Happy Homecoming week!
UTC’s Homecoming festivities have had a soggy start, but the pep rally was a big success on Monday in the University Center. The celebrations continued last night with the annual Tap Party for alumni at Chattanooga Brewing Company hosted by the UTC GOLD Council and the Monster Mash in Chamberlain Pavilion and Heritage Plaza. Tonight come enjoy the Step Show at 6 p.m. in McKenzie Arena. The fun will continue at tomorrow’s Homecoming game – kickoff is at 2 p.m. against the Western Carolina Catamounts. Mocs football is currently ranked 4th in the nation in both the FCS Top 25 and FCS Coaches Poll – the highest ranking in UTC’s history. Go Mocs!
WUTC recently conducted its fall 2015 Membership Drive and raised over $165,000 in nine days – this was the highest pledge drive goal ever and that goal was met in record time. Sixty percent of WUTC’s revenue comes through donations from listeners and friends and the station holds two membership drives each year in the fall and spring.
The first-ever UTC Veterans Luncheon will take place Wednesday, November 11th in the University Center’s Chattanooga Rooms. Coach Jim Foster, UTC Women’s Basketball Coach is the keynote speaker. Faculty, staff and student veterans have all been invited to attend. I am so grateful to all of our veterans have done so much for our country, campus and community.
The traditional UTC bonfire before the last home football game will take place on Wednesday, November 11th at 6 p.m. on Oak Street overlooking the library. All students, faculty and staff are invited. This event is the last pep rally for fall sports and a preview for winter sports. The bonfire is one of the largest events on our campus each year – last year’s crowd was approximately 1000. Join the crowd for food, fun and Mocs spirit!
The search for the Vice Chancellor for Marketing and Communications is moving forward. Five candidates for the position will visit UTC for on campus interviews within the next three weeks. There will be open sessions for all of the candidates and I encourage you to attend, if possible. More detailed information, including date and open session times are available at http://www.utc.edu/vcmcs.