The following UTC Faculty and Staff have attracted $314,755 in external grant and contract awards:
Dr. Andrew Denney, Dr. Sherah Basham, Dr. Rick Dierenfeldt, and Dr. Gale Iles (Social, Cultural & Justice Studies) in collaboration with the U.S. Department of Justice have received $52,575 from the Hamilton County Government for the project entitled, “Recidivism Reduction Initiative.”
Dr. Catherine Kendall (Interior Design) has received $5,982 from the Tennessee Board of Architectural and Engineering Examiners for the project entitled “2025 Architectural and Engineering Grant.”
Dr. Charles Margraves (Mechanical Engineering) has received $25,844 from the Tennessee Board of Architectural and Engineering Examiners for the project entitled, “2025 Architectural and Engineering Grant.”
Charles Mix and Nyssa Hunt (IGTLab) have received $96,573 from the Tennessee Department of Agriculture-Division of Forestry for the project entitled, “Spatial Analysis of TN Urban Community Forests.”
Dr. Jejal Reddy Bathi (Civil and Chemical Engineering) has received $73,875 from Solmax for the project entitled, “Microplastics Investigation at Plastic Erosion Controls Installed Sites.”
Dr. Karissa Peyer, Dr. Eric Hungenberg, Dr. Andrew Bailey, and Dr. Kara Hamilton (Health & Human Performance) have received $8,053 from the Chattanooga Tourism Co. for the project entitled, “Chattanooga Marathon Research Project.”
Dr. Max Teaford (Psychology) has received $6,853 from The Ohio State University, in collaboration with the Office of Naval Research for the project entitled, “Identifying Adverse Modes via Human-Machine Cybernetic Modeling.”
Dr. Mina Sartipi (UTC Research Institute) has received $45,000 from the University of Memphis in collaboration with the Tennessee Department of Economic and Community Development for the project entitled, “Designing Multimodal Transit for Blue Oval City and Volkswagen.”
Good Luck!
The following UTC faculty and staff members submitted proposals for the potential to generate over $8,031,431 in external funding, if awarded:
Dr. Yu Liang, Dr. Yingfeng Wang, Dr. Zihao Wang, Dr. Dalei Wu (Computer Science and Engineering), and Dr. Gregory Heath (Health and Human Performance) have requested $100,000 from the AI/Machine Learning Consortium to Advance Health Equity and Researcher Diversity for the project entitled, “AI-Enabled Music Therapy for Brain Disorder Rehabilitation – Phase 1.”
Dr. Ashley Schilling, Dr. Max Jordon, and Dr. David Levine (Physical Therapy) have requested $5,422 from AMBUCS for the project entitled, “Impacts of seating fit upon pedaling initiation and power production on an adaptive tricycle in children with neuromuscular disability.”
Dr. Yunye Shi (Mechanical Engineering) has requested $25,000 from the American Chemical Society Petroleum Research Fund for the project entitled, “2025 ACS Petroleum Supplement.”
Dr. Yingfeng Wang (Computer Science and Engineering) has requested $10,800 from the Harvard Medical School for the project entitled, “AI/ML Consortium to Advance Health Equity and Researcher Diversity (AIM-AHEAD) Program.”
Dr. Elizabeth O’Brien, Dr. Kevin Doyle, Dr. Alexandra Frank (School of Professional Studies), Dr. Amy Doolittle, Dr. Bethany Womack (Social Work), and Dr. Amanda Hardin (School of Psychology) have requested $2,400,000 from the Health Resources and Services Administration for the project entitled “Behavioral Healthcare through Interprofessional Training (B-HIP).”
Dr. Mina Sartipi and Dr. Tianya Zhang (UTC Research Institute) have requested $11,037 from Leidos, Inc. for the project entitled, “CDA 1Tenth Phase 1: Hardware.”
Dr. Mina Sartipi and Dr. Tianya Zhang (UTC Research Institute) have requested $177,562 from Leidos, Inc. for the project entitled, “CDA 1Tenth Phase 2: Software.”
Dr. Richard Walker (Biology, Geology and Environmental Science) has requested $5,000 from the Oak Ridge Associated Universities for the project entitled, “The Cicadian Rhythm: Integrated Research and Education To Reveal The Cascading Effects Of A Rare But Massive Terrestrial Resource Pulse In Stream Ecosystem.”
Dr. Donald Reising and Dr. Abdul Ofoli (Electrical Engineering) have requested $120,548 from the State of Tennessee Appropriations for the project entitled, “2024 RevV Askari Defense Inc.”
Dr. Angela Dittmar (Arts-Based Collaborative) has requested $15,900 from the Tennessee Arts Commission for the project entitled, “Arts Integration in Midtown: A Catalyst for Community Learning.”
Dr. Erin Melhorn (Occupational Therapy), Dr. Kristina Wick (School of Nursing), Dr. Stephanie Eton (Physical Therapy), Dr. Elizabeth Hathaway (Health and Human Performance), and Dr. Jessica Taylor (Learning and Leadership) have requested $3,657,120 from the Tennessee Department of Health for the project entitled, “Guiding Rural Communities with Initiatives for Transformation (GRIT).”
Dr. David Levine (Physical Therapy) has requested $5,000 from True Power Performance, Inc for the project entitled, “Effectiveness of Thrive Tape of Cutaneous Blood Flow.”
Nyssa Hunt (IGTLab) has requested $5,442 from the Tierra Environmental Consulting for the project entitled, “2025 Assistance for Web Map and Application Development for Brownfields in Memphis/Shelby County.”
Dr. Reinhold Mann (Vice Chancellor of Research) has requested $13,720 from the University of Kentucky for the project entitled, “NSF Engine – Advancing Circular Economy Technologies for Advanced Manufacturing Solutions.”
Dr. Jejal Reddy Bathi (Civil and Chemical Engineering), and Dr. Kidambi Sreenivas (Mechanical Engineering) have requested $99,912 from the US Environmental Protection Agency for the project entitled, “Microplastics Sampling for Stormwater Management.”
Dr. Hamdy Ibrahim (Mechanical Engineering) has requested $412,799 from the National Science Foundation for the project entitled, “High Entropy Multilayer Coatings for Magnesium Alloys.”
Dr. Serkan Varol, Dr. Gokhan Erdemir, Dr. Erkan Kaplanoglu (Engineering Management and Technology), and Dr. Dalei Wu (Computer Science and Engineering) have requested $386,169 from the National Science Foundation for the project entitled, “Developing a ‘no-coding’ Data Analytics Track for Low Computing Programs.”
Dr. Yingfeng Wang and Dr. Yu Liang (Computer Science and Engineering), in collaboration with Jackson State University, the University of Alabama and Mississippi State University, have requested $280,000 from the National Science Foundation for the project entitled, “Collaborative Research: CISE MSI: RPEP: AF: Advancing Hurricane Forecasting: Integrating Machine Learning, Computational Fluid Dynamics, and Data Assimilation.”
Dr. Yukun Yuan, Dr. Yu Liang and Dr. Dalei Wu (Computer Science and Engineering), in collaboration with the University of Texas at Arlington, have requested $300,000 from the National Science Foundation for the project entitled, “Collaborative Research: CSR: Small: Towards Scalable and Sustainable Collaborative Autonomous Electric Vehicles via Bottom-up Hardware-Software Co-design.”