Updates and news for the week of January 3 – January 9, 2023
The UTC Campus Weekly newsletter is distributed every Tuesday morning. If you have news, events or announcements you would like shared with campus, please submit your information to chuck-wasserstrom@utc.edu in the Division of Communications and Marketing by 3 p.m. on Friday for placement in the following Tuesday’s newsletter.
Campus Updates | University Events Master Calendar | UTC News
Winter Welcome Week

The Office of Student and Family Engagement’s Welcome Week calendar for Jan. 9-13 is jam-packed with programs and events to help welcome everyone back. Follow @utc_engage on Twitter and Instagram to stay updated on event details.
- The priority deadline to submit events for the Winter Welcome calendar is today (Jan. 3). Events received by this date will be added to the Winter Welcome website before class begins. The final deadline to submit events is 1 p.m. on Friday (Jan. 6). Events received after that date are not guaranteed to appear on the Winter Welcome website.
- Please complete this form to submit an event for the calendar.
UTC MLK Day 2023

Prominent educator, author and public speaker Angela Davis will be the keynote speaker for the UTC MLK Day 2023 celebration taking place at 12:30 p.m. on Tuesday, Jan. 24, in the Fine Arts Center’s Roland Hayes Concert Hall.
This year’s UTC MLK Day theme is “A Call for Civility.” The discussion and Q&A will be moderated by Dr. Felicia McGhee, associate professor and head of the UTC Department of Communication.
- This will be the 10th year of UTC hosting an MLK Day keynote speaker series and the first time in person since 2020.
- Registration information for the event, which is open to the general public, can be found at utc.edu/angela-davis.
The outstanding people of UTC
 UTC sophomore wrestler Brayden Palmer (photo credit: Laura O’Dell/GoMocs.com)
Sophomore wrestler Brayden Palmer finished in second place at 133 pounds in the Southern Scuffle, becoming just the second Moc to reach the tournament championship.
Check out these Mocs making a difference:
- Elizabeth O’Brien, Megan McKnight and Lucy White in the Center for Wellbeing received a no-cost extension of the Garrett Lee Smith Suicide Prevention Grant for $38,077 to continue suicide prevention work on the UTC campus.
- From computer science to cultural artifacts, Maxwell King’s internship at Bessie Smith Cultural Center yielded unexpected insights.
- Mocs men’s basketball center Jake Stephens became the first player in program history to win the U.S. Basketball Writers Association’s Oscar Robertson National Player of the Week award.
- Mocs women’s basketball forward Abbey Cornelius was named the Southern Conference Student-Athlete of the Week for the second time this season and the sixth time during her UTC career.
ICYMI: University High Coming to UTC this Fall
 Chancellor Angle and Hamilton County Schools Superintendent Justin Robertson signed the Memorandum of Understanding agreement at a Dec. 19 press conference announcing the creation of University High.
A college pipeline for high school students who might not have considered a four-year university education is the goal of a new partnership between Hamilton County Schools and UTC.
Debuting in fall 2023, University High is a Hamilton County Schools initiative headquartered on the UTC campus serving students and their families at no cost to them. An initial cohort of 50 high school juniors will enroll in college-level courses taught by UTC faculty and directly supported by high school courses taught by Hamilton County School teachers.
Media coverage for the Dec. 19 press conference included:
New Research Data Resource

The University of Michigan has launched an online portal/clearinghouse—researchdatagov.org—that helps researchers find existing data collected by federal agencies on a wide range of topics. The focus of the website is data that are subject to access restrictions. These are typically addressed through a data use agreement or other data licensing mechanism.
The UTC Office of Research and Sponsored Programs and Office of Research Integrity are happy to assist with the execution of these agreements and provide guidance regarding Institutional Review Board oversight requirements. Please contact Angie Morelock in ORSP and/or David Deardorff in ORI if you plan to use restricted data in your research.
Fly for Researchers Pitch Competition

UTC faculty, staff and graduate students from all colleges are invited to apply to pitch their ideas that have the potential to be commercialized or licensed.
The Fly for Researchers Pitch Competition will be held on Thursday, April 20, from 3:30-5 p.m. in the Center for Innovation and Entrepreneurship. Each selected finalist will give a 5-minute presentation, followed by up to 8 minutes of Q&A. Up to $35,000 in internal grants will be awarded: $20,000 for 1st place; $10,000 for 2nd place; and $5,000 for 3rd place.
Register to attend a Zoom session from noon-1 p.m. on Jan. 18 to learn more about the opportunity and the process. The 2022 awardees will also share their experiences and advice.
Campus Updates

Take Five, UTC’s community-wide reading club, returns on Jan. 24 when Dr. Carl Spring presents Luther’s Rome, Rome’s Luther. Always free and open to the public, Take Five sessions take place in the Chattanooga Room of the University Center. Parking is free and a light dinner is served. The books are available at the UTC Bookstore and at any online retailer. No RSVP is needed, so come as you are and bring a friend or two. Future sessions take place Feb. 7, Feb. 28, March 21 and April 4. For any questions, please contact Aaron-Shaheen@utc.edu.
Due to a recent change in Chattanooga Police Department protocols regarding their response to traffic accidents, Transportation Services provided information for procedures to follow in the event of a traffic accident on campus. If you have any questions about reporting a motor vehicle accident, please go to www.utc.edu/Motorpool, call 423-425-5298 or email motorpool@utc.edu.
A Grant Writing Workshop set for Feb. 2-3 will provide individual, technical assistance consultation sessions. This workshop is highly encouraged for new faculty or faculty who are new to federal proposal development. Click here to register for the workshop and here to register for 1:1 consultations.
Mark your calendar: Meet-up for Researchers

Meet-up for Researchers is an opportunity to share research interests and projects with other faculty, staff, and graduate students and learn more about research and innovation happening at UTC. Register here to attend.
The first event of 2023 will take place from 11 a.m.-noon on Friday, Jan. 27, in the Center for Innovation and Entrepreneurship (Mapp Building, 2nd floor) featuring Deborah McAllister, a UC Foundation professor in the School of Education who just celebrated her 30th year at UTC. She will talk about her recent projects with pre-service and in-service K-12 teachers, which utilize robotics and drones. Lunch will be provided. Please contact jennifer-skjellum@utc.edu with questions.
Looking ahead
Don’t forget to update the University master calendar to have your events featured in future UTC Campus Weekly newsletters.
A couple of early-in-the-week entries for next week include:
 Jamal Johnson (photo credit: Ray Soldano/GoMocs.com)
This week’s Mocs Athletics calendar:
- Wednesday (Jan. 4): Men’s Basketball at UNCG (Greensboro, N.C.), 7 p.m.
- Thursday (Jan. 5): Women’s Basketball at East Tennessee State (Johnson City, Tenn.), 7 p.m.
- Friday (Jan. 6): Wrestling at VMI (Lexington, Va.), 7 p.m.
- Saturday (Jan. 7): Men’s Basketball vs. VMI (McKenzie Arena), 2 p.m.
Looking back
 The UTC ROTC Department and the Tennessee Army National Guard hosted an event to thank UTC for its support of the military on April 21, 2022, Two Black Hawk helicopters visited campus, giving Michelle Pelfrey an opportunity to soar over Chattanooga. Photo credit: Greg Pelfrey.
On Jan. 6, Michelle Pelfrey will retire after 15 years as an administrative assistant in the UTC Department of Military Science.
Here are some other recent UTC stories featured in the Newsroom:
WUTC Spotlight: Scenic Roots

Music Row is the new Decosimo Apartments residential learning community for freshmen, sophomore and transfer students who love music. Joshua Shoop, a student intern for Scenic Roots, featured UTC’s version of the famed Nashville district this past semester.
Be Well Tip of the Week: How to make (and keep) New Year’s Resolutions

Creating goals for yourself can feel like a way to stabilize your personal growth, center your happiness, and make tangible your vision. Small mindset shifts and behavior changes can make a significant difference in whether you can stick with a resolution or goal. Here are some tips for keeping your resolutions alive!
- Write down your goals. Host a party where you jot down goals together. Join an online group. Or even encourage your family to write and hang goals visibly in the home.
- Start with smaller, and more specific goals. While big goals can be good, smaller goals that are reachable might stand a better chance of allowing you to maintain focus.
- Plan your follow-through. Write down the mini steps that might be involved to help reach the larger step.
- Check in with yourself. Plan a mid-year check-in, where you can track progress on your goals, and re-evaluate if needed.
- Celebrate small successes. Allow yourself the chance to celebrate along the way, which can help motivate you in your next goals.