September 3-9, 2024

Updates and news for the week of September 3-9, 2024

The UTC Campus Weekly newsletter is distributed every Tuesday morning. If you have news, events or announcements you would like shared with campus, please submit your information to or in the Division of Communications and Marketing by 3 p.m. on Friday for placement in the following Tuesday’s newsletter.

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Olympic Celebration

Olivia Reeves with her gold medal in front of the Eiffel Tower. Photo courtesy of Getty Images.

Olivia Reeves with her gold medal in front of the Eiffel Tower. Photo courtesy of Getty Images.

Olympic gold medalist Olivia Reeves will be honored today (Sept. 3) in a parade starting at 5:45 p.m. at the intersection of Vine and Lindsay streets, followed by a celebration on Chamberlain Field.

The event will include remarks and special presentations from UTC, St. Jude Elementary School, Notre Dame High School, Hamilton County Mayor Weston Wamp, City Councilman Ken Smith and a key to the city presentation by Chattanooga Mayor Tim Kelly.

Members of the public can park in any available UTC lots starting at 5 p.m.

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Volunteer for House Calls 2024

House Calls is an Enrollment Management and Student Affairs initiative created to help ease the transition for students experiencing challenges or having questions about life on campus. On Tuesday, Sept. 10, volunteers from the UTC campus will knock on dorm doors and connect with the first-year students to say “Hi” and engage in conversation.

We will provide resources but also engage in meaningful conversations right at the resident’s door. We would love many different offices across campus to participate so our residents can have a versatile experience.

The training will be from 5-6 p.m. with dinner provided in the West Campus Multipurpose Room. We will be going to all resident spaces from 6-8 p.m. to check in with residents. Please fill out the House Calls form before Monday, Sept. 9, and communicate with Sabrina Sims if your plans have changed or if you have questions.

Click here to learn more.

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Institute of Contemporary Art Debuts New Exhibition

The Institute of Contemporary Art, housed in the UTC Fine Arts Center, has opened its fall exhibition—”Groanings Which Cannot Be Uttered” by Reginald Sylvester II. The exhibition is on view through Nov. 9. Upcoming events include:

  • An artist talk with Sylvester from 12-1 p.m. on Thursday, Sept. 5, at the ICA, followed by a free pizza lunch for UTC students in the Fine Arts Center lobby.
  • An opening reception from 6-8 p.m. on Thursday, Sept. 5, with the artist in attendance. The reception is free and open to the public, with light fare served in the Fine Arts Center lobby.

ICA’s new fall hours are Monday-Thursday, 10 a.m.-7 p.m.; Friday, 12-6 p.m.; and Saturday, 12-5 p.m. Free campus parking is available after 5 p.m. on weekdays and weekends.

Outstanding People of UTC

From left: Lauren Ouwerkerk, Francine King, Chancellor Angle, Jack Pitkin, Chris Turner and Joel Wands

From left: Lauren Ouwerkerk, Francine King, Chancellor Angle, Jack Pitkin, Chris Turner and Joel Wands

The Chancellor’s Blue Ribbon award luncheon on Tuesday, Aug. 27, honored seven UTC employees for their hard work and dedication: Michael Jackson (McKenzie Arena ticket operations), Ginger Yates (UTC Police Department), Joel Wands (fire safety specialist), Lauren Ouwerkerk (Center for Women and Gender Equity), Jack Pitkin (Clarence T. Jones Observatory operations manager), Francine King (Facilities, Planning and Management) and Chris Turner (Facilities, Planning and Management)

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Each year, UTC honors staff and faculty who have reached significant service milestones. This year, 242 members of the UTC family will be recognized for reaching important service milestones during the UTC Service Awards Annual Luncheon on Tuesday, Sept. 17—one of the highlights of Founder’s Week. The luncheon provides University administrators with a chance to express their appreciation for their employees’ dedicated service.

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Check out these Mocs making news:

  • Lillian Walters, a junior majoring in communication and an Innovations in Honors student, was named in the Ayers Foundation Trust “Top 25 to Watch” list. Walters is a 2022 graduate of Hardin County High School in Savannah, Tennessee.
  • Sophomore Lily Barrie, a political science major with a minor in environmental studies and a Brock Scholar, has been awarded the Bob Fletcher Memorial Scholarship by the Tennessee Recycling Coalition. The $2,500 scholarship was presented during the 2024 Recycling Awards Ceremony at the Tennessee Sustainability Conference in Gatlinburg, Tennessee.
  • UTC Chemistry and Physics Department Head Keenan Dungey was featured in a NewsChannel 9 story discussing the importance of monitoring PFAS chemicals in Tennessee’s biosolids.
  • UTC ranked third in Animation Career Review’s list of top graphic design schools in Tennessee.

Mark Your Calendar

Photo Credit: Phil Thach /

Photo Credit: Phil Thach /

This week’s Mocs home athletics calendar:

  • Thursday, Sept. 5: Soccer vs. Tennessee Tech, Finley Stadium, 6 p.m.
  • Friday, Sept. 6: Volleyball vs. Tennessee State (Chattanooga Classic), Maclellan Gym, 1 p.m.
  • Friday, Sept. 6: Volleyball vs. Charleston Southern (Chattanooga Classic), Maclellan Gym, 7 p.m.
  • Saturday, Sept. 7: Volleyball vs. Belmont (Chattanooga Classic), Maclellan Gym, 2 p.m.

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UT System Chief Wellness Officer Jessi Gold, M.D., M.S., announced an exceptional opportunity for students to shape the wellness culture at their campus and across the UT System. In collaboration with the UT System Student Success team, Gold is inviting you to apply for the 2024-25 Student Wellness Advisory Council.

Joining the Student Wellness Advisory Council offers students the chance to be wellness ambassadors, drive cultural change and gain valuable professional experience through monthly meetings and wellness projects. Members will also have the opportunity to connect with peers across their campus and the UT System, participate in a summer wellness summit and engage in social media and other wellness initiatives. At least two undergraduate and two graduate representatives will be selected from each campus.

Interested students can learn more and apply here. The application takes less than 10 minutes to complete, and the deadline to apply is Wednesday, Sept. 4.

If you have any questions, contact UT System Student Success Coordinator Dominique Harrison
at or Center for Wellbeing Director Megan McKnight at

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The Prism Center will be conducting Safe Zone Aspiring Ally training sessions on the following dates:

  • Thursday, Sept. 5: 9 a.m.-1 p.m.
  • Monday, Oct. 7: 1-5 p.m.
  • Monday, Dec. 16: 1-5 p.m.
  • Thursday, Feb. 6: 9 a.m.-1 p.m.
  • Wednesday, March 5: 1-5 p.m.
  • Tuesday, April 1: 1-5 p.m.
  • Monday, May 5: 1-5 p.m.

A Safe Zone is a space in which anyone in the LGBTQ+ community will be supported and affirmed. Safe Zone training will help participants learn to create a supportive environment for LGBTQ+ members of campus by providing education, resources and advocacy. The training includes small group activities, an information session and large group discussions. Participants will then be able to display a UTC Safe Zone Aspiring Ally sticker in their office to demonstrate their commitment to the LGBTQ+ community.

Space is limited, so please click here to register.

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The Faculty Senate Executive Team is organizing a social happy hour from 4-6 p.m. on Thursday, Sept. 5, at Universal Joint to welcome faculty back to campus.

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Join the Department of Modern and Classical Languages and Literatures, including Spanish, Latin American studies and the Life Out Loud Residential Learning Community—as well as Pedro Abriles of the River City Company Emerging Producers program—for Canta: Festival de la Canción en Español, from 5-8 p.m. on Friday, Sept. 6 in the UC Auditorium. More than 20 soloists ranging in age from 15 to 78 years of age will present original songs and covers in Spanish from a variety of styles and genres.

The audience will help the jury select finalists, who will present their songs again on Saturday, Oct. 5, at Miller Park’s Fiestaval: A Taste of Latin America. Click here to reserve your free tickets.

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Join Donuts with the Dean, a meet and greet with the Graduate School, from 8:30-9:30 p.m. on Sept. 6, Oct. 4 and Nov. 11, in the first floor lobby of Lupton Hall. Guests will have the opportunity to:

  • Connect with the Graduate School dean and staff
  • Learn more about advanced degrees at UTC
  • Discover valuable resources for graduate students
  • Enjoy light refreshments and donuts

The event is open to all students and faculty interested in graduate studies at UTC.

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The Department of Chemistry and Physics kicks off its fall semester seminar series with a talk presented by Middle Tennessee State University Professor of Chemistry Kevin L. Bicker from 3-4 p.m. on Friday, Sept. 6, in Grote Hall 411. Bicker’s presentation is titled “Using the Peptoid Library Agar Diffusion assay to discover antimicrobial peptoids.” Click here to learn more.

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The Gary W. Rollins College of Business will hold virtual information sessions about UTC’s Master of Business Administration, MS Management, MS Data Analytics, Master of Accountancy, and Business Analytics Certificate graduate programs. The Rollins College of Business graduate degree programs provide flexible course options and career advancement resources to advance your education and elevate your career.

Business Analytics Certificate Information Sessions 

MSDA Information Sessions 

MSM Information Sessions 

MAcc Information Sessions 

MBA Information Sessions 

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The Center for Innovation and Entrepreneurship will host “Understanding Intellectual Property: Strategies for Innovation and Protection” at 2 p.m. on Friday, Sept. 13, via Zoom. Please click here to register in advance.

UT Research Foundation Associate Technology Manager Gregory Sechrist will provide an overview of intellectual property and best practices for protecting research outcomes, reporting inventions and utilizing UTRF’s free services. Angie Morelock, director of award services in the UTC Office of Research and Sponsored Programs (ORSP), will provide an overview of intellectual property and related topics for faculty to consider regarding sponsored research projects.

For more information or questions, contact Commercialization Counselor Jennifer Skjellum at

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UTC is excited to participate in the United Way of Greater Chattanooga’s city-wide “Day of Caring” volunteer service initiative on  Friday, Sept. 20. Make your plans to join your fellow Mocs, the United Way and 500-plus volunteers from around Chattanooga. Your servant leadership hands are needed for efforts such as cleaning, sorting, painting, mowing, mulching, moving debris and writing cards.

UTC volunteers have an opportunity to address community needs at project sites across the city. Interested volunteers need to be available from 7:45 a.m.-12:30 p.m.  A grab-and-go breakfast, transportation and lunch will be available. Click here to register and for additional details.

Email, the director of Leadership Development and Programs, if you have any questions about getting involved with this volunteer service initiative.

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From Sept. 20-22, Mocs Recovery will be taking students to YMCA Camp Cosby in Alpine, Alabama, to join collegiate recovery programs from across the southeast. We will enjoy a weekend making new friends, canoeing, paddle boarding, rock climbing and engaging in recovery peer support spaces. All meals, travel and lodging are provided.

The retreat is open to currently enrolled students who identify as in recovery related to substance use. Interested participants should contact

Campus Updates

As we recognize Sexual Health Awareness Month this September, it is important to recognize sexual health as an important part of overall health and well-being. While sexual health is more than just avoiding disease or unplanned pregnancy, we encourage you to include STI testing as a routine part of your health care.

  • Many STIs, like chlamydia and gonorrhea, can be asymptomatic—sometimes in over 50% of cases.
  • Early detection of STIs through routine testing can prevent serious health issues and reduce the risk of transmission to others.
  • It is recommended that all sexually active individuals be screened for STIs at least annually.
  • Depending on an individual’s number of partners or sexual practices, it may be recommended to test every three to six months.

University Health Services and the Center for Wellbeing are collaborating to bring you free twice-monthly STI testing opportunities this semester, starting Sept. 17-18 at UHS (scheduling will open one week before). Alongside regular testing, barrier methods such as condoms and oral dams can help reduce your risk for STIs and PrEP can reduce your risk for HIV.

Visit UHS or the Center for Wellbeing for free safer sex supplies or if you have questions about sexual health. Follow the Center for Wellbeing’s Instagram page (@utc_cw) to stay updated on future STI testing opportunities.

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Human Resources announced a series of September staff development opportunities, both online and in person, along with several upcoming UT System-wide conferences. Click here to learn more.

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UTC students, the GEAR UP program helps urban students who have faced some serious challenges get on point for high school and realize their college ambitions. This is a great chance for you to change the future for a group of students who are unlikely to reach college and join the economic, civic and social mainstream without the kind of help you can give them.

All GEAR UP positions pay $15 an hour. If you would like to learn more, click on this Campus Updates post—which includes a link to the application packet.

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Preparations for the University Center renovation are well underway. The Chattanooga Rooms have been converted into surge space; the Foundation Room has been emptied and is offline permanently; and the Game Room has been moved to its temporary location in the Blue and Gold section of the Commons. There have also been some temporary departmental moves that you should be aware of:

  • Mocs One Center – Chattanooga A
  • Career Connections – Chattanooga C
  • Mocs Recovery Program – UC 350 (Center for Wellbeing)
  • Veteran and Military Affairs – Hooper 102
  • Office of the University Registrar – Library 4th Floor

Construction is scheduled to begin on the west side of the building (1st floor and Upper Gallery areas).

As always, we encourage everyone to reserve their space for the fall semester early. Reservations for spring 2025 events and meetings will open on Monday, Sept. 30.

UTC Newsroom

Rakiesha Lewis (left) and her daughter, Taylor, at the UTC Library.

Rakiesha Lewis (left) and her daughter, Taylor, at the UTC Library.

Not only was Rakiesha Lewis a full-time criminal justice student completing an undergraduate degree at UTC in 2020, but she was also a full-time mom of three. Four years later, she is a full-time employee coming back to UTC to pursue a Master of Science in Criminal Justice.

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Since 2016, Cassandra Robinson—also known as Ms. Cassandra across campus—has been a friend to everyone who visits Crossroads Dining Hall at UTC. Read what she had to say about her role at UTC.

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Here are some other recent UTC stories featured in the Newsroom:

  • UTC Library’s Special Collections has been awarded a $3,679 Tennessee Historical Records Advisory Board programming regrant through funding made available by the National Historical Publications and Records Commission. The grant funds will support an essential project to digitize, describe and publish online the records of the Woman’s Christian Temperance Union (WCTU) of Chattanooga.
  • Misty Edwards and Stephanie Hood, both veteran teachers in the Scott County (Virginia) Public Schools system, are no strangers to long hours and hard work. However, when the opportunity arose to pursue advanced degrees in school psychology, they embarked on a new challenge that would take their dedication to the next level—driving over 225 miles each way to attend classes at UTC.
  • Justin Domon will graduate from the UTC accelerated Bachelor of Applied Science: Information Technology in Cybersecurity (BAS-IT CyS) program in August. That’s just 12 months after he enrolled in 2023. Following that, he’ll remain a paid intern with TVA through the end of 2024 or until he takes a full-time position—whichever comes first.


Emmy-nominated filmmaker John Beder and co-producer Nicole Brown discussed their documentary “How to Sue the Klan,” which tells the story of a 1980 attack by Klansmen on Black women in Chattanooga and the landmark civil case that followed. UTC communication student Alfred Bolden interviewed them for an episode of WUTC’s “Scenic Roots” as part of his internship.


© 2024 University of Tennessee at Chattanooga
615 McCallie Ave, Chattanooga, TN 37405