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Budget Rebalancing Website

Dear Colleagues:

The campus is implementing a process to rebalance our budget and provide funds for strategic investment. It is critical that the campus is effectively and completely informed during all stages of our reallocation process. A website dedicated to the UTC Vision 2025 – Achieving Excellence budget process has been created to disseminate budget information: http://www.utc.edu/budget-rebalancing/. A budget timeline will be available shortly.

An electronic form is available for UTC constituents to pose questions and comments about the budget process. As the process unfolds, notes about committee discussions and decisions will be posted along with blog posts detailing the committees’ progress.

It is our commitment to you that our budget rebalancing process will be as inclusive, transparent and participatory as possible. I invite all of you to visit the website to monitor our progress and offer suggestions/comments.

Thank you for your continued commitment and dedication to your university.

Steve Angle, Chancellor
Jerald Ainsworth, Senior Vice Chancellor and Provost
Richard Brown, Executive Vice Chancellor


© 2014 University of Tennessee at Chattanooga
615 McCallie Ave, Chattanooga, TN 37403