A big cheer for our Mocs football team, who started the season with a win, defeating Eastern Illinois 24-10. Our new coach, Rusty Wright is also an alum. Next up is a game against Jacksonville State University in Alabama on Saturday. Go Mocs!
Congratulations to our new graduates from the Department of Physical Therapy. For the second year in row, they achieved a 100 percent pass rate the first time they took the National Physical Therapy Examination. Passing the test is required to earn a license to practice physical therapy in Tennessee. The students’ success is a testament to the high quality of our physical therapy program.
Congratulations also are due two members of the UTC family: Fang Yu Hu, a faculty member in the Department of History, and Konya Smith, a student in engineering management. Both received funding from the American Association of University Women (AAUW) to further their academic careers. Dr. Hu received the American Fellowship to pursue research in history. Ms. Smith received the Career Development Grant to help her pursue her master’s in engineering management.
Founder’s Week begins Monday and continues throughout the week, culminating Friday at 11:00 AM with the State of the University address outside the newly renovated Guerry Center on Oak Street. The address also will include a rededication and tour of the Guerry Center. Other events open to the public include the unveiling of new historical markers at the UTC Intramural Sports Complex next to Engel Stadium on Tuesday. For a complete calendar of events, go to: https://www.utc.edu/chancellor/foundersweek.php.