UTC’s Division of Diversity and Engagement and the Center for Career and Leadership Development are thrilled to collaborate with the United Way as they celebrate their 100th anniversary in Chattanooga.
To mark this momentous occasion, we invite you to join community members and fellow students in volunteering at one of the many projects throughout the city during United Way’s Impact Days on September 16-17. Your hands-on service is needed!
Sign-up for a volunteer shift(s) with your UTC email address by Friday, September 9 here. Be on the lookout for any follow-up correspondences (i.e., selecting your preferred volunteer site), including an invitation to a follow-up reflection “lunch and learn” at noon on Monday, September 19, in the Signal Mountain Room.
Click here for more information on the United Way of Greater Chattanooga or Impact Days. Questions can be directed to Natalie Patric, community engagement specialist, at nataliepatric@uwchatt.org.