Updates and news for the week of July 2-8, 2024
The UTC Campus Weekly newsletter is distributed every Tuesday morning. If you have news, events or announcements you would like shared with campus, please submit your information to peyton-l-schultz@utc.edu or chuck-wasserstrom@utc.edu in the Division of Communications and Marketing by 3 p.m. on Friday for placement in the following Tuesday’s newsletter.
Submit your events for Welcome Week 2024

Our goal for Welcome Week 2024 is to offer a calendar full of fun and engaging events that welcome our students to the start of a new semester, and we need your help.
If you are hosting an event or program during the first week of classes (Aug. 18-24), please submit your event to the official calendar found on the Welcome Week webpage. Click here to access the event submission form. The priority deadline to submit events for the Welcome Week calendar is Friday, July 26.
More information about submitting an event for the Welcome Week calendar can be found here. Contact Director of Student and Family Engagement Laura Petrus (laura-petrus@utc.edu) with questions.
Volunteers needed for Operation Move In

Operation Move In for incoming freshmen and transfers is scheduled for Thursday, Aug. 15, and Housing and Residence Life could use as many hands as possible to make this day go as smoothly as possible for our newest residents.
If you are interested in volunteering for OMI, please fill out the OMI volunteer signup form and share the link with others. Those who volunteer will receive a meal voucher for UTC Dining and a signature OMI T-shirt as a special thank you.
The outstanding people of UTC
 Dr. Mina Sartipi, left, and Brett Fuchs
Two members of the UTC family, Dr. Mina Sartipi and Associate Dean of Students Brett Fuchs, have been announced as 2024 President’s Award winners—the highest accolade an employee can receive from the UT System.
Sartipi won the President’s Award in the “Nimble and Innovative” category, an award that honors an individual who “inspires creative and transformational action.”
Fuchs was the recipient of the President’s Award in the “Excel in All We Do” category. The award honors an individual who “commits to continuous improvement and outstanding performance.”
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 From left: Dr. Drew Bailey, Dr. Jose Barbosa, Dr. Erika Schafer, Dr. Joey Shaw
The University of Tennessee Alumni Association recently recognized several faculty members for their outstanding service to the University and community. This year’s recipients included Dr. Andrew Bailey and Dr. Jose Barbosa (Outstanding Teacher Award), Dr. Erika Schafer (Public Service Award) and Dr. Joey Shaw (Distinguished Service Professor). Each received a certificate and stipend and was invited to attend the Board of Governors Dinner in Knoxville.
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 Photo credit: gomocs.com
The Mocs Athletics Department marketing team earned national recognition at the recent 2024 National Association of Collegiate Marketing Administrators convention. The marketing team, in collaboration with creative services, earned a “Best Of” award for its efforts during “90’s Night” this past basketball season. The award, presented by Old Hat, recognized UTC as its Gold winner in the Group 2 (FCS) designation for the “Single Game Attendance/Sellout Campaign” category.
Associate AD for Marketing and Promotions Ashley Alletto spearheaded the campaign. UTC staffers who contributed directly to the winning performance included Andrew Horton (deputy AD, external operations), Hannah Mitchell (director of marketing), Leah Gill (assistant AD, creative services), Tate Johnson (production director) and Abby Walker (production specialist).
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 UTC students Abbe Burden (third from left) and Meredith McNeeley (holding trophy) with the Golden Lion, along with alums (from left) Rikki Heard, Stephanie Blaine, Beth Gentry Mannle, Mandy Holland Savage, Kacie Sherrell and Fran Bryan. Photo courtesy of Stephanie Blaine.
The UTC chapter (Beta Beta) of Alpha Delta Pi was awarded the Golden Lion Hall of Fame Award at ΑΔΠ’s 173rd anniversary Grand Convention. Beta Beta, founded in 1926, earned the award for the first time.
Golden Lion is the highest chapter award in Alpha Delta Pi and is presented to chapters who excel in all aspects of chapter performance. Nationally, Alpha Delta Pi sits at 155 active chapters; this year, 33 chapters were nominated, and nine were awarded Golden Lion. Beta Beta is in the top 5% nationally.
Mark your calendar

Human Resources provided a series of July staff development opportunities—including a two-session Crucial Learning-hosted program taking place from 1-2 p.m. on Tuesday, July 16, and Tuesday, July 30. Click here for the complete list.
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The College of Engineering and Computer Science is hosting a virtual graduate program information session at 2 p.m. on Wednesday, July 10. Please RSVP through the Zoom link to learn more about programs in Engineering, Engineering Management and Computer Science.
For more information, contact Mackenzie-L-Clark@utc.edu.
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Campus Recreation is running a faculty and staff summer pickleball league July 16-Aug. 1 from noon-1 p.m. on Tuesdays and Thursdays on the ARC’s basketball courts. Click here to register on imleagues.com.
For more information, email Campus Recreation Coordinator of Intramural Sports Amy Slagle (amy-slagle@utc.edu).
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New Student and Family Programs will be hosting orientation sessions throughout the summer for all new students entering UTC in the fall, including the following dates:
- Freshman sessions: July 15, 16, 25, 26
- Transfer sessions: July 18, 23 (online) … Aug. 1
On average, the University sees over 6,000 new students and their guests throughout the summer program.
All in-person orientations will have an information desk located in the University Center’s first floor gallery. Please direct anyone with orientation-related questions to the information desk.
Please contact carrie-sherbesman@utc.edu if you have any questions.
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The Center for Wellbeing will be hosting a series of trainings for staff and faculty this summer. If interested, please sign up here. The Center’s staff is happy to schedule trainings for specific teams or departments at other times throughout the year. Reach out to megan-mcknight@utc.edu with questions or to request a training.
- Thursday, July 11: Promoting Healthy Sleep Among Students (University Center 350), 1-2 p.m.
- Wednesday, July 17: QPR: Question, Persuade, Refer (University Center 350), 10-11 a.m.
- Wednesday, July 17: Suicide Prevention Using C-SSRS (University Center 350), 11 a.m.-noon
- Thursday, July 18: Promoting Healthy Sleep Among Students (virtual), 10-11 a.m.
- Monday, July 22: Opioid Overdose Prevention & Narcan (University Center 350), 1-2 p.m.
- Thursday, July 25: Mental Health First Aid (University Center 350), 8 a.m.-4 p.m.
- Wednesday, July 31: Recovery Allyship: How to Support Students Who Are Struggling or Have Struggled with Substance Use (virtual), noon-2 p.m.
- Monday, Aug. 5: QPR: Question, Persuade, Refer (virtual), 2-3 p.m.
- Monday, Aug. 5: Suicide Prevention Using C-SSRS (virtual), 3-4 p.m.
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 Photo credit: UT System
Join the UT System Institutional Effectiveness (IE) team for the 2024 IE Summit from July 9-11, where data practitioners across all UT campuses and institutes will explore the future of data-driven excellence. At a one-hour virtual session each day, participants will engage with colleagues through insightful sessions on AI technologies, data stewardship and the evaluation of our data dashboards.
Don’t miss this opportunity to shape the next chapter in supporting the UT mission through data. Register now to be part of the conversation.
Notice of Final Defense: Upcoming Research Presentations

The UTC Graduate School announced that the following students will be presenting their final works of research as advanced degree candidates. Everyone is invited to attend.
Campus Updates

Search committee orientation is a critical component of UTC’s hiring process. What was previously conducted via Zoom as search committee training has transitioned to a new and refreshed self-paced asynchronous online training module that can easily be accessed in K@TE through this link: Faculty and Exempt Staff Search Committee Orientation.
This shift ensures a more streamlined process, consistency in content, accessibility and convenience for all participants. It emerged as a collaboration between the Office of Equity and Inclusion and Human Resources and underscores our institutional commitment to continuous improvement in fostering an inclusive and equitable hiring environment at UTC.
Faculty and exempt staff members serving on search committees must undergo search committee orientation every two years if they plan to participate in the hiring process for positions at UTC. It is not required for non-exempt staff searches but is highly recommended. For more information, click here. Email oei@utc.edu with questions, comments or concerns.
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On the third anniversary of the University of Tennessee acquiring Martin Methodist College, UT Press released “University of Tennessee Southern: The Rebirth of an Institution.”
“In our careers, we make few decisions that will have a lasting impact for others,” said UT President Randy Boyd in the book’s foreword. “The acquisition of Martin Methodist College by the University of Tennessee proved to be one and was another step forward in making this the greatest decade in UT’s history.”
In the book, authors Mark La Branche, UT Southern chancellor emeritus, and Jennifer Sicking, UT System director of publications and executive editor of Our Tennessee magazine, detail the steps taken to merge Martin Methodist College, a faith-based institution, with the University of Tennessee System. Faculty and staff members share their thoughts and concerns as well as their preparations for the integration of two institutions of higher education with one passion for expanding educational opportunities for the residents of Tennessee.
“University of Tennessee Southern: The Rebirth of an Institution” may be ordered at utpress.org.
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The 2025 UT Grand Challenges Summit will take place Feb. 13-14, 2025, at the Embassy Suites in Murfreesboro.
Join the UT System for an impactful summit aimed at addressing Tennessee’s most pressing issues. By convening a diverse group of experts and stakeholders to think in terms of wholes rather than fragmented parts, the summit’s goal is to foster innovative solutions and strategic partnerships to drive meaningful change across the state. This is a unique opportunity to delve into interconnected challenges and collaboratively explore ways to advance our communities.
- The Grand Challenge areas are overcoming addiction, advancing K-12 education, and strengthening Tennessee’s rural communities.
The UT System also is seeking engaging presentations from University-affiliated faculty and staff for this summit. Share your insights and lead discussions by providing an overview of your work. Click here to apply to be a presenter; the submission deadline is Sept. 1.
Looking back
 Chancellor Angle and Chattanooga State Community College President Rebecca Ashford sign the associate to bachelor’s environmental science transfer agreement.
An MOU with Chattanooga State Community College has created a seamless pathway for ChattState students to transfer into UTC’s Bachelor of Science in Environmental Science program following the successful completion of their associate degree program.
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 “The Supreme Court and My Hometown” high school student participants and their college mentors. Photo by Judge Curtis L. Collier.
From June 10 to June 21, Dr. Michelle Deardorff—the Adolph S. Ochs Professor of Government and head of the UTC Department of Political Science and Public Service—and UTC hosted “The Supreme Court and My Hometown,” a collaboration of the Supreme Court Historical Society, the United States District Court’s Eastern District of Tennessee and the UTC Department of Political Science and Public Service.
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The UTC/Erlanger Health System Nurse Anesthesia Concentration has achieved a significant milestone, being granted a 10-year continued accreditation through spring 2034 by the directors of the Council on Accreditation of Nurse Anesthesia Educational Programs (COA). The COA recognized the School of Nursing concentration for providing graduate-level curriculum leading to the award of a Doctor of Nursing Practice.
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 Dr. Mengjun Xie is a UC Foundation professor of computer science and director of the InfoSec Center.
In a report issued by the White House last week, UTC was recognized for its contributions to the U.S. National Cybersecurity Strategy launched in March 2023. The report cited UTC for achieving National Center of Academic Excellence in Cybersecurity designation with its “Collaborative Research: CyberCorps Scholarship for Service: Strengthening the National Cybersecurity Workforce With Integrated Learning of AI/ML and Cybersecurity.”
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Established in honor of the seven-person crew who tragically lost their lives in the 1986 space shuttle Challenger disaster, the UTC Challenger STEM Learning Center was created to educate and inspire the next generation. The initiative was led by June Scobee Rodgers—the wife of Challenger Captain Richard Scobee—and the families of the crew.
The center annually educates thousands of K-12 students.
WUTC Spotlight: Live in the Library:
 Photo courtesy of Coyote Motel
A recent episode of “Live in the Library” on WUTC-FM, recorded in the Chattanooga Public Library studio, featured cosmic roots music by Nashville-based band Coyote Motel.
Coyote Motel, led by guitarist and singer Ted Drozdowski, is described as a mix of Pink Floyd and The Band.