Have you heard that UTC has a new full-time Ombuds? This means that our campus has a valuable and dedicated resource supporting and facilitating employee and group development in ways that align with multiple factors supporting our institution’s Total Organizational Health (TOH@UTC). Please read the rest of this blog post to find out more.
What is an Ombuds?
An Ombuds is essentially an independent organization within a broader organization or institution. The office of ombuds, under this independence provides confidentiality, impartiality, and an informal process that gives employees options when managing challenges and conflicts at work. An Ombuds serves as a resource to help individuals navigate these difficulties through workshops, reality-testing, mediation/facilitation, and coaching. The ombuds also provides a listening ear, and a judgment-free place where people can feel heard, understood, and a place where people feel that they matter. No matter how big or small the challenge, Ombuds services are there to help.
Why does UTC have an Ombuds?
Ombuds services at UTC empower all of our employees to address concerns, improve communication, and enhance the overall health of each other and our broader organization. Ombuds promote fairness, respect, equity, and civility.
How does Ombuds services fit within UTC’s Total Organizational Health (TOH@UTC) initiative?
The presence of an Ombuds at UTC is very real and tangible example of an organizational level resource that supports and facilitates broader Total Organizational Health (TOH) within this university. Ombuds services are integral to our commitment to creating a positive work and learning environment. By offering a safe space for individuals to address their concerns, seek resolution, and enhance their communication and conflict management skills, we contribute to UTC’s overall well-being and effectiveness. Ombuds support a culture where conflict is viewed as an opportunity for growth and innovation, fostering a psychologically safe and constructive dialogue. Within UTC, the Ombuds service is designed to support a community in which conflict can be effectively managed as a natural part of working with and empowering others to constructively navigate challenges towards desired and innovative outcomes.
When should someone seek Ombuds services?
The Ombuds is a reliable resource whenever you find yourself uncertain about how to handle a difficult workplace situation. They are always available to offer guidance but visiting them is never an obligation. Some common themes they address include supervisor evaluations, interpersonal dynamics and conflicts, complaints, organizational policies, and other sensitive issues. They also provide valuable support in skill-building to help employees effectively address workplace challenges. See below for a closer look at the common challenges they assist with.

Where can I learn more?
The best place to go for current information about Ombuds services at UTC is the UTC Ombuds Website (https://www.utc.edu/chancellor/leadership/ombuds). The best way to schedule a meeting is to email Dr. Anovia Slaughter at UTCOMBUD@utc.edu or call 423-425-5729.