The UTC Graduate School is pleased to announce that Shyla Khan will present Master’s research titled, Is Fair Lovely?: A Cross-Cultural Comparison of the Impact of Colorism on Mental Health in South Asian Women on 02/28/2025 at 1:00pm in 540 McCallie Room 394. Everyone is invited to attend.
Chair: Ruth Walker, PhD
Colorism, a preference for lighter skin tones within and between racial or ethnic groups, impacts many non-White communities, especially those with a history of colonization (Rhondilla & Spickard, 2007). I will explore how colorism messages affect the mental well-being of South Asian women in the U.S. and Asia. Using Objectification Theory, I hypothesize that these messages are associated with self-objectification processes (e.g., skin tone surveillance, skin color satisfaction, internalization of skin color beauty ideals) predicting skin-lightening product use (Fredrickson & Roberts, 1997). Results of my structural equation model with South Asian women, as well as implications for interventions and clinical practice, will be discussed.