President DiPietro recently announced that the UT System will be participating in an Employee Satisfaction Survey beginning in a few weeks. I encourage you to take the time to offer your input in this very important effort. The strength of our University depends on you, and it is critical that you share your ideas and concerns.
The 2014 Employee Satisfaction Survey will be administered November 3rd through the 21st. The survey will be available on line, and we will make arrangements to give employees who do not use a computer in their normal work an opportunity to complete the survey.
Our partners in this project will again be ModernThink. On October 14, 3-4 p.m., in the Chattanooga Room, representatives from ModernThink will join campus and system leaders to explain the survey process and objectives. I hope you will attend this important meeting to learn about the survey and to ask any questions you might have.
After receiving the results of the 2011 survey, the UT System worked to address concerns regarding compensation and communication. On our campus, we took several steps to improve communication and training, including:
- Implementation of the UTC Leadership Development Initiative to improve management and leadership competencies of faculty and staff members.
- Introduction of monthly Network & Learn events to provide professional development for administrative support staff.
- Introduction of a new campus-wide newsletter.
During the last survey administration, 62 percent of UTC employees completed the survey. I hope we can exceed that level of participation this year, but reaching that goal will require your completing the survey.
We are committed to using the results of this survey and other planning initiatives to create an even better, stronger UTC. Please join us by making your voice heard.
Open Forum
October 14, 3-4 p.m.
University Center, Chattanooga Rooms