Research and innovation are key in finding solutions to problems and making life better for people. Research and innovation at the University of Tennessee at Chattanooga make life better on campus and beyond.
This fall will bring about one of the largest-scale and most sweeping innovations ever implemented on campus: Cohort 2025. The name is based on the fact that the new approach is intended to ensure that every student is enmeshed in a community—or cohort group—and it begins with the incoming freshman class, which will be the first to graduate, in 2025, having been made up of cohorts since Day 1. Extensive research documents the positive impact of cohorts on student retention and graduation, including small, pilot efforts with students at UTC.
And even as this massive effort to better serve and support students has been under way, so has undergraduate, graduate and faculty research at UTC. On everything from why some species of fish eat their young, to why some people are skeptical of public health vaccines. So let us look closely now, because while COVID and the world pandemic took over the news cycle and most of our attention over the last year and more, UTC has steadily marched on, working on a better future for everyone.
George Heddleston
Vice Chancellor, Communications and Marketing
Stephen Rumbaugh
Lynn Newton
Sarah Joyner
Shawn Ryan
Gina Stafford
Chuck Wasserstrom
Angela Foster
Mike Andrews
Jacob Cagle
Chris Gilligan
We welcome your feedback:

The University of Tennessee at Chattanooga is a comprehensive, community-engaged campus of the University of Tennessee System. The University of Tennessee at Chattanooga is an equal employment opportunity/affirmative action/Title VI/Title IX/Section 504/ADA/ADEA institution.