Helping our students achieve success lies at the heart of everything we do, and that includes a commitment to providing an environment safe from all forms of sexual misconduct and relationship violence. Sexual assault, domestic violence, dating violence, relationship violence, stalking and any other sexual misconduct will not be tolerated on our campus.
To this end, we have worked with the University of Tennessee system to adopt an interim policy for students and employees that clearly defines unacceptable behavior, explains reporting options, and outlines resources available on campus. Violation of this policy can be grounds for disciplinary action that may include permanent dismissal from the University and termination of employment. A copy of the interim policy can be found here.
I strongly encourage survivors of sexual misconduct or relationship violence to promptly report the incident to UTC’s Title IX coordinator, the Dean of Students Office, or the UTC Police Department. We have services available to help survivors but we can only serve those who report. Let me stress that reporting an incident to the University does not obligate you to pursue University discipline or criminal prosecution.
While our top priority is to prevent sexual misconduct and relationship violence, we must also increase awareness of reporting options, confidential resources, and other services. I encourage you to read the interim policy and other information at This site includes information regarding policies, complaint procedures, and resources regarding sexual misconduct and relationship violence. You will also find contact information for the appropriate offices.
The interim policy is effective today and will remain in effect until a permanent version of the policy is issued. In the meantime, I encourage each of you to become familiar with the interim policy and the website. Our Title IX committee will seek input on the interim policy from students, faculty, and staff. Announcements of public meetings of this group will be posted at
Under this interim policy faculty and staff designated as “responsible employees” must report any notice of an incident of sexual misconduct or relationship violence to the Title IX coordinator or a deputy Title IX coordinator. On our campus, the Title IX coordinator is Dr. Bryan Samuel, and our deputy Title IX coordinators are Laura Herron in Athletics and Jim Hicks in Student Development.
These steps will help create a safe environment for our campus community. Thank you for your concern and feedback.
Steve Angle