The UTC Graduate School is pleased to announce that Eli Durant will present Master’s research titled, Numerical Investigation of the Wall Temperature Effects on Shock-Wave Turbulent Boundary Layer Interaction on 10/12/2023 at 3:00 PM in EMCS 426. Everyone is invited to attend.
Chair: Reetesh Ranjan
The interaction of shock-waves and boundary layers is an important factor in many practically relevant high-speed flow applications such as re-entry vehicles, internal flows in air-breathing engines, rocket nozzles, etc. Shock-wave turbulent boundary layer interaction (STBLI) occurs in supersonic flow near solid surfaces where a shock-wave is either generated or reflected. The interaction is a highly complex phenomena which is typically characterized by boundary layer thickening, shock dynamics, shock-induced separation/reattachment, intense thermo-mechanical loading, and low-frequency unsteadiness. In the context of high-speed aerospace applications, this unsteadiness and thermo-mechanical loading can lead to catastrophic failure during flight. For this reason, the accurate prediction of STBLI is crucial for the design of such applications. Although previous investigations have led to an improved understanding of the main characteristics of STBLI, there are many parameters, such as wall temperature, which have impacts on the interaction that are still not fully understood. The present study investigates the effect of wall temperature on the key features of STBLI, namely the shock-induced separation, thermo-mechanical loading, and unsteady behavior.