The following UTC Faculty and Staff have attracted $129,052 in external grant and contract awards:
Dr. David Levine (Physical Therapy) has received $5,000 from True Power Performance Inc for the project entitled, “Effectiveness of True Power Performance, Inc on Cutaneous Blood Flow.”
Dr. Yu Liang, Dr. Yingfeng Wang, Dr. Dalei Wu (Computer Science and Engineering), Dr. Katherine Elverd (Music Therapy), and Dr. Zibin Guo (Anthropology) have received $100,000 from the AI/Machine Learning Consortium to Advance Health Equity and Researcher Diversity for the project entitled, “Enhancing Healthcare Equity through Large-Language-Model-Enabled Diagnostic and Therapeutic Music Modality.”
Dr. Donald Reising (Electrical Engineering) has requested and received $24,052 from Purdue University for the project entitled, “2020 SCALE Consortium – Radiation-Hard Microelectronics Workforce Development Consortium.”
Good Luck!
The following UTC faculty and staff members submitted proposals for the potential to generate over $8,926,264 in external funding, if awarded:
Dr. Alexandra Frank (Counseling) has requested $13,004 from the Alliance of Women Philanthropists for the project entitled, “Great School Counselors Change Lives: Building Out a Program to Match Community Needs.”
Dr. Amy Brock-Hon, Dr. Kevin Hon (Biology, Geology and Environmental Science), Steven Kline (Center for Academic Support and Advisement) have requested $7,690 from the Alliance of Women Philanthropists for the project entitled, “Hands-On Educational Displays at the Clarence T. Jones Observatory: Sparking Curiosity and Enhancing Astronomy Education in the Chattanooga Community.”
Dr. Anna Kiel (Occupational Therapy), and Dr. June Hanks (Physical Therapy) have requested $10,000 from the Alliance of Women Philanthropists for the project entitled, “BrainBridge: Exploring Brain Health Across Lifespan and Recovery.”
Dr. Luis Sanchez Diaz (Chemistry and Physics) has requested $4,012 from the Alliance of Women Philanthropists for the project entitled, “Building Raman Spectrometer using Optomechanics for Research and Education.”
Dr. Marissa McElrone, Dr. Amir Alakaam, Dr. Kara Hamilton, Dr. Emily Maddux, Dr. Charlene Schmidt (Health & Human Performance) have requested $17,300 from the Alliance of Women Philanthropists for the project entitled, “Integrating a Carotenoid Scanner into Student Training, Community Health, and Nutrition-Based and Sports Science Research.”
Dr. Shellie Acocello, Dr. Lynette Carlson (Health & Human Performance) have requested $23,243 from the Alliance of Women Philanthropists for the project entitled, “Advancing Simulation Fidelity in Emergency Response.”
Dr. Susan Eckelmann (History) has requested $6,311 from the Alliance of Women Philanthropists for the project entitled, “J. B. Stoner & White Supremacy’s Explosive Networks.”
Dr. Keenan Dungey, Dr. Meredith Barbee, and Dr. Jared Pienkos (Chemistry and Physics) have requested $9,600 from the American Chemical Society for the project entitled, “Project SEED site in Chattanooga for 2025.”
Dr. Cindy Poole (Occupational Therapy) has requested $2,500 from the American Hand Therapy Foundation for the project entitled, “Hand Grip Strength and Related Health Outcomes among Older Adults: A Population-wide Perspective.”
Dr. Kristen Black (Psychology) has requested $110,000 from Clemson University for the project entitled, “An Intersectional Perspective on College Graduates’ Mental Health and Career Outcomes.”
Dr. Hunter Huckabay, Marietta Song, McKenzie Bramlett, Clara Hawkins, Keyla Hoyos, Halen McGregor, and Anne Windham (Gear Up-2) have requested $6,348,051 from the US Department of Education for the project entitled, “Hamilton County, Tennessee GEAR UP Program, 2025-2032.”
Dr. Jennifer Hogg (Health & Human Performance), in collaboration with Emory University, has requested $155,554 from the National Institutes of Health for the project entitled, “Improving traditional and ecologically-valid quadriceps function in patients following anterior cruciate ligament reconstruction: Efficacy of OPTIMAL biofeedback.”
Melissa Laseter (Student Support Services) has requested $10,000 from the First Gen Forward for the project entitled, “First Gen Summit at UT Chattanooga.”
Dr. Sungwoo Yang (Chemical Engineering) has requested $499,947 from Michigan State University for the project entitled, “Aerogel-Polymer Laminates for Rapid-Manufacturing & High-Performance IGUs.”
Dr. Jinsoo Yeo (Management) has requested $40,000 from the University of Georgia for the project entitled, “Estimating the Heterogeneous Impact of AI on IT Labor Demand and Skill Requirements.”
Dr. Francesca Leasi (Biology, Geology and Environmental Science) has requested $35,000 from the National Science Foundation for the project entitled, “The Evolution of Salinity Tolerance in Monogonont Rotifers.”
Dr. Shahnewaz Karim Sakib and Dr. Mengjun Xie (Computer Science and Engineering), in collaboration with Iowa State University, have requested $360,000 from the National Science Foundation for the project entitled, “Collaborative Research: SaTC 2.0: RES: Fairness-Preserving Machine Unlearning in Federated Learning: Mitigating Bias in Minority Data Removal.”
Dr. Tian Li (Chemistry and Physics), Dr. Christopher Cox (Mathematics), Dr. Rick Mukherjee (UTC Research Institute / Quantum Center), Dr. Donald Reising (Electrical Engineering), and Dr. Mengjun Xie (Computer Science and Engineering), in collaboration with the University of Tennessee at Knoxville, have requested $1,250,000 from the National Science Foundation for the project entitled, “Collaborative Research: S-STEM: Building Quantum-Ready Workforce in Tennessee (QuRe-TN).”