Welcome to the Mid-South WPA

The Mission of MSWPA is to share concerns and strategies for addressing local issues at peer institutions; identify a community with which to collaborate on research, grants, and teaching opportunities; and establish a protocol for educating the region about what writing is and does in people’s lives, as well as best practices for teaching writing at all levels.
- Spring 2024 Virginia Peck Symposium on Research and WritingThe 2024 Peck Symposium will be happening on Fri., Feb. 23, at MTSU, and will feature a keynote and a workshop led by Dr. Ashley Joyce Holmes of Georgia State University. “PLACE-MAKING AND WRITING: LEARNING ON LOCATION IN A CHANGING WORLD”: A KEYNOTE AND WORKSHOP“ That will be followed by a business meeting for the Mid-South WPA. Feel free to share this information with colleagues at your institution and others around the region! Attendance is free, and spots are limited….
- Guest Speaker: John Warner on AI and the Future of WritingThe University of Alabama First-Year Writing program has invited John Warner (Inside Higher Ed, The Atlantic, Why They Can’t Write, and others) to give a presentation and workshop on the pedagogical implications of ChatGPT. ChatGPT has been very much in the news recently; it’s an artificial intelligence chatbot that can write just about anything on demand. John will give a large lecture from 5:30-7 pm on Monday, March 6, and a smaller (catered) lunchtime workshop for GTAs on Tuesday, March…
- Spring 2021 Virginia Peck Symposium on Research and WritingPlease don’t forget to register for the Peck Symposium on Research and Writing. In past years we have gathered regional teacher-scholars to middle Tennessee to build community around a workshop and keynote on research and writing from a celebrated speaker. Because the best part of Peck is the opportunity to develop community with regional partners, instead of a more traditional digital meetup we will group interested participants in parties of four and invite them to mail writing, research, or a…
- Purchase Christine Tulley’s book (at the Peck Research on Writing Symposium)Dr. Tulley’s new book, How Writing Faculty Write: Strategies for Process, Product, and Productivity, will be available at the symposium. These copies will be available for $20 cash! That’s $5.95 off the sticker price. You may also order advanced copies from the Utah State University Press website with a 20% off code for $20.76. You’ll need to contact Julie Barger or Kate Pantelides for that code.
- Join us on Friday, April 13 for the 2018 Peck Research on Writing Symposium!Hello, writing teacher/scholars! Please consider joining us on Friday, April 13 for the 2018 Peck Research on Writing Symposium, sponsored by Middle Tennessee State University’s Department of English. This event has two purposes: 1) to engage writing faculty from area universities and secondary schools in considering timely issues in the research and teaching of writing, and 2) to bring together members of the WPA Midsouth affiliate of the Council of Writing Program Administrators for our annual meeting. This entire event is free, but space…