Sign up for the challenge and everyone who walks 30 miles in 30 days is entered in a drawing for prizes. To sign up visit this link or use the QR code below.
February: Financial wellness
Happy New Year! We hope you are having the best 2023. As part of our new year’s resolutions, we would like to invite you to participate in a month-long savings challenge with the Financial Wellness Center.
To participate please complete the survey at https://utk.co1.qualtrics.com/jfe/form/SV_bE1tKdwRApfsHsO. Once you have completed this survey, we will send you information regarding your challenge!
February 1-28: Employee savings challenge; those who complete the challenge are entered into a drawing for a financial wellness book. To sign up for the Savings Challenge, contact Sarah-Edgar@utc.edu to pick up cash envelopes and get financial wellness information.
February 9 – SMILE Fund Investment Strategy Presentation, 10:50am-12:05pm in the Raccoon Mountain Room in the University Center. Update on the SMILE Fund’s performance and economy/markets. For questions, contact Hunter-Holzhauer@utc.edu.
Resources of the Month:
When Feedback Feels Abusive Crucial Skills Article
Getting Things Done Miniseries: 4 FREE Video Lessons to Gain Clarity and Control: From Frenzied to Focus
What to Do When Your Coworkers Dismiss and Ignore You Crucial Learning Blog
How to Listen to Someone You Don’t Respect Crucial Learning 2-minute Video
Welcome to 2023 and a new year of learning opportunities.
To help in planning for your professional development for 2023, we are providing information and registration links for the five major conferences offered through UT System Administration, Human Resources, Employee and Organizational Development.
See details below. We urge you to plan and register early as conference space fills up quickly.

April 12th – 13th, 2023
UT Knoxville Student Union
UT System Administration HR Employee and Organizational Development presents the Be One UT Leadership Symposium. The Be One UT Leadership Symposium is a two-day system-wide conference designed to promote shared values across the system, build purpose, improve team cohesion, and create a sense of shared commitment in the workplace. We will spend time deepening our understanding of each value, promoting the impactful work happening across the state, and focusing on our well-being to ensure we are all working toward the same goals.
Leaders at all levels are welcome to register, including, but not limited to, deans, directors, department heads, other formal or informal leaders. The conference will have a symposium spotlight and gallery walk, self-care sessions, seven sessions relevant to the Be One UT values, and a reflection and application session. A Be One UT trophy will be presented for the Be One UT idea/initiative of the year.

May 24th – 25th, 2023
Marriot Knoxville Downtown
UT System Administration HR, EOD presents the Conference for Women’s Leadership (CWL) to address the professional development needs of UT women. The conference provides sessions on topics relevant to women at varying stages on the leadership journey, from those who are emerging as leaders to women in advanced leadership roles.
The Conference for Women’s Leadership will explore the meaning of women’s leadership in our current higher education environment. We are duty-bound to prepare women who lead at all levels to learn, develop, and grow their leadership abilities. In our current environment, there are calls for persistent, tenacious, and resilient leadership. The 2023 CWL theme is Sustaining Growth: Grow and Glow! This year’s event includes a luau. Wear your boots and sundresses for the “We wear sundresses at night!” luau.

September 19th – 20th, 2023
UT Conference Center Building
Knoxville, TN
The concept of the “best man” has its origin in medieval Germany when the best man was identified as that trusted individual who had your back, supported you, who would go to battle with you and for you. The BEST Man Forum is designed to connect and meet the needs of the UT men that serve our campuses and institutes. The forum serves as a catalyst to unite UT men system-wide, to learn, network, and contribute to embodiment of the Be One UT Values in performance, behaviors, and relationships.
Statewide, exempt employees and/or those who have supervisory responsibilities are welcome to register for this two-day conference to be held in Knoxville at the UT Conference Center Bldg. The forum will consist of the following: three facilitated small-group sessions focused on Building Essential Skills Together; an Executive Leadership Panel; an extensive networking, games night, and vendor session. Come find your UT BEST Man at the BEST Man Forum!

October 20th, 2023
UT Space Institute
Tullahoma, TN
The NEXT “Non-Exempt Employees Excelling Together” Conference is an exciting learning opportunity presented by UT System Administration HR, Employee & Organizational Development. NEXT is designed to meet the specific needs of non-exempt staff on all campuses. This conference is an investment in the growth and development of non-exempt staff who serve and support our campuses. NEXT will provide opportunities for rigorous learning, professional community building, and connection to the BE ONE UT values.
Non-exempt employees from across the state are welcome to register for this conference to be held in Tullahoma, TN. The event will include small-group sessions, networking opportunities, and large-group sessions. We appreciate your dedication to your professional development and growth, and we look forward to experiencing this event with you all!

November 8th– 9th, 2023
Crowne Plaza Knoxville Downtown
UT System Administration HR Employee and Organizational Development is proud to host the second-annual Administrative Professionals Summit: A system-wide event designed for rigorous learning for administrative professionals from across the state.
This conference will provide professional growth and leadership development relative to the roles and responsibilities of administrative professionals. We appreciate your dedication to your professional development and growth. We look forward to hosting this annual event in Knoxville, TN for our administrative professionals!
Register for TIAA’s live webinars!
Each month, TIAA hosts several live webinars. You can also view recordings of past webinars.
Find the topics and register here.
You can also visit the UTC Training Calendar by clicking here or visiting the HR Professional Development webpage.
There is NO cost to attend any of the above trainings and events.