Updates and news for the week of June 4-10, 2024
The UTC Campus Weekly newsletter is distributed every Tuesday morning. If you have news, events or announcements you would like shared with campus, please submit your information to peyton-l-schultz@utc.edu or chuck-wasserstrom@utc.edu in the Division of Communications and Marketing by 3 p.m. on Friday for placement in the following Tuesday’s newsletter.
From the UTC Podlab: Tennessee Valley Crossroads
 Communication student Ava Nessell and computer science student Adriel Poo Armas
“Tennessee Valley Crossroads” is a University of Tennessee at Chattanooga student-produced podcast that brings classmates together to have candid, unscripted conversations, fostering empathy and breaking down barriers between students from different cultures and backgrounds. Under the direction of Will Davis, students came to the UTC PodLab and opened their lives with stories about their families, their politics and their hopes for the future.
This week’s episode features a conversation between computer science student Adriel Poo Armas and communication student Ava Nessell.
- “Tennessee Valley Crossroads” is inspired by StoryCorps’ One Small Step initiative, which brings together to find the humanity in each other.
- You can listen to “Tennessee Valley Crossroads” on WUTC 88.1 FM every Monday during Morning Edition and All Things Considered, and subscribe to the “Tennessee Valley Crossroads” podcast on Apple Podcasts or Spotify.
The outstanding people of UTC
 From left: Cassandra Castillo, Maddie Charnes, Caroline Colvin, Bethany Cothran, Mason Edwards (photos by Abby White/Rising Rock)
Five UTC communication majors have been recognized for their multimedia and journalism skills. Mason Edwards, Bethany Cothran, Cassandra Castillo, Caroline Colvin and Maddie Charnes took home top honors in all three student categories—Best Feature Story, Best Student Journalist and Best News Coverage—at the recent Golden Press Card Awards in Knoxville.
Hosted by the East Tennessee chapter of the Society of Professional Journalists, the Golden Press Card Awards’ main goal is to encourage high standards and celebrate the talented writers in the state.
In a different contest, various works from all Rising Rock students placed UTC 10th in the Hearst Intercollegiate Writing Competition—the University’s first Top 10 finish in the national competition.
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 UTFI President and CEO Kerry Witcher, left, and Ryan Jones
Congratulations to Ryan Jones, senior associate athletics director for advancement and Mocs Club, for receiving the 2024 UT Foundation President’s Award. This is the highest UT System honor an advancement employee can receive and recognizes outstanding achievements in applying creative concepts to improving performance, advancing fundraising and alumni engagement efforts. Read more about all of the 2024 recipients.
Mark your calendar

The Office of Multicultural Affairs and the UTC Black Faculty and Staff Association are hosting UTC’s Juneteenth celebration from noon-2 p.m. on Friday, June 14, in the Lupton Hall first floor lobby. The event is open to faculty, staff, students, alumni and family.
Learn more about Juneteenth’s origins as we celebrate its culture and heritage. This is a family reunion-style event where we gather to learn, celebrate and engage with our campus community.
Food and T-shirts will be provided while supplies last. Attendees are asked to RSVP via MocSync by Wednesday, June 12.
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New Student and Family Programs will be hosting orientation sessions throughout the summer for all new students entering UTC in the fall, including the following dates in June:
- Freshman sessions: June 6, 7, 17, 18
- Transfer sessions: June 4, 21, 27 (online)
On average, the University sees over 6,000 new students and their guests throughout the summer program.
- Click here for the “Save the Date” flier.
- Click here for the schedule of events for freshman and parent/guest orientation.
All in-person orientations will have an information desk located in the University Center’s first floor gallery. Please direct anyone with orientation-related questions to the information desk.
Please contact carrie-sherbesman@utc.edu if you have any questions. Thank you in advance for making our orientation program a success.
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Campus Recreation is running a faculty and staff summer pickleball league June 11-27 from noon-2 p.m. on Tuesdays and Thursdays on the ARC’s basketball courts.
- Click here to register on imleagues.com.
- Registration ends on Monday (June 10).
Want to learn how to play pickleball? The ARC will be hosting pickleball practice sessions from noon-1 p.m. today (June 4) and Thursday (June 6).
For more information, email amy-slagle@utc.edu, Campus Recreation’s coordinator of intramural sports.
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The Center for Wellbeing will be hosting a series of trainings for staff and faculty this summer. If interested, please sign up here. The Center’s staff is happy to schedule trainings for specific teams or departments at other times throughout the year. Reach out to megan-mcknight@utc.edu with questions or to request a training.
- Wednesday (June 5): Opioid Overdose Prevention and Narcan (University Center 350), noon-1 p.m.
- Wednesday, June 12: Promoting Student Wellbeing: The Dimensions of Wellness (virtual), 2-3 p.m.
- Wednesday, June 19: QPR: Question, Persuade, Refer (virtual), 11 a.m.-noon
- Wednesday, June 19: Suicide Prevention Using C-SSRS (virtual), noon-1 p.m.
- Wednesday, June 26: Promoting Student Wellbeing: The Dimensions of Wellness (University Center 350), 11 a.m.-noon
- Thursday, July 11: Promoting Healthy Sleep Among Students (University Center 350), 1-2 p.m.
- Wednesday, July 17: QPR: Question, Persuade, Refer (University Center 350), 10-11 a.m.
- Wednesday, July 17: Suicide Prevention Using C-SSRS (University Center 350), 11 a.m.-noon
- Thursday, July 18: Promoting Healthy Sleep Among Students (virtual), 10-11 a.m.
- Monday, July 22: Opioid Overdose Prevention & Narcan (University Center 350), 1-2 p.m.
- Thursday, July 25: Mental Health First Aid (University Center 350), 8 a.m.-4 p.m.
- Wednesday, July 31: Recovery Allyship: How to Support Students Who Are Struggling or Have Struggled with Substance Use (virtual), noon-2 p.m.
- Monday, August 5: QPR: Question, Persuade, Refer (virtual), 2-3 p.m.
- Monday, August 5: Suicide Prevention Using C-SSRS (virtual), 3-4 p.m.
Notice of Final Defense: Upcoming Research Presentations

The UTC Graduate School announced that the following students will be presenting their final works of research as advanced degree candidates. Everyone is invited to attend.
- Today (June 4): Claudia Colpo, 540 McCallie Ave. Room 357, 3 p.m., Calendar
- Thursday (June 6): Erin Prince, 540 McCallie Ave. Room 357, noon, Calendar
- Tuesday, June 11: Ayman Gumaa, Zoom, 10:30 a.m., Calendar
- Thursday, June 13: Mohammad Murshed, Zoom, 2 p.m., Calendar
- Monday, June 17: Nafiseh Ghaffar Nia, ECS Conference Room 347, 2 p.m., Calendar
Campus Updates

Human Resources provided a series of June staff development opportunities—including an Optum-hosted online event, “Communication: Beyond the Basics,” taking place from 2-3 p.m. on Tuesday, June 18. Click here for the complete list.
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Search committee orientation is a critical component of UTC’s hiring process. What was previously conducted via Zoom as search committee training has transitioned to a new and refreshed self-paced asynchronous online training module that can easily be accessed in K@TE through this link: Faculty and Exempt Staff Search Committee Orientation.
This shift ensures a more streamlined process, consistency in content, accessibility and convenience for all participants. It emerged as a collaboration between the Office of Equity and Inclusion and Human Resources and underscores our institutional commitment to continuous improvement in fostering an inclusive and equitable hiring environment at UTC.
Faculty and exempt staff members serving on search committees must undergo search committee orientation every two years if they plan to participate in the hiring process for positions at UTC. It is not required for non-exempt staff searches but is highly recommended. For more information, click here. Email oei@utc.edu with questions, comments or concerns.
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 Photo credit: UT System
Join the UT System Institutional Effectiveness (IE) team for the 2024 IE Summit from July 9–11, where data practitioners across all UT campuses and institutes will explore the future of data-driven excellence. At a one-hour virtual session each day, participants will engage with colleagues through insightful sessions on AI technologies, data stewardship and the evaluation of our data dashboards.
Don’t miss this opportunity to shape the next chapter in supporting the UT mission through data. Register now to be part of the conversation.
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Save the date! UTC is excited to participate in the United Way of Greater Chattanooga’s city-wide “Day of Caring” volunteer service initiative on Friday, September 20. Your serving hands are needed to represent, bring together and impact the residents and partners in Chattanooga.
Indoor or outdoor projects may include painting, moving debris or gardening. Interested students, faculty and staff will be able to indicate a preferred volunteer site, and transportation will be available. Additional details, including registration information, is forthcoming.
Email Daniel-Grzesik@utc.edu, the director of Leadership Development and Programs, if you have any questions about getting involved with this volunteer service initiative.
Looking back
 Olivia Reeves celebrates after completing a 150kg clean and jerk lift at the 2024 IWF World Cup in Phuket, Thailand (photo by USA Weightlifting).
In case you missed it, Olivia Reeves—a senior sociology major at UTC—was announced as a member of the United States Olympic weightlifting team for the 2024 Paris Olympics.
She is looking to become the first UTC currently-enrolled student to participate in the Olympic Games—and is believed to be the first student in the University’s 138-year history to be selected for an Olympic team.
Reeves will arrive in Paris on July 18, where she will spend nearly a month as the competitions take place. She will compete at 7:30 p.m. Paris time (1:30 p.m. in Chattanooga) on Friday, Aug. 9.
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 Dr. Don Reising
A team led by UTC Guerry and UC Foundation Associate Professor of Electrical Engineering Don Reising, TVA and Grid Protection Alliance are collaborating on a way to prevent headaches for power companies. Reising and his graduate students have researched the issue for the past three years using $300,000 in TVA grants.
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 Hamilton County Schools Student Ambassadors Benjamin Rodriguez Cruz (left), Malik Bailey, Bao Hoang, Sindi Gonzalez Larios, Heaven Adkins, Jasmine Moore, Kimora Reid and Jaylin Jordan (photo by Olivia Allen/Hamilton County Schools).
Local high school students came to UTC to share research on topics such as vaping, disruptive incidents and rule violations that take place at their schools. The Hamilton County Schools Student Ambassador members presented to principals and district leaders at a program facilitated by GEAR UP.
WUTC Spotlight: Scenic Roots
 Kanika Jones with Chattanooga Mayor Tim Kelly and a group welcoming the Sister City relationship with Accra, Ghana (photo credit: Kanika Jones)
The Sister Cities program fosters commercial and cultural ties between communities around the world.
Kanika Jones saw the opportunity for a Sister City relationship between Chattanooga and Accra, Ghana, and her first steps helped facilitate what is now official.
A recent episode of “Scenic Roots” on WUTC-FM featured a conversation with Jones, the lead artist and creative director of The Urban Echo Project. She is now hosting a Youth Poetry Workshop at the Chattanooga Public Library, with sessions at 4 p.m. on Tuesdays and Thursdays through June 7.