Updates and news for the week of March 21 – 27, 2023

The UTC Campus Weekly newsletter is distributed every Tuesday morning. If you have news, events or announcements you would like shared with campus, please submit your information to chuck-wasserstrom@utc.edu in the Division of Communications and Marketing by 3 p.m. on Friday for placement in the following Tuesday’s newsletter.

Campus Updates  University Events Master Calendar  |  UTC News

Welcome to I Love UTC Week

I Love UTC Week, a spring semester tradition since 2014, is taking place through Saturday (March 25). Blue and gold are the colors of the week, of course, and cult classic I Love UTC Week buttons are available daily in the UTC Library.

More than a dozen events can be found on the I Love UTC Week calendar, including:

  • Wednesday (March 22): Spring Job and Internship Fair, University Center Tennessee Room, 10 a.m.-2 p.m.
  • Thursday (March 23): Chattanooga Chamber of Commerce and UTC Business After Hours Networking Event, University Center Tennessee Room, 5-7 p.m.
  • Friday (March 24): “zooTC” Petting Zoo, Chamberlain Field, noon-3 p.m.
  • Saturday (March 25): Family Game Night, University Center Tennessee Room, 6-8 p.m.

Reminder re: Coffee with the Chancellor

Coffee with the Chancellor takes place from 8:15-9:30 a.m. this morning (March 21) in Room 102 of the Mapp Building. For those who haven’t attended Coffee with the Chancellor, stop by and chat, grab a cup of coffee and keep the mug. The only agenda is meaningful dialogue, so bring ideas, questions and concerns. Chancellor Angle will take questions from 8:30-9:15 a.m.

Following the event, the Center for Professional Education staff invites everyone to tour their space, including a new medical career lab and professional development and corporate training classrooms.

Power C Tour Heads to Chatt State

The Power C Tour travels to Chattanooga State Community College today (March 21) to educate Chatt State students, faculty and staff on the pathway created for a seamless transition to complete a bachelor’s degree at UTC.

The “ChattState UTC Connect” event will include a dual admission signing ceremony and the opportunity for Chatt State students to land UTC scholarships.

There’s Still Time to Sign up for tonight’s R.A.D. Training

The UTC Police Department will be offering Rape Aggression Defense training from 6-9 p.m. daily today through Thursday (March 21-23) at the Challenger Center Building Room 148, led by Sgt. Becky Tolbert—a certified R.A.D. instructor with the UTC Police Department.

This class does not require any special training or fitness level. Students, faculty and staff at all levels of ability, experience and strength are encouraged to attend, and participation is free.

  • This basic training class is scheduled in blocks; you must be able to attend all block dates in order to receive certification and attend the advanced class.
  • All participants will be provided with information and techniques that can be effectively used from the first day of class.
  • This basic self-defense program is for all women ages 12 and older.
  • To register, please email Marion-Perkins@utc.edu no later than noon today (March 21).

WUTC Spotlight: Spring Pledge Drive

Now celebrating its 40th anniversary, WUTC—the NPR station on the UTC campus—is holding its Spring Pledge Drive from March 23-31.   

Listeners provide two-thirds of the funding that enables WUTC to fulfill its mission and bring the best in public radio to Chattanooga and the Tennessee Valley. 

Please help fund the future of WUTC by clicking here to donate.

Happy Ramadan

Wednesday (March 22) marks the beginning of Ramadan, a month of prayer, reflection and fasting for Muslims around the world and here in Chattanooga. As we near the end of the semester, faculty should know that students who participate in fasting may need extra support to complete their work.

The end of Ramadan, called Eid al-Fitr, is one of the most important Muslim holidays. This year it will occur on April 21 or April 22, depending on the sighting of the moon.

  • If you’d like to learn more about Ramadan, reach out to the UTC Muslim Students Association. Students can connect with the MSA for iftar and other general Ramadan support.
  • Click here to learn more about this holiday.

Animal House: zooTC coming to campus

A new event on the I Love UTC Week calendar is the “zooTC” mobile petting zoo, which will bring animals from Bagby’s Critter Corral to Chamberlain Field from noon-3 p.m. on Friday (March 24)—including a highland cow, two donkeys, a sheep and her lamb, an alpaca, rabbits and goats.

The animal affair is a collaboration of the UTC Library, the Center for Women and Gender Equity and the Office of Student and Family Engagement.

March Through History

Credit: Lenfest Institute for Journalism

Credit: Lenfest Institute for Journalism

UTC Women’s History Month activities include a “March Through History” exhibit in the Center for Women and Gender Equity’s Lupton Hall office and special events throughout the month. Upcoming events include:

  • Thursday (March 23): Red Flag Movie Night: Eclipse, Derthick Hall Room 101, 7 p.m.
  • Saturday (March 25): Out! on the Town: Queer Leadership, The Seed Theatre (6237 Vance Rd.), 4 p.m.

Submit Your Information for the UTC Parent and Family Association Newsletter

UTC Parent and Family Association newsletter logo

The April issue of the UTC Parent and Family Association newsletter will be emailed to members on April 5. This will be their last newsletter of the semester.

To share information with the families of UTC students—upcoming events, important deadlines, helpful suggestions and departmental news—email hannah-turcotte@utc.edu by Wednesday (March 22). The newsletter is distributed to more than 4,600 parents/family members.

  • Keep info to one paragraph of 200 (or fewer) words.
  • Images or logos to accompany the paragraph may be submitted.

The outstanding people of UTC

Cindy Hornsby

Congratulations to UTC faculty and staff who received awards or submitted proposals for sponsored programs in February. The Office of Research and Sponsored Programs announced that faculty and staff attracted $613,735 in external grant and contract awards during the month and submitted proposals for the potential to generate over $3,480,941 in external funding, if awarded.

Among those receiving awards in February was UTC Children’s Center Coordinator Cindy Hornsby (pictured above), who received two awards totaling over $354,000 from the Administration for Children and Families supporting the continuation of Children’s Center programs at Brown Academy and Battle Academy.

Check out these Mocs making a difference:

Another Busy Week at UTC

It’s nap time! The Center for Wellbeing is turning the University Center Tennessee Room into a napping space from 10 a.m.-4 p.m. today (March 21), complete with sleep mats, pillows, weighted blankets, calm lighting and ambient music.

Each attendee will get a fresh pillowcase to put on their pillow along with sleep education materials and items to help provide more restful sleep.

The 40th Annual C.S. Lewis Lecture at UTC will be given by Dr. Holly Ordway at 7 p.m. tonight (March 21) in Derthick Hall Room 201.  All are invited to come.

The Accounting Department in the Gary W. Rollins College of Business, in partnership with the Urban League of Greater Chattanooga and Volunteer Income Tax Assistance, is offering free tax clinics to UTC faculty and staff—including online tax filing through TaxSlayer.

The faculty and staff clinic will take place from 5-8 p.m. on Wednesday (March 22) in Fletcher Hall Room 111. The clinic is offered free of charge, but participants are asked to call (423) 425-4162 to RSVP to ensure that enough volunteers are on hand.

Upperclassmen and recent graduates looking for an employment pathway—or anyone interested in becoming a freight broker—can learn about UTC’s 90-day training program at the upcoming freight-focused open house hosted by the Center for Professional Education.

Learn about the freight broker role and network with 15 local logistics companies ready to give eligible freight broker students sign-on bonuses, job opportunities and tuition reimbursement. To RSVP, click here.

The Department of Chemistry and Physics will continue its spring seminar series with a lecture by Dr. Luis Sanchez Diaz from 3-4 p.m. on Friday (March 24) in Grote Hall Room 411.

The topic: “Viscoelasticity Of Bacteria: E. Coli and the Antibiotic Response.”

The Humanities Program invites all UTC undergraduates to participate in the North Callahan Essay Prize, awarded each year to an undergraduate whose exceptionally fine essay addresses a subject related to the Humanities (art, music, philosophy, religion, rhetoric/literature, history, theater or interdisciplinary studies that combine these disciplines). Essays will be evaluated by an interdisciplinary committee of professors. The prize carries a $1,000 award. Click here for information and entry requirements and email jose-luis-gastanaga@utc.edu with questions. Essays must be submitted by 3 p.m. on Friday (March 24).

The Mocs Recovery Program is planning a Spring Retreat Friday through Sunday (March 24-26) at the Asbury Hills Retreat Center in the mountains of South Carolina. The program is planning to take students who are currently in recovery for substance use. In order to participate, they will first have to interview with Collegiate Recovery Program coordinator/educator Cassandra Riddle. For information, email Cassandra-riddle@utc.edu or call (423) 425-1329.

The Meacham Writers’ Workshop will host Gabrielle Bates, author of “Judas Goat,” on Saturday (March 25). Bates, a writer and visual artist from Birmingham, Alabama, will lead a free community workshop from noon-1:30 p.m. at Stove Works (1250 E. 13th St.); seats are limited and registration is required.

A reading and Q&A, hosted by inaugural Meacham Fellow Christian J. Collier, will take place at 6:30 p.m. at Riverview Park (1857 Riverview Rd.). Bates, Collier, Corrie White and UTC alum Cynthia Young will read selections of their work. Books will be available for purchase after the reading. Click here for more information and to register to attend the workshop.

The Clarence T. Jones Observatory (10 N. Tuxedo Ave.) has Sunday night events scheduled throughout the spring. The observatory, owned and operated by UTC, is free and open to the public. Gates open Sunday at 6:30 p.m., with a lecture and Planetarium show beginning at 7 p.m. and telescope viewing until 9 p.m. This week’s topic: Sunday (March 26): Kepler—Mission Accomplished. Featured constellation: The Summer Triangle.

Looking for the next step in your education or career? Register now to join the Graduate School’s virtual Graduate Fair from noon-5 p.m. on Monday (March 27).

Zoom breakout sessions will give prospective students an opportunity to learn more about each of UTC’s Graduate Programs, meet program faculty and ask questions about the application process and admissions requirements.

Let your talent shine in the UTC Color Guard

Join the UTC Color Guard and showcase your talents on a national and international stage. We perform at various events throughout the year and offer opportunities to develop dance, flag and rifle skills while building friendships and leadership abilities.  The Color Guard welcomes individuals from every walk of life and experience and embraces diversity in all forms.

As an added bonus, UTC Color Guard performers are eligible to receive a stipend. To audition or for information about audition dates and requirements, contact utcbands@gmail.com or visit utc.edu/band.

Notice of Final Defense: Upcoming Research Presentations

The UTC Graduate School announced that the following students will be presenting their final works of research as advanced degree candidates. Everyone is invited to attend.

  • Tuesday, March 21: Paul Zachos will present master’s research titled, “The Dark South,” Lupton Hall Room 372, 11 a.m. | Master Calendar Info
  • Thursday, March 23: Evan Suggs will present master’s research titled, “Kokkos-Enhanced ExaMPI,” Multidisciplinary Research Building Conference, 2 p.m. | Master Calendar Info
  • Friday, March 24: Md Kamrul Hasan Sabbir will present master’s research titled, “Intregrating Social and Environmental Impacts of Green Transportation Infrastructure: A Framework for Effective Decision-Making,” ECS Maytag Room, 10 a.m. | Master Calendar Info
  • Friday, March 24: William Farmer will present master’s research titled, “Assessing Mindfulness as a Moderator between Trait Worry and Working Memory Capacity Performance among Undergraduates,” 540 McCallie Ave. Building Room 357, 10 a.m. | Master Calendar Info
  • Friday, March 24: Preston Trammell will present master’s research titled, “Not All Genres are Created Equal: A Discussion of Genre Familiarity and How it Relates to Novel Writing Craft,” Lupton Hall Room 372, 11 a.m. | Master Calendar Info
  • Friday, March 24: Jonathan Dinsmore will present master’s research titled, “Let There Be Light: Developing the Mystical Luminosity Experience Construct and Scale,” 540 McCallie Ave. Building Room 394, 1 p.m. | Master Calendar Info
  • Friday, March 24: James Snuggs will present master’s research titled, “A Computational Investigation of Predicting Wind Tunnel Results for Selected Hypersonic Wing Test Structures,” Zoom (password 530881), 2 p.m. | Master Calendar Info

Mocs Give Day 101

Please join the Division of Advancement for a high-level overview of Mocs Give Day. Two different sessions will take place to educate faculty and staff about what Mocs Give Day is, how it works and how you can be a part.

Mark your calendar to stop by the University Center Raccoon Mountain Room from 10-11 a.m. on Wednesday, March 29, or from 3-4 p.m. on Thursday, March 30. Light refreshments will be provided.

Blue and Gold Preview Day

The Undergraduate Admissions Office will be hosting the annual Blue and Gold Preview Day-Spring Edition for prospective students and their families on Saturday, April 1.

Blue and Gold Preview Day includes a tour of campus, an academic department fair, a student organization showcase and a residence hall open house. Click here for a link to the online registration.

Staff and faculty who are available to come and greet prospective students and guests from 10 a.m.-noon that day should reach out to Carrie-Sherbesman@utc.edu.

Campus Composers Concert

Campus Composers Concert participants include Music Division faculty members Jonathan McNair, left, Katusuya Yuasa and Ayça Çetin.

Campus Composers Concert participants include Music Division faculty members Jonathan McNair, left, Katusuya Yuasa and Ayça Çetin.

The UTC Division of Music will present the 2023 Campus Composers Concert at 7:30 p.m. on Monday, April 3, in the Fine Arts Center’s Roland Hayes Concert Hall. Students, faculty and guest artists will perform new and recent music by UTC music composition students and faculty members. Most of the program selections at the free concert, open to the public, will be their first public performances.

“It is exciting to offer engaging new music created by talented student composers, one of whom is now a prize-winning composer, and the two faculty composers represented on the program have both had their works performed across the U.S. and internationally,” said Ruth S. Holmberg Professor of American Music Jonathan McNair.

UTC’s Programs for Minors Policy Reminder

Please remember that any program that deals with minors (individuals 17 or younger) is subject to the Programs for Minors policy. This policy has guidelines about the types of programs covered by the policy, and it has several requirements if a program is considered a covered program. Examples of covered programs include, but are not limited to: athletic camps, academic tutoring, senior project mentorships and after-school programs at local high schools. Programs not covered include programs like field trips, concerts that are open to the public and campus tours for prospective students.

If you are working with or hoping to work with minors, please contact Safety and Risk Management at (423) 425-5741 or email safety@utc.edu.

sTORAGE Quota Changes FOR Google (MocsMail) Accounts

As many of you know, UTC offers enrolled students the option to store files or collaborate using a Google (MocsMail) account or a Microsoft O365 account.  Google has recently removed unlimited storage options from all Google Workspace for Education accounts. These changes impact UTC’s ability to provide the same level of service as in the past. To comply with UTC’s new storage limits, Information Technology will be making several rounds of changes this year. For details on the first round of changes for storage quotas, click here.

Campus Updates

Meet-up for Researchers is an opportunity to share research interests and projects with other faculty, staff, and graduate students and learn more about research and innovation happening at UTC. 

The next event takes place from 11 a.m.-noon on Friday, March 31, in the Center for Innovation and Entrepreneurship (Mapp Building, 2nd floor) featuring Dr. Sandra Affare, adjunct professor in the College of Engineering and Computer Science. She will talk about the Agriculture & Nutrition for Girls While Encouraging Leadership & STEM-Enrichment (ANGELS) program funded by the U.S. Department of Agriculture grant and led by Dr. José M. Barbosa. Lunch will be provided. Contact jennifer-skjellum@utc.edu with questions. Register here to attend.

The next Coffee Chats monthly workshop will take place Tuesday, March 28, in Lupton Hall Room 105.

Coffee Chats is a student organization workshop series focused on helping organization leaders refine the skills needed to successfully lead registered student organizations and make a positive impact on our campus (plus free coffee). This month’s workshop will cover how your organization can use Mocsync for officer elections and how to plan and execute effective officer transitions. Click here for more information and to register to attend.

The next Badge in Applied Politics event will feature Lauren Gilmore, Master of Public Administration candidate and community cultivator at On Point. The event will take place from 9 a.m.-noon on Friday, March 31, and breakfast will be provided.

In this session, Gilmore will introduce students to R and RStudio, both of which are free, open-source data analysis and visualization applications that have become some of the most-used tools by researchers and data scientists in recent years. Only a limited number of spaces are available, so register by Wednesday, March 29.

The Walker Center for Teaching and Learning’s Let’s Talk Books: Guest Series continues with Meghan O’Rourke’s “The Invisible Kingdom: Reimaging Chronic Illness.” The first 10 people who register will receive a copy of the book.

The series will take place with readings March 30 (Part One, Intro-Chapter 9) and April 13 (Parts Two and Three, Chapters 10-20) from 4-5 p.m. in Lupton Hall Room 118. The guest facilitators are Center for Women and Gender Equity Director Sara K. Peters and Disability Resource Center Associate Director Erica Hausler. Register here for the event. For more information, contact Jennifer-Glaab@utc.edu.

The UTC Spring Research and Arts Conference is only a few weeks away, with the event taking place April 12 in the University Center. This conference, which provides a place for students to showcase their academic and creative endeavors, will feature displays, presentations and posters from UTC undergrads, graduate students and faculty. Community college students and community partners are also invited to present.

Are you a graduate student seeking work on campus? Residence Housing has graduate assistantships. Visit utc.edu/ga and scroll to “Assistantship Job Postings.” 

Join faculty and staff in walking “the big lap.” Employee Wellness and the Walker Center for Teaching and Learning are leading walks for faculty and staff around campus during the lunch hour (noon-1 p.m.) on Wednesday, March 29, and Tuesday, April 4. Meet at the UTC Library by Starbucks to participate.

The UTC Civil Engineering Department is hosting the 2023 ASCE Mid-South Student Symposium from March 30-April 1, and volunteers are needed. There will be approximately 450 participants, faculty, and judges. Your assistance would be greatly appreciated, so please consider volunteering.

The link to the volunteer sign-up can be found by clicking here.

The 2nd Annual Fly for Researchers pitch competition for UTC faculty and graduate student innovators will be held from 3:30-5 p.m. on April 19 at the Center for Innovation and Entrepreneurship in the Mapp Building. This event will spotlight ideas that have the potential to be commercialized or licensed. For more information, email jennifer-skjellum@utc.edu.

The TRIO Upward Bound Math Science program has a summer opportunity for anyone interested in leading a STEM research project/class with high school students.

UBMS hosts a residential summer program for low-income, first-generation, college-bound high school students Monday-Thursday during the month of June. These classes focus on enrichment rather than remediation. UBMS is looking for staff who can introduce STEM concepts to high school students through activities that pique their interests and give them deeper insights into STEM. If you are interested, click here. For more information, click here

An Institutional Review Board-approved research project is looking for campus participants for a 15-minute online survey asking questions about the public’s perception of space debris, including its environmental consequences and the Kessler syndrome. Space debris refers to human-made objects that have been left in space and are no longer in use, such as abandoned satellites, rocket parts and fragments of space debris caused by collisions or explosions. Click here for the survey link; the study ends June 15. For questions, email Muin Bogari at qmv649@mocs.utc.edu.

The International Symposium on Digital Forensics and Security—ISDFS 2023—will be held both online and in person at UTC on May 11-12. This symposium has been supported by the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers since 2016. All papers approved by the referees and presented at the symposium will be sent for publication in the IEEE Xplore library. For information or questions, email Asaf-Varol@utc.edu.

Looking ahead

Events posted to this week’s University master calendar include:

This week’s Mocs Athletics calendar:

  • Tuesday (3/21): Men’s Golf at the Linger Longer Invitational (Eatonton, Ga.), All Day
  • Tuesday (3/21): Beach Volleyball at UT Martin (Martin, Tenn.), 1 p.m.
  • Tuesday (3/21): Beach Volleyball at UT Martin (Martin, Tenn.), 3 p.m.
  • Thursday (3/23): Outdoor Track & Field at the Raleigh Relays (Raleigh, N.C.), All Day
  • Friday (3/24): Outdoor Track & Field at the Raleigh Relays (Raleigh, N.C.), All Day
  • Friday (3/24): Outdoor Track & Field at Lee Invitational (Cleveland, Tenn.), All Day
  • Friday (3/24): Men’s Tennis vs. ETSU (UTC Tennis Center), 11:00 a.m.
  • Friday (3/24): Women’s Tennis vs. Samford (UTC Tennis Center), 3 p.m.
  • Friday (3/24): Beach Volleyball vs. Lindenwood (UTC Beach Volleyball Courts), noon
  • Friday (3/24): Softball at Virginia Tech (Blacksburg, Va.), 1 p.m.
  • Friday (3/24): Beach Volleyball vs. Morehead State (UTC Beach Volleyball Courts), 4 p.m.
  • Saturday (3/25): Outdoor Track & Field at the Raleigh Relays (Raleigh, N.C.), All Day
  • Saturday (3/25): Outdoor Track & Field at Lee Invitational (Cleveland, Tenn.), All Day
  • Saturday (3/25): Softball at Virginia Tech (Blacksburg, Va.), noon
  • Saturday (3/25): Softball at Virginia Tech (Blacksburg, Va.), 2 p.m.
  • Saturday (3/25): Beach Volleyball vs. Eastern Illinois (UTC Beach Volleyball Courts), 2 p.m.
  • Saturday (3/25): Beach Volleyball vs. Tennessee Tech (UTC Beach Volleyball Courts), 6 p.m.
  • Sunday (3/26): Outdoor Track & Field at the Raleigh Relays (Raleigh, N.C.), All Day
  • Sunday (3/26): Men’s Tennis vs. Mercer (UTC Tennis Center), 11 a.m.
  • Sunday (3/26): Women’s Tennis at Wofford (Spartanburg, S.C.), 1 p.m.

Looking back

For the second year in a row, a UTC student has been recognized in a national competition known as the Pulitzer Prize for collegiate journalism. Jules Jackson, a double major in art and communication, placed 19th in the 2022-23 Hearst Multimedia Narrative Storytelling Competition.

Here are some other recent UTC stories featured in the Newsroom:

  • As racers ran the grueling 26.2 miles around scenic downtown Chattanooga during the Erlanger Chattanooga marathon, Dr. Drew Bailey and other researchers were peering into their minds and broadcasting the runners’ mental states live for anyone to see.
  • Five College of Engineering and Computer Science alums were recently honored as the Engineer of the Year for their respective business units by TVA.
  • In the second year of the Marble Roller Coaster Competition, hosted by the College of Engineering and Computer Science, almost 100 students from local middle and high schools spent 20 minutes brainstorming a design, then had 80 minutes to build it and make it work.

Be Well Tip of the Week: Benefits of Napping

Did you know that daytime naps do more than reduce fatigue? They have also been shown to improve performance on tasks during the day that require logical decision-making, complex planning and memory recall. Naps have also been shown to improve physical performance like endurance and reaction times.

Stress can also be relieved by napping, particularly after a night of limited rest.

  • Try for a nap that is no longer than 30 minutes.
  • Avoid naps within eight hours of your planned bedtime.
  • Use an eye mask and earplugs to help block out daytime light and noise.


Content curated by the Division of Communications and Marketing.
© 2023 University of Tennessee at Chattanooga