What: Meet-up for Researchers is an opportunity to share research interests and projects with other faculty, staff, and graduate students. Attend to learn more about the research and innovation happening at UTC.
When: 11:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m. Friday, March 31. Lunch will be provided!
Agenda: The first 20 minutes are focused on a research program or resource, followed by open conversation and networking. At this month’s meeting, Dr. Sandra Affare, an Adjunct Professor in the College of Engineering and Computer Science, will talk about the Agriculture & Nutrition for Girls While Encouraging Leadership & Stem-Enrichment (ANGELS) program funded by the US Department of Agriculture grant and led by Dr. José M. Barbosa, a professor in UTC’s Department of Biology, Geology, and Environmental Sciences.
Where: Center for Innovation and Entrepreneurship (2nd floor Mapp Building)
How to attend: Register to attend here: https://bit.ly/march2023meetup
Questions? Contact Jennifer Skjellum at jennifer-skjellum@utc.edu