Here4TN for You
Tuesday, January 28th 2-2:50pm Online
Join us online to learn about UT’s new EAP: Emotional Wellbeing Solutions, the resources available to you as an employee of UTC and how to take advantage of them. Learn about some changes for 2025 and a new benefit called Virtual Behavioral Coaching. Register Here.
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Creating Kindness in the Workplace
Thursday, February 6th 1:30-2:30pm Online
This session explores the critical role of kindness in building strong relationships and promoting positive mental health. This will include strategies and practical ways to demonstrate kindness on a daily basis. Participants will delve into the motivations behind performing altruistic acts and examine the science behind gratitude by providing practical strategies for incorporating it into our daily routines. We will also discuss the benefits of giving and helping others for our own mental well-being, emphasizing the importance of kindness as a key element of a healthy workplace. Register Here.
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Connections to Strategy & Vision: The 6 Creativity Killers of Innovative Thinking
Wednesday, February 12th 10-11am Online
Join our partners at UTK in a few of their Leadership Development sessions. This is for leaders at all levels! This session focuses on identifying and overcoming the obstacles that hinder creativity and innovative thinking. Participants will explore common barriers such as self-doubt, lack of motivation, and unrealistic expectations that can stifle innovation and productivity. By understanding these “killers,” attendees will be better equipped to foster a more creative mindset and environment. Register Here.
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How to Use Conflict as an Opportunity
Thursday, February 20th 1-2:00pm Online
This program addresses how conflict affects the workplace and offers opportunities to practice positive conflict resolution techniques. It will also present suggestions for maintaining successful relationships, improving trust, heightening morale and increasing productivity. Register Here.
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The Mandate of Trust: How We Perceive Others
Thursday, February 27th 2-3:30pm Online
This 90-minute session from our UTK partners will focus on self-awareness of how well and how fully we trust others. We will examine reasons for our perceptions and take active steps to build trust and foster competence in others. We will strengthen our abilities to trust and lead with authenticity. Register Here.
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Making Time for Fitness
Monday, March 3rd 1:30-2:30 Online
An estimated 80 percent of the U.S. population doesn’t get enough exercise, and 60 percent are sedentary. For that reason, this program serves as a great reminder for so many. It shares practical ways for even the busiest person to weave 30 minutes of physical activity into their day. Register Here.
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Highlighted articles and resources:
Article: 2025 Goals – What if Your Primary Job is to be Happy? – Candid Culture Blog
Video: 8 Essential Performance Review Tips for Employees – Career Addict
Blog Post: Are You a Habitual Procrastinator? – Crucial Learning
Blog Post: Setting Expectations is Always Easier Than Giving Feedback – Candid Culture
** As a reminder, if the links above are not working, you can use the search function to locate any of the above sessions. Just use key words in your search.
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Tuition Fee Waiver/Discounts
Did you know that you, your spouse and dependents can take classes and get your degree with fees waived/reduced?
Regular full-time staff and faculty may enroll in classes at any UT campus without payment of in-state maintenance fees and tuition for a maximum of nine (9) semester undergraduate or graduate credit hours per semester. The fee waiver is pro-rated for part-time regular staff and faculty based upon the percent of effort and regular full-time employees, 100% effort, are eligible for a student fee discount for their spouses and dependent children, 26 years of age and under, who have been admitted to the university as undergraduate students through standard admission procedures. Spouses and dependent children of regular part-time employees who have one (1) or more years of regular continuous service with the University of TN working a minimum of fifty percent (50%) time receive a pro rata discount based on the percent of effort currently worked by the employee.
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Looking to add External Training to K@TE for HR0128?
Check out this helpful tool to learn how to do it.
Problems with K@TE? Contact
K@TE Courses: self-paced HR 0128 courses available on K@TE:
- Resolving Conflict with Coworkers
- Time Management Essentials
- Dealing with Stress, Pressure and Burnout
- Workplace Communication Basics
- A Guide to Workplace Integrity
- A Guide to Workplace Professionalism
- Workplace Distractions: How to Avoid Common Time-Wasting Traps
- Developing a Growth Mindset
- Problem-Solving Fundamentals
- Advanced Problem-Solving
- Scheduling 101
- Do You Have These Four Essential Customer Service Skills?
- A Guide to Empathy at Work
- Resolving Conflict with Coworkers
- Leading with Emotional Intelligence
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Register for TIAA’s live webinars!
Each month, TIAA hosts several live webinars. You can also view recordings of past webinars.
Find the topics and register here.
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Don’t forget the Introductory DASH Modules in K@TE
Go to, select the UT Faculty and Staff button and login to K@TE with your NETID and password to search and access these two important modules:
Introduction to DASH –This 15-minute module is designed to provide a foundational understanding of what DASH is and how you can learn more about the transition to DASH. This session can be found in My Active Courses on your K@TE transcript.
How to Navigate in DASH – This 20-minute module is designed to provide an introductory overview of how employees will access and navigate the new DASH system, as well as other in-application help features available in DASH.