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Chancellor’s Update

It has been a busy two weeks!

Last Friday night I attended the President’s Council Showcase awards dinner in Knoxville. The UTC Chamber Singers, directed by Dr. Kevin Ford, provided the entertainment for the evening. The performance was outstanding.

Like many of you, my family and I traveled to Knoxville for the UTC versus UTK game this past Saturday. The game was challenging as expected, but what an opportunity for our team to play in Neyland Stadium! If you watched the game, you know the score did not truly reflect the hard work and tenacity of our Mocs football team. We can all be proud of their extraordinary effort.

The UTC Vision 2025 – Achieving Excellence budget revision process was finalized on October 15th.  UTC will undertake a 4.75% reallocation of our overall budget, which represents approximately $5.5 million. The decision process will occur in three phases as originally proposed. Phase One will involve work by colleges and units and two committees: the Organizational Appraisal Committee, co-chaired by Faculty Senate President Susan Davidson and Dean Robert Dooley, and the Technology Committee co-chaired by CIO Tom Hoover and Dean Theresa Liedtka. Each committee will have 14-18 members from our faculty and staff.

During Phase Two both committees and the Vice Chancellors will forward their recommendations to the University Planning and Resources Advisory Council (UPRAC) for discussion and consideration. UPRAC is co-chaired by Dr. Richard Brown and Dr. Jerald Ainsworth and will make final recommendations to the Chancellor. The entire process will conclude in late March. For the detailed budget process and links to a complete list of committee memberships please see at http://www.utc.edu/business-financial-affairs/2015-2016-budget/index.php.

I want to reiterate that this will be a transparent and inclusive process. UTC constituents may send questions or comments to the Budget Chatt website at http://www.utc.edu/business-financial-affairs/budget-chatt.php.



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615 McCallie Ave, Chattanooga, TN 37403