Our next scheduled Coffee with the Chancellor is Wednesday, March 4 between 8:00 AM to 9:30 AM. This month the Coffee will be in the Jim Lewis Studio in the Fine Arts Center. Directions to the studio are:
-Enter the Fine Arts Center from Vine Street
-Walk past box office (on right) and at first hallway on right turn right
-First door on left: Labeled Jim Lewis Studio
-You will go down the stairs and the studio is located on the right side. (We will have a student down at the bottom of the stairs).
Visit with me and other colleagues. Share ideas. Ask questions. The only agenda is to have some meaningful conversation.
The open door format allows you to drop by and chat for a few minutes about whatever is on your mind and gives me an opportunity to hear directly from you about a variety of topics.
I look forward to meeting and talking with you.
Steve Angle
Coffee with the Chancellor
March 4, 8:00 am – 9:30 am
Jim Lewis Studio, Fine Arts Center